Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7372: Chaos Fist! (two)

On top of Lin Xuan's fist, a breath of chaos emerged, as if opening up a world, facing the front, and violently bombarded the past.

As his fists hit, the vast force swept through, and the entire sky was falling apart.

Numerous large cracks appear around it, as if this abyss is about to crack.

The warriors and skeletons in the distance were trembling, their scalp tingling.

what happened?

The breath just now scared them,

But now this breath makes them desperate.

Through the endless void, it seems that they can be easily destroyed.

Ren Tianyue also changed her face: What's going on? What kind of power is this?

She has fought with Lin Xuan more than once. She knows that Lin Xuan is very strong.

Possess a monstrous fire, and a kind of heavy power.

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan did not use that kind of magical fire at all, but exerted a chaotic atmosphere.

When will this guy have this chaotic power?

Ren Tianyue can't figure it out,

As the fist hit her, her body trembled quickly.

Her face changed dramatically,

This power gave her a sense of lethal crisis. Now she knows why the other party did not use his sword skills.

Because the opponent ’s boxing skills are equally terrible,

This punch she couldn't resist.

It is even possible that the smoke will disappear.

She made a mistake.

If she dodged in the first place, she might be able to dodge, but now, she missed the best time.

In the face of a master such as Lin Xuan, if she made a mistake, she would make mistakes.

Otherwise, she will die terribly, and she can only resist.

As for whether it can be blocked? It's up to you.

Thinking of this, Ren Tianyue roared, and a rune of the moon appeared in his brows.

She exerted the power of blood to the extreme.

Four immortals, constantly blooming light, surrounded her, bursting with bright starlight.

At this moment, she was desperate.

The moon in the palm has grown exponentially, constantly spinning, to crush the entire sky.


The next moment, the two collided together,

The sky was falling apart, and the devastating atmosphere directly enveloped everything.

The surrounding void was broken, the mountains in the distance were cracked, and the earth appeared numerous fissures.

Fly like a mad snake in all directions.

The terrible moon surrounding the monstrous fairy was crushed in an instant.

It's like a piece of glass scattered around.

Ren Tianyue kept backing, her eyes were red, she could resist, but she couldn't resist.

This punch was so powerful that it was really too strong. After breaking her peerless immortal method, she hit her.

She was hit hard by a chaotic hammer.

The body immediately cracked.

Large swaths of divine blood spilled in all directions.

Her figure flew upside down, smashing the endless void along the way, forming one after another a terrible black hole.

Eventually, she landed on the ground, forming an abyss.

Endless black smoke flew from the abyss, and there was a sea of ​​blood flying around it, just like Shura hell.

So strong, so scary!

Xu Tianding, when they saw this scene, they also exclaimed: This fist is too terrible.

Lin Xuan retracted his fist, turned and said: let's go.

He felt that several powerful forces were rushing to think about it.

It should be the true **** of Kun Yu, Xiao Qiushui and others.

He doesn't need to fight these people anymore,

He was above these people.

More importantly, he has to leave quickly and meet with Zhou Tianshi.

Xuantian Cho Lingjian and others nodded, and they all entered Xutianding.

Xingtian Ding transformed into a shadow, and instantly disappeared into the void.

They just walked for a short time, and the void broke open again, and a door of space appeared. From there came countless figures.

It was Xiao Qiushui, Zhou Tianhuo and others who took the lead. When they arrived, they looked around.

At this moment, the sky and the earth are empty, there are only terrible fissures, a sea of ​​blood,

Lin Xuan's figure has long disappeared.

what happened?

Escaped? Still lost?

They are not clear.

They found that there was an abyss of the earth in the distance, where the sea of ​​blood was the most terrible.

They rushed forward and wanted to see who was seriously injured?

Xiao Qiushui, they fell into the abyss and looked down.

The next moment, they froze.

Xiao Qiushui was startled, his face turned pale, and Zhou Tianhuo next to him almost did not stand still.

As for those of him, it was even more frightening.

They found that among the ruins of the abyss, a figure was lying upside down, covered with cracks.

No place is intact.

Turned out to be the true God of the Moon!

The people around were stunned,

Xiao Qiushui was also frightened, she did not expect that it was Ren Tianyue who fell here.

Looking at each other's appearance, it should have been badly hit.

what happened? What exactly happened just now?

In such an instant, who can hurt Ren Tianyue?

In addition to Lin Xuan, are there other masters here?

In the rear, Kun Yuzhen, and other strong skeletons, also came. When they saw this scene, they also looked ugly.

They wanted to ask, but Ren Tianyue was too injured and couldn't say a word.

After a long time, she said: Help me.

Her voice was extremely weak,

After listening, Xiao Qiushui was silent and walked over.

One palm smashed the other's Tianling cover,

Ren Tianyue fell and was reborn from a distance.

Not only was Ren Tianyue reborn, they found that the true God of Scorpio was also reborn.

After the two sides converged, they finally learned the truth,

Lin Xuan stabbed the true God of Scorpio and severely injured Ren Tianyue with a punch.

Is this impossible? That kid is so amazing?

Kun Yu's 100 gods do n’t believe it,

Those other people were also stunned.

Is it possible for the other party to get better in the Jedi?

It is very dangerous for others to go to the Jedi.

However, this kid not only came out, but also got a great fortune.

What kind of luck is this? Is n’t it great?

A group of people are extremely envious, even jealous.

If they knew what Lin Xuan had gone through, they would never say it was luck.

That was Lin Xuan, playing with absolute strength.

Xiao Qiushui looked around and frowned, saying: The situation is not so good, Tianyuan's seal has disappeared.

It looks like ~ ~ he successfully found all the destiny stone fragments,

He should have seen Bailiwentian.

Next, he will leave Tianyuan, at that time, it will be difficult for us to find him.

Ren Tianyue gritted his teeth: he would never let him escape. I have already contacted Shengsheng Camp.

Before that, Ren Tianyue had not asked for help, just because her request for help proved that she couldn't.

That way, she would not be able to enter the hall of death.

After so many years of preparation, I will fail.

But now she is really defeated,

The punch that made her scared now.

She knew that she was no longer the opponent of the other party, and she had to let the stronger ones in the camp.

It is even possible that the eight masters who want to go to the hall of life should be started.

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