Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7373: Got it! Hexagram 8 (3)

Lin Xuan returned to the world of weapons at this moment. When they returned, the fragments of those weapons were all excited.

All around, just like the sea, is extremely bright.

When they saw that when Xuantian cut the spirit sword, they were even more excited.

They looked to Lin Xuan, very grateful: Thank you son.

They saluted toward Lin Xuan.

The unicorn sword and the imperial seal came, and they were also excited when they saw this scene.

To be honest, they did not expect that Lin Xuan could really do a great job.

A group of people, flying towards the distance,

This time, even the gossip furnace came out, looking at Xuantian to cut the spirit sword, he laughed.

Old man, you are finally back.

Father Lin, thank you here.

From today, you are our benefactor.

Those weapons are very excited, they want to thank Lin Xuan well.

But Lin Xuan said: This is something I promised a long time ago, and it must be done naturally.

Kirin sword them, want Lin Xuan to spend more time here.

However, Lin Xuan shook his head and said: I have other things to do, and I may have to leave immediately.

When they heard this, they were a little bit reluctant.

The gossip furnace is a figure of gossip, and the mysterious machine floats into the hands of Lin Xuan.

He said: "Lin Gongzi, this is the power of gossip. Everything is in this gossip chart. You can take a good look at it."

Thank you very much.

Lin Xuan was so excited that he could feel that the gossip picture was the same as the yin and yang crown he had obtained at first.

Have mysterious power,

Once he realizes the power of gossip, his strength can be improved.

At that time, then it ’s not just the power of Tai Chi, ascension,

His Chaos Spiritual Body can also ascend.

Prince Lin, where are you going next? Back to your original world?

Asked Kirin.

There is still something to do in this place of rebirth and staying for a while.

Want us to help?

Huang Yin also rushed over.

I may have to fight the Ascension Camp thoroughly, and once I succeed, I can leave here immediately.

If you do, you will be hunted to death camp.

Although he was terrible at Shengsheng Camp, he couldn't cover the sky with one hand, at least he had no control over the situation in the sky.

Big deal, we enter the Jedi and enter Tianyuan City.

Well, I leave a token. If there is a crisis and I need your help, I will send you a message.

Lin Xuan left a jade pendant, and then he left.

He left Tianyuan and the process went smoothly. Ren Tianyue and others did not do anything to him.

On the other hand, after getting news from Shengying, he was extremely angry.

They did not expect that they sent Ren Tianyue, and other powerful men, and did not win the other party.

Did n’t even the seven true gods win each other? That kid is too strong, right?

Ren Tianyue often camps in person before, telling the process all over again.

She said: That guy's sword, very sharp, seems to be able to cut off the power of our rebirth.

I have been reborn several times in his hands.

He may have seen Baili ask God,

However, I did not see the appearance of Bailiwentian.

When I heard the name again, the people who went to the camp were extremely nervous.

Millions of years ago, Baili asked the sky to destroy their plans.

Now that millions of years have passed, there are people who want to use Bailiwentian's hand to deal with them?

Such things must not be allowed to happen.

Gotta catch that kid right away,

Ordinary strong people can't do it, and even a small **** like Tianyue is defeated in the other's hands.

Stronger talent must be sent.

Please go to the existence of the living hall.

Hall of Ascension, in their Ascension Camp, the status is very high,

Everyone wants to get inside.

Endless years, only eight people can successfully enter the hall of death.

The strength of these eight people is even more terrible.

Ren Tianyue and the other elders joined forces to spread the news.

The news reached the hall of death.

The Ascension Hall is really a hall, built on the top of the Mountain of Life, with endless power of life.

In the hall, there are eight figures, each sitting on one side, and they are practicing silently.

The practice in the hall of death is far more than other places. When they are fine, they will not go out.

They want to seek a higher realm.

When the news reached the hall of death, eight people opened their eyes.

This is not an ordinary thing. Some people want to destroy their plans and want to do something with their peerless array.

Moreover, the other party has also seen Bailiwentian, very threatening, they must take the shot.

Among them, there is a man who doesn't have to face his face like a weak scholar.

However, no one dared to look down on him, how terrible he was to be able to enter the hall of death.

After he heard the news, he frowned slightly: Did Ren Tianyue fail?

Unfortunately, she had the opportunity to enter the hall of death and become the next Supreme.

This time, I am afraid there will be no chance within 100,000 years?

Not far from him, there was an old man who said lightly: According to the information provided by Ren Tianyue.

The opponent is a very scary swordsman. The sword energy can be restrained and resurrected.

Such a swordsman is really rare.

He came from the outside, just like the tomorrow division he had seized before.

Since they are not opponents, we can only take action.

Who is going

The voice of the old man went out,

No one immediately responded. They were thinking about the pros and cons.

Although they are all in the camp, they all have their own thoughts.

Everyone, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise the master knows that we will all be punished.

Let me go.

The scholar-like man stood up before: Ren Tianyue and I had a good relationship.

This time, I recommended her and wanted her to enter the hall of death.

She failed, and it was only up to me to clean up the mess.

Quick decision. The old man said in a deep voice.

This scholar-like man, named Holy Innocent God, stepped out and disappeared into the hall.

Seven other people closed their eyes, and they had supreme confidence.

Any one of them can make a shot at ~ ~, and they can easily take the other down.

Even if the opponent has the sword skill, can restrain, revive the power, how about?

Their life force, such as the ocean and sea, is ten times stronger than Ren Tianyue.

The other party can restrain Tianyue, but they can't restrain them.

Ren Tianyue and others were waiting for a reply from the Temple of Death. At the same time, they sent someone there.

They want to inquire about the other party's news, at least know the other party's whereabouts.

When they learned that it was the Holy God who shot, they were all relieved.

It seems that things can be resolved quickly.

On the other side, Lin Xuan didn't know that a more powerful true God came.

At this moment, he has contacted Zhou Tianshi,

Knowing the position of the opponent, he was flying away with all his strength.

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