Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7379: 9 refers to the god! (three)

The guards here were stunned: it was incredible that someone came in!

What is this place? God's performance,

Who dares to come here?

Even if it ’s the true God, you do n’t dare to come here to scatter.

However, they knew that the Supreme One in front of them would not be wrong.

The other party is a lofty existence,

Those who can only speak can be scarier than they think.

Go and inform the gods here.

Even the Supreme Being, the Holy God, did not dare to step into this formation easily,

He must discuss with the array mage here before he can enter.

Find a safe route.

Soon, there were several figures in the distance, these were powerful array mage,

There are heavenly masters, as well as gods.

They were shocked when they learned that someone had come in.

In particular, they learned that it was Zhou Tianshi who had fled before, and they were even more shocked.

One of the red-haired old men gritted his teeth and said, "I really didn't know what was alive or dead that made him escape last time, and he dared to come."

I want to meet with Da Tian Shi. Holy heaven said.

There are countless array mages here, the great ones are heaven masters and **** masters,

However, the most powerful are two people.

These two people, one is the Nine-Fingered Master,

The other is the Great Master.

Jiuzi Master is the existence of Royal Nine Realms,

The Great Master is the master of their life camp.

The Holy God wants to meet with the Great Master.

Da Tianshi's status is very high. Even if he is Supreme, he does not dare to show any arrogance in front of the other party.

However, the old red-haired man on the opposite side said: Da Tian Shi, is now in the core of the formation of the formation, the formation of formation.

I ’m afraid it ’s hard to come back in a short time,

Supreme Master, you can rest assured, in fact, there is no need to come.

We can catch them alone.

You do n’t even need to take the Supreme One ’s own shots. We can use the formation power here to kill them.

Yeah, let ’s do it quickly, remember, quickly.

In the formation,

Lin Xuan, Zhou Tianshi and his party, came to an extremely mysterious place.

The terrain here is unusual.

A bit like a purple dragon, lying on the ground.

This day's performance of the God array is different from the general array method. Here, it is mainly to use various peerless terrains to form a matrix method.

Fusion with each other, forming a more terrible array of gods.

The terrain they are on is a very dangerous and terrible terrain.

When they first arrived, they felt a mysterious atmosphere,

Even those true gods are as close as the enemy.

Here, with a little care, they may fall.

Zhou Tianshi narrowed his eyes,

He said: This is the first key point. If we break it, we can really start the plan.

However, he did not dare to act lightly,

The last time he escaped from here, he destroyed some places.

Those places are not the core, and soon the other formations are fixed.

If this critical place is destroyed, those mages will be hard to repair even if they want to.

It can even take a long time.

The most important thing is not only this role, but if you break it here, a large array of formations around it will break.

When hearing this, Lin Xuan took a deep breath.

They are ready to act.

But how to do it? You have to listen to Zhou Tianshi,

Even Lin Xuan didn't dare to take the slightest care.

On the other side,

The red-haired old man and others also started to act, and they quickly traced each other's tracks.

They found some problems in the purple formation.

The other party really came in,

They seem to have gone to the land of the Purple Dragon.

Stupid thing, where is it bad to go? Go there remotely,

It's too easy to kill them.


Those array mages sneered,

The red-haired old man waved a banner, spurring the power of the formation.

Not only him, but several other masters also shot.

To use the power of the Purple Dragon Land, for them, the burden is also very large.

They believe that once this power is turned on, the other party will surely die.

The Land of the Purple Dragon,

Lin Xuan, they are still outside and dare not go in easily.

This mountain has extremely terrifying power, and they must be careful.

But at this moment, the earth was rolling violently, and the purple mountain range in front of it was shaking quickly, as if living.

Everyone saw an illusion,

A purple dragon opened its teeth and rushed towards them.

No, come back.

The Star Goddess and others roared and hurried to exert their strength.

Lin Xuan said: Don't act lightly.

It's so dangerous here. Going wrong step by step will be going wrong step by step for them.

You must not have the slightest care.

However, no matter what they do, it is too late.

This purple mountain rushed directly over and shrouded them, as if to kill them directly.

At the critical moment, Zhou Tianshi played a pagoda array and shrouded everyone in it.

The roaring sound sounded, the pagoda formations swayed violently, and the light above them became dim.

Many cracks appeared, but it still blocked the attack of this purple dragon.

Everyone was relieved.

Lin Xuan asked: Senior, what's going on? Is this place so dangerous?

Zhou Tianshi frowned, he said: No, someone took the initiative.

It seems that the people who went to the camp knew that we had come in,

They want to use the power of the formation to kill us.

Was it found?

After listening, everyone was shocked.

How to do? Are you leaving? Will the plan be destroyed?

They are all nervous,

However, Zhou Tianshi said: In fact, ~ ~ This also has disadvantages and benefits for us.

The disadvantage is that we will become more dangerous.

They will use the power here to form various terrible killing arrays to attack us.

The advantage is that we can use all our strength to break this formation and directly destroy the purple dragon land.

Those people, dare not come in easily in a short time,

It's very dangerous here, after all.

It is very dangerous for us and for those who died in the camp.

Next, Zhou Tianshi shot.

While playing a defensive formation, protecting everyone.

One side kept condensing to form the Heaven and Earth Avenue, and various mysterious runes fused together.

The whole land shook violently.

They walked forward,

This purple dragon land is very vast, and they walk very slowly.

It's not easy to go out and break this place.

Gradually they found that there were many stones around, just like stone forests, strange shapes.

They began to be careful, avoiding these things.

However, Zhou Tianshi said: "Follow my steps, you must not dodge at will."

"Everything you see is an illusion,"

"In this place, taking the wrong step will be overwhelming."

When I heard this, those around me became nervous.

Lin Xuan hit the dragon dragon soul and surrounded them.

Big Dragon Soul, can cut off the magic speed.

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