Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7380: Like the enemy! (One)

Everyone was careful not to take the wrong step.

However, walking, walking, Lin Xuan's brow frowned tightly.

Because on the way, there seems to be no other danger. Is the formation here the only thing?

He didn't believe it.

He looked cautiously for 4 weeks, and found that there was nothing quiet around him.

There are no enemies, no monsters, and no danger.

When he turned his head and looked backwards, he paused slightly.

Brother Xuan, what's wrong?

Murong Qingcheng also stopped and was very curious. The same was true of the people around them. They looked along Lin Xuan's eyes.

I didn't see the danger.

However, Lin Xuan's brow frowned tightly. He pointed to a figure and said: When did he appear?

The person Lin Xuan was referring to was Yang Potian.

Yang Potian came with them to the Shenshan of Life, a peerless genius, which belongs to the Divine Medicine Garden.

However, Lin Xuan clearly remembered that Yang Potian was beheaded and killed by the people who went to the camp, and he was reborn and reborn.

Not yet come out,

Why is it here?

Those around me were also stunned: what happened?

Among them, there is one more person, and it's sunny, has the other party returned?

This is impossible.

who are you?

The star goddess, if they are close to the enemy, even the true **** of the parasol is ugly.

Yang Potian said: Why don't you leave? Why target me? I am your companion,

As he spoke, he walked forward.

He approached the Indus true god.

No, don't let him approach.

Lin Xuan gave a cold drink.

But Yang Potian has already shot, and in his body, an extremely scary purple light appeared, turning into a purple thunder.

Condensation formed a Thunder God Lock, rushed towards the Indus True God fiercely.

With a bang, the thunder flashed and landed on the Indus True God, locking it.

The Indus true **** didn't respond, he was immediately enveloped, and he felt a repressive power.

Get out of me.

He roared again and again, trying to shatter the Thunder.

However, the power of the Thunder was beyond his expectations,

For a moment, he couldn't break away.

On the contrary, the power of the Thunder ripped his body and the bones appeared.

Those around me were shocked to see this scene: it was incredible that the other party could threaten the true God.

This sun is really not true.

When the true God of Lotus saw this scene, he snorted coldly, and patted it forward.

Turned into a boulevard lotus, killing Yang Potian,

Yang Potian shook his body, surrounded by purple mist.

He retreated to a distance and disappeared.

have they gone? Damn, it should be the power of formation?

The faces of everyone were ugly, and they looked at the true **** of Indus again.

I saw Indus true face dignified, he used some means to break the power of this thunder.

However, his breath dropped a lot.

At this time, the surrounding area gradually fogged, and the purple mist rushed over again.

Zhou Tianshi continued to play and stopped these mists.

However, from these mists, one figure after another came out, these are the figures of the sky.

Of course, everyone knows that this is not Yang Potian at all, this is the power of formation.

It is a means of resurrection camp.

These purple figures rushed over quickly, and the war broke out instantly.

Qingling, the true **** of lotus, Murong allure, they are all tumbling blood,

They found that they could hardly compete with each other.

They tore apart each other's body, but soon they merged into the clouds and killed again.

As if immortal.

Seven-star true god, frowning tightly, he said: He can't be killed at all.

Unless we break this array, otherwise, we can't completely remove these purple figures.

They looked at Zhou Tianshi,

Maybe the other party has a way.

Zhou Tianshi's eyes flickered, and on him, a big Yan array appeared.

Condensing formed one after another, very mysterious and ancient runes, shining in all directions.

He calmly said: Use your **** blood to turn into a sword of blood, you can break them.

Of course, it can only be the blood of the true god, and those below the true **** have no effect.

When they heard this, everyone took a deep breath.

Do it.

Several true gods cut through their fingers and dripped out their own blood, forming a **** sword.

Heading forward, I rushed forward quickly, killing those purple figures in front, and instantly pierced them.

This time, the purple figure made a sound of melting snow.

There was purple cloud smoke rising from above, and a miserable voice came.

This time, after they were pierced, they never appeared again.

Lin Xuan shot better on this side, and he formed his true blood.

His blood is extremely terrible, and it even has a chaotic atmosphere on it.

Because he is now a chaos, and even the bloodline has evolved.

A drop of divine blood crushed the heavens and the world, and the purple figure was broken like a moth on fire.

Finally, those purple figures disappeared,

The crowd was relieved, and they continued on their way.

Before long, they frowned again, because they found that some figures appeared in front of them.

These people stood there, waiting for them. When they saw these figures, Lin Xuan and others were stunned.

This is impossible!

Ye Wudao, also growled wildly ~ ~ The true **** of lotus, they are also dumbfounded.

Even Zhou Tianshi frowned tightly, and they saw the same figure standing in front of them.

Opposite Lin Xuan, Zhou Tianshi, and Murong Qingcheng.

Is it illusion?

Everyone was shocked.

Is it possible to fight against your own phantom?

However, Zhou Tianshi thought more, he said: Not good.

He wanted to do it, but the light under his feet flashed, and they disappeared instantly.

They were teleported away.

They didn't teleport too far, and when they came out, they were relieved.

Murong's body was covered with a powerful phoenix power and turned into a phoenix battle armor. He looked cautiously for 4 weeks.

Because of the surrounding clouds, the purple mist covered everything again.

A figure rushed by,

Murong shot it with one palm and turned it into an ancient phoenix.

Rushed forward.

That figure escaped instantly.

it's me.

Brother Xuan.

Murong exclaimed with a sigh of relief, relieved.

Are you OK?

Lin Xuan came over with a smile and came to Murong Qingcheng, with a look of concern.

Murong shakes his head: No

Before she could finish speaking, her body suddenly trembled.

Because of a sword, it penetrated her body and ripped her Phoenix armor.

Murong tilted his head up, stunned.

Brother Xuan shot her!

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