Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7381: Photo demon mirror (2)

Tick! Tick!

The blood of the Phoenix fell, and Murong was injured.

Her complexion turned pale in an instant,

She was so surprised that she was hurt by Lin Xuan?

No, you are not Brother Xuan, you are the figure of the formation.

Murong exclaimed, she was deceived,

They were teleported away randomly.

Damn, that's a big deal.

Murong gave a cold drink, quickly retreated, and repaired the injury.

The power of the ancient phoenix turned into hordes of phoenix fires, covering her body.

Her injuries recovered quickly, and at the same time, her palms were printed, condensed into a Phoenix Seal, and killed again.

She is going to kill the array of figures in front of her.

However, the figure was sneered, hiding directly in the clouds and disappearing.

Damn, where to run?

Murong also chased the past, and soon, she also entered the clouds, and the phoenix phantom on her body swept continuously.

Not long after, she rushed out and she saw another person.

A pure woman blooming on her body, high above her, very arrogant.

Murong went to the city with one palm,

At the same time, the woman on the opposite side took a picture and turned it into a star map.

I won't let you succeed.

Murong gave a cold hum.

The woman growled and said: It's really me.

I do not believe.

Murong said coldly that she continued to shoot.

After dozens of moves, the star goddess sneered sneerly: smart enough not to lie to you.

After that, she fluttered, jumped into the clouds, and disappeared again.

Murong's face became ugly.

Now I ’m afraid the truth is indistinguishable.

How's everyone else?

She didn't know.

This is not the way to continue,

I hope Zhou Tianshi, or Brother Xuan, can find a solution.

Not only was Murong Allied injured, but the others were also injured in the beginning.

Because they all care,

Next, they will become cautious, but still difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Some of them take the real as fake, and some take the fake as true.

In short, they can't believe anyone, they can only fight on their own.

Gu Santong's face was equally dignified, he was not injured

He has the power of the void.

At the very beginning, he met the 7-star true god.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a fake.

That figure, also played a sword, want to run through his body.

At that moment, the ancient three links were almost scared, and he exerted the power of the madness to make his body blur.

At the critical moment, he finally succeeded.

The sword was empty.

Stuck in the void, tearing the void into a black hole.

Without a hit, the figure melted into the clouds and disappeared.

The body of the ancient three links gradually solidified, but his face became extremely ugly.

Too dangerous.

Lin Xuan has also encountered a crisis, but he has reincarnation.

The heavenly eyes shine through everything and look through everything.

For the time being, he has not been deceived,

However, he could not go out.

The matrix method here seems to become a maze.

Although he can see through the formations, he cannot see through the maze.

Not long after, Lin Xuan met a figure, Zhou Tianshi,

He stopped the other side and did not dare to let the other side approach.

He asked a few questions, which were asked by Chuan Yin, only he and Zhou Tianshi knew.

The other party was all right, Lin Xuan was relieved.

Senior, what should I do?

Zhou Tianshi came over and said: I have a solution, but I need your cooperation.

Zhou Tianshi said something, Lin Xuan nodded after hearing, and said: I understand.

The next moment, he took a deep breath, and his eyes burst into a faint light.

On Lin Xuan's body, a terrible sword atmosphere erupted, and the dazzling sword light flew out of his heavenly spirit cover, straight into the sky.

This sharp breath, even the formation, cannot be covered up.

Those who want to come in the maze will definitely find it.

Sure enough,

Murong fell to them, and they also felt the sharp sword.

It's Brother Xuan's sword qi, which is the breath of the big dragon sword soul.

Lin Xuan's sword spirit was like a light in the night, giving them guidance.

Finally, these people passed through the heavy clouds and came to the neighborhood, and they saw Lin Xuan.

From now on, all stop.

Lin Xuan said coldly.

Because he doesn't know, who really? Who is fake?

There are two Murong Qingcheng, two ancient three links, two Ye Wudao, etc., all of them are two.

What should I do? Is it possible to ask questions one by one?

It may be possible once, but twice or three times. These formations will certainly be able to grasp their information.

At that time, they will not be able to use this method.

Just when they were in a hurry and didn't know what to do, a light suddenly appeared above their heads.

It was a formation, and it turned into a huge mirror.

The mirror is covered with very mysterious runes, and the figures of the people are reflected on the mirror.


The sound of screams sounded instantly, and one of Murong's faces fell, and his expression became haggard.

Black smoke appeared on her, and she began to die.

Not only her, but the other figures as well.

They want to run away, to return to the clouds, but they can't.

In the end, those figures were all wiped out, leaving only some ashes.

The rest of them were relieved: it seemed that all the fakes had been broken, and the mirror was awesome.

What kind of mirror is this?

Qixing Zhen asked curiously.

Zhou Tianshi said lightly: Zhao Yaojing.

It was my intention before, I didn't expect that he could teleport me away.

Next, I will give each of you a battle symbol so that it will not be teleported away.

On the other side, the Holy God's brow frowned and he found that he had failed again.

The gods and gods around them are really powerful. Together, the formation of the formation is very scary.

But I didn't expect it to fail.

Does he really need to do it himself?

The red-haired old man said: Supremely patiently waited ~ ~ Most of them were labyrinth illusions before, mainly to stop them.

We are setting up a peerless killing array, and at this moment, it is the last moment.

Soon, this killing line will open, and at that time, they will definitely be unable to resist.

It turned out to be like this.

The Holy God nodded.

In the formation, Zhou Tianshi also accelerated their speed.

Zhou Tianshi, ready to cut open this purple dragon land, forming a huge crack.

In this way, you can destroy the formation power here,

However, it was very difficult and he needed to find the best place to go.

Looking around, finding a place,

It looks like a sky crater, and the terrain is very low.

However, Zhou Tianshi nodded with satisfaction while standing in this pit.

Can shoot here.

Inverse Sword God

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