Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7382: Mighty! (three)

To the side of Shengying, the red-haired old men smiled at the corners of their mouths.

The layout is finally completed,

They urged a peerless killing.

The boundless power rushed towards the land of the purple dragon.

The earth rolled violently, as if something was about to burst out.

Lin Xuan's face changed greatly, Zhou Tianshi also frowned tightly.

It seems that these people are really fighting back, be careful.

Next, the battle was very difficult.

After winning, we can shoot directly and break this place.

If you lose, you will be in trouble.

Zhou Tianshi didn't make a shot because he was waiting for the counterattack.

Such an attack is very powerful. Obviously, the opponent is carefully prepared.

After being broken this time, the opponent will definitely not be able to launch such an attack in a short time.

At that time, he can crack it with peace of mind.

Everyone nodded after hearing it, dare not have the slightest care.

Soon they found that the ground was cracking, and one figure after another crawled out of the ground.

There are palms with scales, bones, and various strange shapes.

There are monsters, skeletons, humanoids, and even figures wearing shattered armor.

Who are these people?

Star Goddess startled: Isn't this super formation? How it feels like an ancient battlefield.

Everyone found three figures in front of them, extremely terrifying.

A tall figure wearing a broken armor, standing more than 5 meters tall.

With his hands raised, with great strength, he stepped out and the whole world was shaking.

This person's physique is probably extremely powerful.

Another figure, floating in midair, is a flying Yasha.

Half of his body was white bones, and half of his body was rotten, which was terrible.

The last thing is very weird,

It is a weapon, a broken pagoda, only three floors.

Everyone was shocked.

Lin Xuan was curious, a bit like the existence of a unicorn knife.

Could it be possible? In addition to the Kirin Sword, Wan Yaoshan and other weapons, there are some weapons that were given to the camp and then controlled?

Lin Xuan didn't know, he didn't have time to say anything,

Those figures in front had already rushed over.

Get out of me.

The meteor pavilion snorted, and a sword slid forward, hitting the tall figure, and made a shocking sound.

The tall figure just wobbled, and then strode forward.

what's the situation? Can't hurt each other?

After seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Popular pavilion, but a true god, how terrible his sword is,

However, they did not break the defense of the opponent.

What kind of existence does this figure have? Why did it fall?

This figure is so terrible, there are two other figures next to it.

In addition, there are some figures, although the strength is not so scary, but the number is very large.

Next, the Seven-Star True God, the Indus True God and others tried and found that the three-story pagoda and Feitian Yasha were equally terrible.

However, there are differences.

Feitian Yasha is fast. The three-story pagoda has mysterious power.

However, this tall figure, although powerful, but very slow.

This pagoda and this figure, give it to me, Lin Xuan, you deal with Feitian Yasha, is it okay? Zhou Tianshi said.

Lin Xuan said: No problem.

After listening, Zhou Tianshi nodded and looked at the others, saying: The rest are left to you.

The remaining ones are very large. Fortunately, they also have a few true gods. Otherwise, they can't really cope with Murong alone.

After the mission was assigned, the war broke out instantly.

Zhou Tianshi reached out with both hands and grabbed the tall figure with one hand, and grabbed the three-story pagoda with the other.

Between his hands, a terrible matrix emerged.

Lin Xuan struck a sword, hit Feitian Yasha, hit the opponent, and formed a shocking force.

Feitian Yasha was hit and flew directly. Soon, he shook his body and rushed over again.

His cold eyes stared at Lin Xuan.

His body flickered, and in a blink of an eye, he came to Lin Xuan, and the battle Ge in his hand waved fiercely.

That war was covered with cracks, and some places were still broken, missing a corner,

However, the power is extremely scary.

This blow, like a peerless artifact, recovered.

Lin Xuan displayed his Chaos Soul Body, probing out the Chaos Big Hand, and patted him fiercely forward.

On the palm of the hand, there is a groundbreaking power, and it was instantly photographed on the battlefield.

A roaring voice came, the vast force swept through all directions, and the void was instantly broken.

Lin Xuan grabbed the opponent's war, and then roared.

The other hand was painted as a fist, and banged fiercely towards the other's head.

The void was constantly broken and turned into thousands of black holes. There was nothing at all and it could bear the punch of Lin Xuan.


The earth-shattering sound sounded, Feitian Yasha did not escape at all.

Withstood the full power of this punch,

His body shook violently, and the void around him kept breaking.

His skull was also covered with cracks.

This punch directly broke the opponent's head.


When I saw this scene, Lin Xuan raised a smile,

Be considered a solution.

Next, he was able to free up his hands and solve other things.

However, that flying Yasha did not disappear,

Although his skull was broken ~ ~, he still floated in midair.

Even, he turned his head and stared at Lin Xuan, with a faint smile on his lips.

Lin Xuan frowned tightly.

The next moment, among those cracks, he saw some purple breath, like purple magic water, rolling and shaking.

From above, there was a strong breath of life, and the crack was repaired in an instant.

Before breathing, the broken skull recovered.

Feitian Yasha uttered a roar of angry roar, and sprayed a purple lightning, hitting Lin Xuan.

Exit Lin Xuanzhen.

Lin Xuan's blood was rolling and his body was roaring, although his body was powerful,

Under this blow, he still sustained minor injuries.

He frowned tightly,

This flying Yesha was beyond his expectation.

The opponent is not only powerful, but this recovery is equally terrifying.

The purple magic water should be a very powerful life force.

The other's resilience is beyond imagination,

Even more powerful than Ren Tianyue.

Understandable, after all, this is a peerless formation method, formed by condensation, how powerful the power here.

I don't know how many top array masters are in control.

If not, if the other party is destroyed in a flash, I'm afraid the other party will recover soon.

When thinking of this, Lin Xuan was ready to use the big dragon sword.

The Great Dragon Sword, with indestructible power, coupled with red fire and gold, billions of attacks, may be able to kill each other in seconds.

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