Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7383: True Dragon Palm! (One)

In Lin Xuan's eyes, a terrible light burst out. He shot hundreds of millions of dragon sword swords with a terrible light on it.

Instantly penetrated through the opponent's body.

A trembling sound came, Feitian Yasha was hit, and his body was full of wounds, as if to be beaten into nothingness.

Feitasha felt pain, and he roared with anger.

The original face was so horrible that at this moment, it was even more terrible.

He madly casts purple water in his body, preparing to repair the injury.

However, his injury was really too serious, and numerous sword marks appeared on his body. In a short time, it seemed that it could not be repaired at all.

Moreover, these sword marks, even with their indestructible power, seemed to be able to restrain the magical waters of his life.

How did this happen?

Feitian Yasha was stunned, he had never experienced anything like this.

He looked at Lin Xuan with a look of wonder: Where are you sacred? Why is your sword skills so powerful?

I am an invincible being. You are not my opponent at all.

Lin Xuan said coldly.

Feitian Yesha snorted: I admit that you are very strong, but you can't kill me, I am an immortal being.

Especially in this formation, I am immortal and restore me.

All the remaining purple magic water poured out, covering his body, as if wearing a purple battle armor.

Quickly repair injuries.

Although the Great Dragon Soul can restrain each other, the power of this magic water is really too much.

Gradually began to recover.

Isn't this dead?

Lin Xuan frowned tightly: This array is too mysterious. If it is outside the array, the other party should have died hundreds of times long ago.

But with the power of this formation, blessing the opponent can recover. He absolutely does not allow the opponent to recover as before.

When he thought of it, he started to do it again, and again, the savage Jianqi flew out. This time, it was Tai Chi.

The figure of Taiji spins and turns into a dragon of Taiji, growling, hovering and descending from the sky, as if to want to completely suppress Feita Yesha.

The roaring sound sounded, Feitian Yasha couldn't resist, and backed out again.

There were fissures in his body again, and blood mist turned into many places.

Recovery, give me strength.

Feitian Yasha growled wildly, his voice spread all over Jiuxiao, and the whole formation shook violently.

The purple dragon's land also seemed to make an angry roar, turned into countless purple breath, and flew towards him.

Hearing the roar, those who were fighting around turned their heads and looked.

When they saw this scene, they were shocked: Lin Xuan was too powerful to be able to suppress each other.

However, it is amazing that the flying Yasha did not die, but was able to restore its strength.

Isn't the other party afraid of Dragon Soul? What kind of monster is this?

The true **** of sycamore, the true **** of seven stars, they were stunned when they saw this scene,

But they knew how terrible Lin Xuan's sword was.

This will not kill each other.

Fortunately, they didn't take any action, otherwise they would be desperate.

I do n’t know, what happened to Zhou Tianshi?

Does it also have such a powerful recovery force?

They turned their heads and looked at the other side, where there were countless rays of matrix formations flashing.

Zhou Tianshi completely took the upper hand with one enemy and two, and the formation completely covered the two men.

From there came a terrifying sound and an angry roar.

At the same time, another trembling voice sounded, Feitian Yasha flew out, half of his body was completely rotten.

However, he chuckled: useless, you can't kill me.

Lin Xuan's face became extremely dignified.

The resilience of the opponent is beyond his imagination, and the power of this formation is beyond his imagination.

Must be completely destroyed in an instant.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan prepared to use the sword tip of the big dragon, and he turned on the power of the ancient land.

Lin Xuan's right hand incorporates the dragon's sword tip, and the dragon's soul is above the fingertips, dancing constantly, turning into the claws of the dragon.

Facing forward, patted quickly,

The square dragon claw kept growing, turned into a sky, and quickly grabbed Feitian Yasha.

The other person was enveloped in an instant.

Shrouded, Feitian Yasha did not worry, but disdain sneered.

Useless, I said, no matter what, you can't kill me, I am immortal.

However, just as the voice fell, his body shuddered, and he looked up at the palm covering him.

He felt a deadly crisis,

On the palm, in addition to sword qi, there is a trace of metal light from sword qi.

What the **** is going on? The other person can threaten his life,


He can't imagine.

Lin Xuan pushed the hand of Tianlong with all his strength, and after covering the other side, he shone with a terrible light.

A peerless force of destruction erupted, killing Feitian Yasha.

Feitian Yasha's body is constantly broken, this time, he really feels a fatal crisis.

Do not.

He wanted to escape. This time, his power was stronger than before. It was possible that he would be wiped out in one stroke.

If he is spiked, he will have no chance to be born again.

The reason why he was fearless before was because he felt that no one in the world could kill him in a second.

Therefore, he will not fall.

And now, the other party seems to be able to really do ~ ~ Feitian Yasha growls wildly, wants to tear the world, wants to escape.

However, none can be done.

Everyone could only hear each other's voice, getting weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely.

what happened? Has Feitasha fallen?

The Seven Stars are truly gods and they are amazed.

As for the remaining ones, the monsters rushing out from under the ground were also shocked.

Feitian Yasha is one of their kings and their leader, and will not fall.

They firmly believe.

The big palm in the sky slowly opened, with countless ashes flying out of it.

Feita Yasha ash fly out.

Did it really happen?

The lotus **** was shocked, and at the same time, relieved.

And the monsters from the earth are frightened, have their kings been destroyed?

It's incredible, right? These people are too scary, right?

They retreated in shock.

On the other side, those array mages heading to the camp were also silent.

To be honest, they did not expect that the other party could destroy Feitian Yasha.

Although they can see that the opponent's strength is very strong, it is not possible to be so bad.

No wonder these people dare to challenge them to the camp, they have such a terrible power.

what's up? Did you fail?

The holy innocent **** next to him also frowned tightly.

These array mages are not reliable, it seems that he still has to take his own shot.

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