Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7425: Artifact? I have a lot! (One)

How precious is the Dacheng weapon, even if it is a fragment, not everyone owns it?

Ordinary true gods are not qualified to possess them,

The purple shadow doesn't care, the opponent must not have it.

You know, none of his masters,

Only in his hands can there be this one. How can the other party own it?

Therefore, the other person ’s palm must not be blocked,

In this attack, the opponent's palm is cut off first, and the next attack will destroy the opponent.


The earth-shattering sound sounded, making the void tremble constantly, and numerous cracks appeared.

The purple figure was shaken by the shock, he vomited blood, and he was stunned.

He looked forward subconsciously, his eyes almost staring out,

What did he see?

The opponent blocked his attack,

This is impossible!

No matter how strong the opponent's physique is, he can't stop the fragments of Dacheng's weapon.

No, it is not blocked by the opponent's physique.

The purple figure found that in the palm of the other's hand, a statue appeared,

A purple tripod,

There is a phantom of the moon, very mysterious.

This dignified, blocked his weapon fragments, was unharmed.

How could this look like this? What exactly is this weapon?

How could he block his fragmented weapon, how could the other party own it?

The purple figure is going crazy.

Lin Xuan's mouth raised a cold smile: what are the weapons fragments?

This is the complete Dacheng artifact.

When I heard this, the purple figure collapsed: What? Complete Dacheng artifact!

Damn, where did the other guy come from?

For a moment, he was silly there,

The insider's details are beyond his imagination.

The rear purple master is also stunned,

Unexpectedly, the other party still has this thing.

Previously, in the process of fighting with Fire Dance and fighting him, the other party did not use the weapon of Ayutthaya.

In other words, the other party didn't do their best!

Thinking of this, his body shivered, and soon he found the weapon, which he was very familiar with.

Isn't this Ziyue Ding? In the Shengsheng camp, they are so famous, how could they fall into the hands of the other party?

Run away, this is the legendary purple moon tripod.

Violet growled wildly.

Purple figure, scalp numb when hearing these words: What? Turns out to be this weapon.

Damn it.

He turned and fled.

You can't escape.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, a fascinating light erupted, and with a wave of his hand, another thing appeared in his palm.

That is a page of scripture.

He typed out a page of scripture, turned it into a scarlet sword light, and split the world.

The purple figure was opened in an instant.

The rampant sword air broke, tearing the purple figure to pieces.

He didn't even have time to scream, and he fell.

Lin Xuan typed a Taiji map and shrouded in front.

Falling from above, the extremely terrible black and white sword air enveloped the fragments of the weapon.

At the same time, he exerted the power of Sendai and settled the opponent.

Although it was only a fragment, it was extremely precious, and he accepted it.

Only children.

When Ziluo saw this scene, she growled wildly,

Unexpectedly, the other party instantly killed his apprentice.

He also recognized the golden light, wasn't that a page of heavenly books?

That was the treasure of the Holy God of War, was it even stolen by the other party?

It's incredible, right?

How many treasures does this guy have?

These babies are all sent to the camp.

This guy, how many masters who killed the camp?

Violet is unclear.

He knows that if he falls, it is likely that his floating slaughter will also be taken away by the other party.

Thinking of this, he turned and fled.

You can't escape.

Lin Xuan snorted and rushed forward quickly, like a god, killing forward.

Then, in his hands again, the extremely defiant sword spirit, cut off with a sword.

Between heaven and earth, there were dozens of blue whales, each of which seemed like a sea of ​​countless seas.

The road of Ziluo was blocked, and he turned to look at his scalp.

He found that another sword was cut down, and this sword was as thick as sky.

That power, he seemed unable to resist at all, under his feet, there was a continuous array of space formations, dodging quickly.

He dodged the sword, but there were a few more cracks in his body.

I see when can you hide?

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, and Liu Jin was on fire, and ten thousand swords flew out, killing Zi Luo.

Zi Luo blocked the floating slaughter in front of him, condensing to form a floating slaughter shield.

The roaring sound sounded, the shield of the floating slaughter cracked, and a lot of sword gas penetrated his body.

Zi Luo screamed frantically, and his injuries were worse.

Come and save me.

In this situation, he can only ask for help.

However, those three masters in the distance were stopped by the enemy, and they all had opponents.

The people under Sanpin Tianshi seem not to be opponents at all.

A few second-class heavenly masters rushed over and were cut off by Lin Xuan.

Master Shiro, can only escape quickly.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly: Anti-Sky Sword.

This time, Xianxian Jian finally appeared in his hands, and slashed to the bottom.

Three swords were chopped out in succession, and three unique sword spirits fell overwhelmingly.

Shiro resisted with the floating slaughter array, but when the second sword was used, his floating slaughter array broke apart.

The third sword, he was cut by a sword, his body was completely broken and turned into a mist of blood.

The fourth sword, the fifth sword fell, with a vast breath on it,

Eventually, the hitting opponent died out.

Did it fall?

Everyone's scalp was numb. I did not expect that another Sanpin Tianshi fell.

They feel panic!

In the distance, when Moon Moon saw this scene, she also roared,

A terrible killing exploded in his eyes.

Join me and destroy him.

While roaring, he launched his peerless school.

The array of mages around them had red eyes when they heard this.

They rushed over quickly: revenge on the Master Zi Luo.

Everyone fought and killed the kid.

These mages, roaring again and again,

One of them is a master of heaven, and there are even many second masters of heaven.

Together, the power is truly terrible.

A swarm of ants.

Lin Xuan growled, and he fought more and more bravely.

Although it consumed a lot of power, he opened the ancient land.

A steady stream of power,, emerged. In an instant, he returned to its peak.

A strong light erupted in the eyes, and the sword in his hand swept the world.

Aeolian swordsmanship.

No shadow sword.

Tai Chi Sword.

Sky Sword.

One after another the weather rushed over like a sea of ​​kendo, killing in all directions.

Instantly collide with those formations,

A terrifying voice came.

The sky is bright, the sword is flying, and the scene is extinct.

A second-class celestial master was instantly torn apart by sword gas.

The other three masters of Yipin were cut off with one sword, and more array mages died out of pieces.

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