Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4726: Eyes of the World (2)

The mountain of life, there is a huge projection here, which is the Tianyuan projection.

The terrible breath emanating from it made people around them dare not approach.

In this Tianyuan projection, there are several people,

It is people who are not old, and 7 Supremes.

Their strength is very powerful,

However, at this moment, they are still trapped in the Tianyuan projection.

Hearing people is not old, he is facing a giant, this giant is extremely terrible, standing on top of the sky.

He seemed to be carrying his back, and the whole Tianyuan projection,

It feels extremely deadly to smell old.

The other 7 Supremes are facing the phantom of Tianyuan City.

An illusion of an ancient city, as if to suppress 7 of them,

People are afraid to act lightly.

However, they are not too worried,

Even if they don't, the situation on the Peerless Formation should be fine.

Gradually they found that from the resurrection points, one after another appeared.

This made them all stunned.

What did they see? So many mages have fallen?

They found that many of them were first-class masters and even some second-class masters.

Damn, what happened there? How could so many heavenly masters fall?

Several Supreme Masters were stunned.

Especially when they saw that Ziluo was born again, they were stunned.

This is a master of Sanpin, and it has fallen.

Could it be possible, that peerless formation method, a top master appeared, enough to sweep everything?

Is Baili asking the sky?

Shouldn't be!

Baili asked the sky, it should be stopped by the Great Heavenly Master and the Nine-Fingered Master.

But who else besides the other party?

One of the few Supreme Beings had eyes all white, and he was a member of the White Gods.

The Baishen family was able to suppress Zhou Tianshi and capture other heavenly masters in the universe.

Continuously sent to the land of rebirth, the reason is that their family, there is an old ancestor, is the person of the **** of life.

Moreover, it is the Supreme Being of the God of Life, and its strength is very powerful.

At this moment, he also frowned tightly.

At that time, the Baishen family was shattered, and Bai Fengyun led away, and he learned the news.

In his opinion, although Bai Fengyun was defeated, it was not worth his shot.

As long as those people dare to come back to the land of resurrection, they will soon be suppressed by the camp of Shengsheng.

However, the current result was beyond his expectation, and he regretted it very much.

If at the beginning, he took the shot himself and grabbed Lin Xuan, there would not be so many things.

On the other hand, the core of the Peerless Formation was shocked.

After Lin Xuan wiped out the violet, he killed the Quartet, and in the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of mages falling.

Among them, there are 20 masters of one grade and five masters of second grade, all of which fell into Lin Xuan's hands.

The people who went to the camp were crazy. They couldn't afford such a loss.

Even if these people can be resurrected, their strength is greatly damaged.

Damn, this kid must be destroyed.

Countless people looked to Lin Xuan: This guy is too strong, except for Zhou Tianshi, he is the strongest person.

Moreover, the opponent has too many cards and ca n’t.

Otherwise, they will really lose.

Phantom Moon roared and roared upward: Phantom Moon came.

As his voice fell, a flash of light appeared on him, leapt into the sky, suspended in the sky, and turned into a moon.

The moon is just a phantom, it spins quickly.

The surrounding earth rolled, and the boulder on the ground quickly rose into the air, falling on top of this phantom, like a snowball.

getting bigger.

In the sky, a huge moon appeared.

This moon also absorbed the power of the formation below, which was full of mysterious runes.

Everyone felt a tremendous pressure.

This should be a peerless formation, will it land?

Murong fell into the city, Ye Wudao, they are ready to dodge at any time like the enemy.

Lin Xuan also frowned, he would not let the other shot.

A sword swept across the sky, turned into a shadow of a flying fairy, and killed the moon.

Just now, a crack appeared above the moon.

It was a horizontal rift, as if to split the moon in half.

When they saw this scene, the Indus gods exclaimed: Great, Lin Xuan split the other side.

However, Lin Xuan frowned slightly,

Because his sword had not yet hit, the crack in the other side appeared.

The crack suddenly enlarged, as if an eye opened.

The flying fairy phantom near him was instantly blown out and turned into smoke.

Turned out to be an eye!

Those around were also shocked: what kind of formation is this?

Magic Moon sneered at this moment: the eyes of the fantasy world, enter my world.

With his voice falling, the eyeball of that eye bloomed with mysterious light and turned into an ancient rune.

Countless rays of light spilled over the entire space,

Everyone, shrouded in the head after being shrouded in this gaze,

This is an illusion attack.

Quick defense.

Ye Wudao roared and summoned Tiandi Ding, blocking his forehead.

Murong Allure, Seven Star True God and others are also quick defenses.

However, they are still one step behind,

There was a hint of confusion in their eyes.

The next moment, their bodies trembled,

Murong covered his ears, and a terror appeared in his eyes.

No, she's going to be controlled by Magic Speed,

The same goes for those others.

Lin Xuan's array masters were all attacked.

There are only a few Sanpin masters who can resist it.

Lin Xuan also felt that the power of an illusion shrouded him.

The next moment, he felt that the world around him had changed.

At first, it seemed to be just some phantoms,

But in the end, it became so real that it seemed to be a real world.

Lin Xuan knows that once you get into it completely, don't think about it again in this life.

This is the power of illusion. It is really too powerful.

In this world, the other party is that Heaven is the master and can torture them at will.

If it is another true god, it may not be able to resist it,

However, Lin Xuan is different.

Lin Xuan has reincarnation.

He also has powerful pupillary power ~ ~ Reincarnation eyes, blooming mysterious light, covering his body.

The moonlight in the sky was blocked and could not be approached. One meter of space around him began to wander.

Lin Xuan turned and looked around, and found that Murong was all over the city, and Gu Shantong seemed to be unable to resist them.

He came to Murong Qingcheng and covered each other with reincarnation eyes. The confusion in Murong Qingcheng's eyes disappeared slowly.

Her face became pale: was she saved?

She was relieved,

Lin Xuan said: Allure, you rest first, I will save other people.

After speaking, Lin Xuan fluttered and flew towards Gushan.

However, as soon as he left, Murong screamed again.

Confusion appeared in her eyes, her head seemed to be cracking.

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