Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7427: God eyes! Showdown! (three)

what's up?

Hearing the voice of Murong in the rear, Lin Xuan stopped and turned to look, he was extremely shocked.

Isn't he already helping the other party with illusions?

Why is the other person still suffering?

Could it be that she had illusions?

Lin Xuan exerted the power of reincarnation and found that she was enveloped by illusion again.

Murong's allure was indeed very painful.

Lin Xuan returned to the other side again, unlocking the illusion for the other side.

But I found that once he left the other side, the other side would hit magic again,

This is incredible.

Is this eye in the sky so terrible?

Could it be more terrifying than his reincarnation?

In the distance, the voice of Zhou Tianshi also came over: the little guy, his eyes, absorbed the power of the entire Peerless God array.

Becomes mysterious.

This is the power that has accumulated over millions of years,

Although he only absorbed part of it, it is beyond your imagination.

I'm afraid you can't rescue one after another,

Only by breaking this eye can you save everyone.

I hold him back, you attack that eye.

Hearing what Zhou Tianshi said, Lin Xuan took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, and looked at the eye of the moon.

Do you want to break this eye? okay then.

He rose into the air.

There is nothing wrong with this guy! When Xuan Yue saw this scene, she was also shocked.

The array he used, called Eyes of the World, was extremely scary.

It was he who created it in the core place for hundreds of thousands of years.

He cultivates here all year round, so he can use the power here,

Once the formation is arranged, no one can fight.

At present, only a few people can resist, but it is only difficult to resist.

Even those three masters of heaven are pale.

This kid was able to fight back.

It's incredible.

More importantly, his formation is an indiscriminate attack.

In other words, not only the array masters on Lin Xuan's side, but also the array masters on their side, are covered by illusion.

Of course, just hit the magic, the magic moon will not hurt them.

As a result, these people cannot act or deal with Lin Xuan.

Unless he personally unlocks the illusions for these people.

However, Zhou Tianshi actually stopped him, which made him unable to move.

In this case, then use the eyes of the fantasy world to kill the other party directly.

Magic Moon does not believe that the other party can completely resist, or

Xu counterparty now, trying all his strength to block some.

But as time goes on, the opponent must be in illusion.

Lin Xuan flew towards the eye of the fantasy world, and the closer he came to the other side, he felt that the stronger the soul attacked, as if to smash his skull.

Lin Xuan didn't dare to have the slightest intention, and she used the reincarnation eye to the extreme to resist.

Seeing that the other party was getting closer and closer, the magic moon was also ugly.

Can it still resist? That being the case, he went for the kill.

Fantasy world, the song of the moon.

The eyes started to spin up, making a mysterious sound,

As if from heaven.

When they heard the sound, the people underneath shivered.

Lin Xuan was the first to bear the brunt, and he felt a great deal of pressure.

He also saw that Murong, Ye Wudao and others below seemed to be really unbearable.

It must be decided quickly.

Lin Xuan is going to use the reincarnation sword,

Summon the reincarnation sword phantom.

This time, Lin Xuan also used the fragments of the reincarnation sword.

Six worlds emerged and surrounded.

In his eyes, a light flew, turning into a peerless sword shadow.

Combining the power of the shard, he fell from the sky and cut to the eye of this fantasy world.

When the shadow of the sword appeared, the whole person of the magic moon was there.

what's the situation?

His body trembled, and his soul seemed to be subject to submission.

This is impossible, how could the other party have such a powerful soul power?

Under this blow, his fantasy eyes seemed unbearable.

No, **** it, it must not be broken.

He growled frantically, and began to desperately release his power to push the eyes of this fantasy world.

At the same time, absorbed the divine power.

There are really too many masters who have fallen down here, and he has to regenerate the kid again.

Hitting the opponent's strength fiercely can balance again.

Otherwise, the other side will sweep down like this, and sooner or later, the people under Sanpin Tianshi will wipe out the ashes.

The eyes of the fantasy world in the sky have gained more power and become more terrible.

He seems to be able to penetrate everything,

Whoever stood before him became fragile.

However, this time I was facing the reincarnation sword,

One of the five swords in the world.

Although it is just a phantom, it has already been practiced by Lin Xuan to an extremely terrible level.

In addition to Lin Xuan's hands, there are fragments of the reincarnation sword, making the power of this sword even more terrible.

In the sky, the eyes of the huge moon and pupils emitted a beam of light, which also turned into a sword energy.

This time the sword of the soul is called the sword of the fantasy world.

Regarding this sword, Magic Moon is very confident. Even if it is the third master of heaven, in the face of this sword, I am afraid that it will certainly die.

Boy, fly away.

Huan Yue snorted, this was already his limit, after all, he had to contend with Zhou Tianshi.

The next moment, the two attacks collided, and two sword shadows clashed in the void.

A roaring voice came, and a huge storm of souls swept across.

All the array mages around were all blasted over.

Regardless of Lin Xuan's side, or to Shengying's side, they all flew upside down.

Those three masters of heaven, also kept back, shaking their faces.

As the blow fell, the illusions in the sky also seemed to be affected and rolled violently.

Murong fell into the city, Ye Wudao, in their eyes, a trace of clarity was temporarily restored.

They looked at the scene in the sky, all nervous: Can Lin Xuan resist it?

Master Long Ming and Master Yun Yun, when the two felt the sword of the fantasy world, they also trembled.

It seems that this sword can make their souls wipe out.

I'm afraid the young man can't resist it.

However, it ’s already very bad for the other party to do this.

Even the rebirth is enough to be proud.

Click! Click!

At this time ~ ~ A broken voice came from the sky again, and everyone was nervous.

The array mages who went to Shengying Camp laughed: this kid is finally going to fall.

But soon, their smiles became rigid, because they found that the broken one turned out to be the sword of the fantasy world.

The magic power above is disappearing quickly, and the eye of the moon in the sky is shaking violently.

A crack appeared on it.

how is this possible?

People who died in the camp were stunned when they saw this scene.

They froze there, their brains blank.

Master Long Ming and Master Yun Yun are also beating.

Things unexpectedly exceeded their expectations,

The strength of each other is above their imagination.

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