Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7428: Sword breaks the magic moon! (One)

When Hagitsu saw this scene, she was also stunned. Is his visionary eye broken?

Are you kidding me?

For a moment, he felt like he was in illusion.

Just kidding

How powerful he is.

He is a master of Sanpin, who is high above him.

First of all, for the strength, suppress the opponent.

Moreover, what he did was a peerless formation, which absorbed the power of the core place.

This is a force that transcends everything.

No one can resist it.

When this eye appeared, all array mages in the entire space were affected.

At that moment, Magic Moon felt that she was invincible.

Except for the Great Master, I am afraid no one is his opponent.

This invincible feeling really excites him.

However, what happened to the results?

A young man was broken, he is proud of the peerless array!

This is a severe blow to his face.

He can't accept it!

Is it possible that the opponent's eye is stronger than his illusion formation?


If the other party has the highest level of practice, then the other party may be able to do it.

However, the practice of the other party is just the newly formed true god.

Such a practice can be said to be poor before him.

However, the opponent did just that, shattering his attack.

Magic Moon felt like she was going crazy.

Click! Click!

The moon in the sky had more and more fissures, and one of them cracked into two halves.

If Yueyue was struck by lightning, he spit out blood.

This formation was wounded, and he was also backswept, and kept back.

His eyes were full of shock, wonder, and unwillingness.

At the same time, Lin Xuan continued to shoot,

This moon is just broken and not completely damaged.

Who knows, can the other party recover?

He cut another sword.

A bang, this time, the moon's eyes could no longer bear it.

It was broken in the beginning, and at this moment, it took the sword of peerlessness, and it was completely broken in an instant, turned into dust, and scattered around.

The magic moon below kept vomiting blood, and he half-knelt on the ground, covering his head, and his face froze to the extreme.

Surrounded by silence, everyone looked at this scene, stunned.

At this moment, whether it is the array master, the heaven master, or the third grade master, all feel like dreaming.

How could the other party be so powerful? Too bad, right?

This is not in line with common sense!

Is it possible that the other party is a juvenile immortal?

How could this guy be so talented?

Like Longming Heavenly Master and Xian Yun Heavenly Master, they were also shocked.

They never expected it to be this way before. They can only say that the other party is too powerful.

Xian Yun Tianshi said: above his eye, there are six reincarnation powers,

Is it possible, is it the legendary reincarnation sword?

You mean, he is one of the five swords in the world?

It's really possible.

Long Ming Tianshi also took a breath of cold air, perhaps only the reincarnation sword, which can let the other party across several realms.

Kill the eyes of the moon!

Brother Xuan, it's done.

They rejoiced in Murong.

The Seven-Star True God and others were shocked: the other party once again created a miracle.


Destroyed the Eye of the Moon.

Lin Xuan killed the past again, and he put away his reincarnation, his face paled.

However, his physique was still extremely powerful, he waved his fist and killed the remaining array mages.

Like a dragon, he entered the ant pile and swept around,

Those array mages are not opponents at all.

The ashes ceaselessly extinguished.

Damn, retreat, rewind.

Liuli Tianshi and others, roaring wildly,

Their teeth were almost broken.

Until now, one of the three masters of heaven who fell in the hands of Lin Xuan,

There are ten masters of second grade,

There are more than 30 masters in Yipin.

What kind of record is this?

Zhen Shuo ancient and modern!

Except for Bailiwentian that year, Lin Xuan was the second one in a million years.


In the distance, in the even more terrible battlefield, Baili asked the sky and laughed: Little guy, I have the style of that year.

On the other hand, the Great Master, his face was extremely ugly: are all those people outside the waste? Can't even a newly formed true God?

Don't underestimate him.

Baili asked Tian Leng hummingly: He is not an ordinary young man. Did you feel the sword qi just now?

To be honest, even I was taken aback, that was the power of the reincarnation sword.

That's right.

Da Tian Shi felt it, and the Nine-Fingered God beside him felt it too. To be honest, they were all jealous.

The power of the five swords in the world is not available to them, nor is it heard by the people.

There aren't even a few hundred days to ask,

However, it appeared in a young man.

This is incredible!

If it wasn't for Baili to ask the sky to stop, the two of them would absolutely desperately and chase Lin Xuan with his face broken.

To be honest, Baili Wentian was even more shocked,

Because he knew that Lin Xuan was the heir to the Great Dragon Sword.

The Great Dragon Sword is also one of the five swords in the world.

He did not expect that Lin Xuan even had the power of the reincarnation sword.

This is too bad!

There are five swords in the world, and the opponent has the power of two swords.

This young man's future achievements are incredible, and it is even possible that they will become immortal.

Another immortal, is it about to appear?

Baili asked the sky to shock.

Immortality between heaven and earth is extremely rare, and most of what he knows at present are sleeping.

Immortality is still awake at present, for the time being there is no, if Lin Xuan really reached that step.

I am afraid those immortal beings who have fallen asleep endlessly and crossed the era will wake up again!

by that time,

Emperor, maybe he can return.

In the eyes of Baili Wentian, there was a glimmer of expectation.

Soon, the light of memories in his eyes disappeared, and a hint of embarrassment emerged: solve it first, these two guys in front of you!

He took out a stone tablet.

This stele is extremely simple, but when it appears, it is extremely scary.

As if everything in the world was calmed down.

When Da Tianshi saw this scene, his face changed: this is Zhentian Stone, you even have this thing!

His voice was shaking.

The Nine-Fingered Heavenly Master next to him also changed his face. To be honest ~ ~ he was also shocked by the power of the reincarnation sword.

However, he is still trying to figure out how to leave here? Start with that little guy.

Unexpectedly, the other side even took out Zhentian Stone.

Although this thing is not comparable to the reincarnation sword, it is equally terrible!

Zhentian Stone originates from Tianyuan, more precisely, from Tianyuan Ancient City.

This stone is very old and has not appeared for millions of years.

Legend has it that a stone of that year could easily suppress the sky.

Today, such a large stone is being asked by Baili to arrange the array on it.

Maybe, this stone monument will be able to suppress them.

This old thing even has such a hole card.

The celestial master gritted his teeth and retreated in fright.

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