Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7432: Kill when you kill! (two)

You know, the sword in my hand is a big dragon sword, and you should also know that the indestructible power is enough to restrain your resurrection power.

I killed Ye Chen with a big dragon sword, then he will completely wipe out the ashes,

Disappear from this world.

Never again.

As soon as this word came out, everyone was uproaring: What? Completely ash fly out?

Impossible, this kid must be scaring people.

I do not believe that no matter how strong his sword is, it is impossible to break the rules of this world.

In the Mountain of Life, whoever falls, can be reborn.

Hearing the roar of these people, Lin Xuan sneered: You are really stupid enough, I have done it before.

And more than once.

If you do n’t say far, say the Holy God, do you know?

Where do you think he is now?

If he is resurrected, why doesn't he come here?

As soon as this word came out, everyone was stunned: Yeah, the holy innocent **** fell down when flying to Sendai.

If you are born again, you will definitely come back.

However, the other figure never appeared.

Moreover, one page of the Holy Bible was captured by the other party.

Is it possible that the other party really fell?

When thinking of this possibility, everyone collapsed.

A Supreme Being can be completely wiped out, let alone others.

If Ye Chen is hit this time, I am afraid he will die.

This guy wants to provoke the elder, and he wants to affect the elder's combat power.

After listening, Da Tianshi was completely crazy, and his eyes were red.

Damn it, give it to me, save Chener at all costs.

His grandson can be injured, but he must not fall.

Hearing this order, Liuli Tianshi, Huanyu Tianshi, and other array masters rushed madly.

Looking at this scene, Lin Xuan snorted coldly: Who would I dare to move?

While talking, he struck Ye Chen with a sword, and the soul of the big dragon sword pierced the opponent's body.

Ye Chen made a miserable growl: Stop, stop for me.

Everyone stopped and didn't dare to act lightly.

If Ye Chen were to die because of this, the Great Master would definitely kill them.

They can only look into the distance, waiting for the order of the Great Master.

Da Tianshi was so mad that he wanted to take another shot himself.

However, Baili Wentian was a crazy attack and did not give him any chance.

The heavenly stone in the sky fell down, blooming with supreme power, causing the body of the Great Master to shake.

He felt the power of his body as if to be completely suppressed.

The Nine-Fingered Master is also scalp, he quickly said: Don't be affected by him, he just wants to anger you.

Want to influence your Taoism,

Don't be fooled, he dare not kill your grandson.

The two of us joined forces. As long as we can beat Baili to ask the sky, all problems can be solved.

I know.

Da Tianshi took a deep breath, his eyes calmed down, and he even played a formation, covering his body.

In this way, the outside voice, he could not hear at all, nothing could affect him.

With a roar, he carried the green lotus in the void and killed the past again,

All kinds of avenues are flying and can destroy everything.

When seeing this scene, Huan Yue and others were relieved: The Great Heavenly Master revived.

Lin Xuan sneered, dare not kill?

The other side looked down on him too much, and today he will kill the other side.

Thinking of this, an extremely radiant light burst into his eyes,

He cast the Dragon Soul of the Dragon to the extreme.

A dragon soul sword erupted, sweeping Jiuxiao, and the terrible dragon roar spread throughout the world.

That sharp force, vast and wild, every void was trembling.

Between this heaven and earth, all warriors, array mages, felt a fatal crisis.

As if under this sword, they would be wiped out.

Is this kid crazy? Is he really going to kill? Huan Yue and others had red eyes.

Nine-fingered Master roars: Don't bother, he doesn't dare.

In his opinion, the other party is threatening them, and the other party is absolutely afraid to kill.

Once the other party loses Ye Chen as a shield, the other party will lose his chance of life, and no one in the sky can save him.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, the extremely radiant light bloomed. This time, he was not joking with the other party.

The sword in his hand turned into a dragon, crushing eternity, unparalleled.

This sword was severely chopped on Ye Chen's body, and Ye Chen screamed.

He made a terrible sound, his body cracked and turned into a mist of blood.

And those blood mists, as long as they are worn away by the dragon-shaped sword gas, will completely dissipate between heaven and earth.

No, grandpa saved me.

Ye Chen growled in horror. He was really scared. He felt a mysterious power.

This power never appeared, it seemed that he really wanted to die.

Great Master, at this moment has covered the body with the formation method, not affected by anything.

Ye Chen's growl, he didn't hear it at all, he was just crazy attack.

However, the other array mages are really crazy. They can see that Lin Xuan doesn't seem to be joking.

The opponent is really killer.

Damn boy, stop me.

Fantasy Moon Tianshi and others rushed madly.

However, as soon as they approached, they were shredded by a sharp sword, and scared them back quickly.

No way, this sword is terrible. Even the power of the power, they can't resist.

In the end, Ye Chen's complete ashes disappeared and dissipated between this world.

Everyone was stunned, they were stunned there: the end, the boy was smashed into the sky, and the heavenly master would definitely kill him.


Even the Nine-Fingered Heavenly Master was stunned. For a moment, his brain was blank.

Before, he also vowed that the other party would never dare to kill.

However, in the blink of an eye, the other party killed Ye Chen. How could he explain to the Heavenly Master?

This guy is a lunatic,

The other party is not afraid of the Great Master, crazy hunting?

Jiushi Master has never seen such a crazy person.

The Great Master also stopped, and he turned to look into the distance.

At this moment, he could not hear any sound outside, however, he could see the expressions of those outside.

Someone, such as Magic Moon Master, was shocked, trembling, desperate, and even many Masters were so frightened that they fell to their knees.

what's wrong?

The Great Master is a little dim.

Suddenly, at this time, he heard a piece of jade on his body, made a clicking noise, and broke into two halves.

Da Tianshi looked down ~ ~ This is Ye Chen's soul jade.

People are in Yupei.

People destroy jade pendant.

At this moment, Yu Pei broke into two halves, which showed that Ye Chen had fallen.

How could each other? Is it really a killer?

He turned his head and stared at Lin Xuan.

His gaze crossed the floods of the universe.

After falling on Lin Xuan and the surrounding void, he found that Ye Chen had disappeared and there was no blood fog around him.

The other side, killed Ye Chen?

How dare each other?

Is n’t he afraid of his revenge?

The elder growled in the sky, and his anger erupted like a volcano!

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