Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7433: Peerless Strike! 1 defeat! 1 escape! (three)

The Heavenly Master is angry and rushes to the crown. If the whole human form is mad, he growls, as if the thunder is roaring.

The emptiness of the sky was constantly broken, and everyone was shaken and kneeled.


The Nine-Fingered Heavenly Master persuaded: Maybe Ye Chen was reborn at the resurrection point at this moment.

Yes, it must be like this, I don't believe that he can really kill Chener.

The Great Heavenly Master took a deep breath, and waved a formation in the sky, turning into the eyes of countless formations, floating in all directions.

The eyes of these formations flew to the resurrection point of the mountain of life. He wanted to see Ye Chen's rebirth with his own eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the eyes of these formations fell on the resurrection points.

However, looking around, he did not see Ye Chen.


The Great Master is crazy, and he looks crazy again,

However, he never saw Ye Chen again.

Ye Chen really died out and disappeared from this world.


The Great Master snarled again, and in his eyes shed tears of blood.

Kill kill!

At this moment, the killing spirit on his body kept permeating. With monstrous madness in his eyes, he turned and killed Lin Xuan in the past.

Boy, I want you to die better than life, and I want to torture you forever.

The voice of the Great Master is like a demon, making everyone's scalp numb.

Not good, Brother Xuan quickly dodged.

They all went mad, Murong, and the strength of the Great Master. They knew it, and they could not resist it.

No matter how strong Lin Xuan was, he couldn't resist it.

Lin Xuan also knew, so he quickly retreated, and cast the sword of the line to the extreme. Lin Xuan turned into a sword shadow and flew into the distance.

You can't escape.

The archangel roared wildly, and in the void, numerous lotus flowers appeared and kept blooming.

Lin Xuan seemed to be completely shrouded in lotus.

He exerted the power of Sendai to resist, and the power of the flying fairy around him flew out and shrouded him.

But this time, it seemed that it couldn't resist, the power of those flying immortals was constantly broken.

Lin Xuan once again fell into crisis,

He roared, grabbing the ancient scroll with both hands and opening it.

The infinite words, the four words, reflect the heavens.

With this ancient scroll, he can resist the golden lotus of the sky, but I am afraid that he can only compete for three seconds.

After three seconds, he couldn't resist anymore, would it be impossible, would he want to enter a more ancient land?

But at this moment, a palm crossed the void of the universe and came to the presence of the Great Master. There was a stone monument on it, which was enough to suppress the world.

Baili asked the sky, the cold voice came out: Do you really think that I don't exist?

Tian Tian Bei, suppress me!

With his voice falling, the town monument in his hand kept blooming, as if turned into a magnificent stone monument, falling from the sky.

This time, it was a full blow from Baili Wentian, how terrible the power of the town monument, and countless people's faces changed greatly.

They were shaken by this power, and their bodies were trembling and difficult to move.

They could only widen their eyes and stare at the scene ahead.

Lin Xuan was very close to Zhentianbei, and he also felt a repressive force.

For a moment, he seemed to be completely suppressed.

Fortunately, this thing is not for him, but for the Great Master.

Da Tianshi's pupils shrank, and just now he was so angry that if he was crazy, he really forgot to ask Bai Li to exist.

He only wanted revenge, and in his opinion, he could instantly kill each other.

But I did not expect that not only did the other party have Sendai, but they could use the power of Fei Xian, and there were countless Tianzun.

This was really beyond his expectations,

The other party temporarily blocked his attack, but within one second, the Zhentian Monument fell down.

Run away.

The Nine-Fingered Heavenly Master in the distance is also a crazy roar. He hit the 3,000 world and cut off the past.

The world of three thousand, at this moment, seems to become a peerless sword, cut off the world and destroy everything.

However, it is still a step slower,

The Zhentian Monument fell first and fell on the body of the Great Master.

The bones of Da Tianshi broke instantly, he vomited blood in his mouth, and he felt the power of his body disappearing.

No, **** it, resist me.

At this moment, the Great Master is completely crazy.

At all costs, he used the power of the core.

At the same time, he burned his own blood, his own formation,

In short, he desperately hit.

Backwater battle!

Those golden lotus flowers kept blooming, the void was broken, and the terrifying breath swept through the ages.

At this moment, everyone was beaten out, Lin Xuan was also beaten out, and he vomited blood.

Fortunately, they had a strong breath of life before,

At this moment, the absorption is rapid and has not fallen.

Da Tianshi, with his own strength, even shocked the powerful and powerful Zhen Tian Bei, and he wanted to escape from the Tian Bei.

This scene is really too shocking,

The magic moon heaven master and others are extremely excited: the big heaven master is mighty.

What about the legendary town monument? Still unable to control the Great Master.

Baili asked Tian Lengheng, his expression was extremely indifferent,

The next moment, he took out a token.

An unusually quaint token was placed on the town monument.

The token bloomed a ray of light, and the town monument shook violently, as if living, and was given life.

In the town monument, one after another mysterious runes appeared, pen and dragon snake, as if waving something.


In the heavens and the earth, ancient voices sounded and destroyed the universe.

Da Tianshi, the little advantage just obtained, was instantly destroyed.

His body was hit again, and how many bones did he break?

Qiqiao bleeding, the whole person fell from the sky, and fell fiercely on the ground.

Moreover, Zhen Tian Bei shrouded him directly,

With a bang, the whole land trembled, and the endless storm swept across the wasteland.

Everyone was crazy: The Great Master was suppressed.

Do not!

The Great Heavenly Master roared fiercely, and he wanted to escape, but this time, no matter what he did, he could hardly shake the slightest.

This time, he was really suppressed, and he made a sound of despair.

The Nine-Fingered Master in the distance, when he saw this scene, his face changed greatly.

How did this happen? Did the Heavenly Master return in the end, or was he unable to escape?

For a moment, he was a little faint,

At this time ~ ~ Baili Wentian turned his head and stared at him.

Baili asked coldly and said: One is solved, the next is to solve you.

Like the Supreme God, he walked towards the Nine-Fingered Master,

Suddenly, he came to the Nine-Fingered Master.

The eternal fairy light swept out again and killed the Nine-Fingered Master.

The numbness of the Nine-Fingered Master's scalp is irritating, and the three thousand worlds are exerted to compete with it.

However, after three moves, he was blown out.

There is no way, the opponent is too strong, if he is singled out, he is not an opponent.

You know, before he and Datianshi joined forces to block each other.

Now he was alone, facing each other, and immediately fell into the downwind.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Nine-Fingered Master turned and fled.

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