Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7435: He is Emperor! (two)

Hearing that people are not old, desperately got strong power, he blasted forward with one punch, trying to tear the illusion of this abyss.

A roaring voice came, the whole world shook violently, and everyone was excited.

It seems that when people smell old, they will come out.

Then, they can defeat defeat, and those enemies are dead.

However, in the Tianyuan projection, the terrible light burst out on that giant as well.

He stood there, like a sky, and he blocked all attacks.

Although his figure is illusory, he is extremely mysterious.

How could it be blocked?

When people do n’t look old, their faces change.

The next moment, he snorted, turned into lightning, and rushed forward.

His strength hit the opponent, like nine days of thunder.

However, the tall figure seemed unharmed.

how is this possible? Where is this sacred?

Seven Supreme Masters, when they saw this scene, their eyes almost glared.

At this moment, people are not old, with a look that can kill them in seconds, but there is nothing more than this giant.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have thought it was a dream.

He stopped when he heard that he was not old, and his expression became extremely dignified.

Just now, he didn't keep anything.

He is enough to break everything.

However, they cannot hurt each other,

The opponent's strength was beyond his expectations.

The tall man of that man has been standing there all the time, just like the high god, he has never shot.

However, at this moment, he seemed to move, and he stepped out.

With this step, the world is changing, the world is changing, and everything in the world seems to be undergoing reincarnation.

At this step, the person of the God of Life only felt that his body was cracked and wanted to die.

The hearts of the seven Supreme Masters also cracked, and they vomited blood.

How does this exist? Why is it so terrible?

The man on the opposite side was not old, and he was also trembling, and the power seemed to tear him to pieces.

He shouted from heaven,

Today, he is desperately getting powerful power, and he will never lose.

On him, the black runes, quickly condensed, seemed to be transformed into heaven and earth.

However, he still couldn't resist,

If he was struck by lightning, he retreated and shattered.

A crack appeared on him, almost tearing him to pieces.

Large swaths of divine blood spilled all over the place.

Those outside, only felt the change of circumstances, as if the world was extinct.

They kept back vomiting, they didn't know, what was going on inside?

However, the 7 Supreme Beings saw it,

They found that they were wounded when they smelled old.

They are all crazy,

The powerful and powerful scent of the people will be injured,

And it was hurt by the sound of a footstep.

This is incredible.

But they knew how terrible it was to hear the power of the people, that was beyond the existence of the true God.

Not at all what they can imagine,

They joined forces and couldn't stop each other's moves.

But now, such a powerful existence was hurt by a sound.

How exactly is this figure in front of you?

Is it possible that it is completely above the master?



They are not clear.

The man on the opposite side was not old, and was half-knelt on the ground. His powerful breath of life flew over and quickly recovered his injury.

The wound stopped, but his face became extremely ugly.

He lost,


How many thousands of years has he lost this feeling of failure?

Think about it should be 1 million years.

The last time he lost was a million years ago.

At that time, Baili Wentian shattered his formation, shattered his plans, and made him extremely angry.

He was aggressive, shot strong, and personally pursued Baili Wentian.

At that time, Baili asked Tian, ​​who was not his opponent at all, and could only escape all the way to Tianyuan.

In the end, it survived.

Because someone shot, someone saved Baili Wentian.

Emperor Zun was then shot.

To be exact, it was a power of Emperor Zun, flying over the endless void to defeat him.

At that time, the people were not old and could only leave helplessly.

Because he knew that Emperor Zun was the highest being, the existence that was above him.

He couldn't resist the strength of the opponent.

Unless he crosses that realm, otherwise, he can never compete with each other.

Fortunately, after that time, the power of Emperor Zun never appeared.

Baili asked the sky did not appear, has been in Tianyuan.

Million years have passed, and he has forgotten what happened before,

He is still the master of this place, high above him, invincible.

But now he has lost again.

Just like millions of years ago, they lost everything.

This feeling seems to have brought him back a million years ago.

He knew that there was only one person who could defeat him with this power, and that was Emperor.

The figure in front of him is also the power of the Emperor.

Emperor, you have been.

Wenren said without clenching his teeth.

Those who were around were blinded when they heard this, and the seven Supremes changed their faces even more.

what? The legendary emperor turned out to be this giant. Has he been here?

These people were frightened back.

They have heard too much about the legend of Emperor Zun.

Although the emperor's statue has fallen, it is said that the emperor's statue at that time was of the rank of emperor.

What a powerful existence, that realm, they can only look up.

No wonder the other party was able to defeat Wenren as an old man. The original party was Emperor Zun.

At the same time, they were desperate.

Before, they still thought about destroying a big weapon, but now it seems that it is useless at all.

Even if they are destroyed, it is difficult to shake each other,

All of a sudden they stayed there.

Lin Xuan did not know the sight of the abyss.

However, they knew that the mountain of life must have been stopped by Baili asking the sky what means.

Otherwise, the Supreme Master of Life and the legendary master will definitely come.

However, after so long, the other party still didn't come.

It seems that these people are not coming,

In this case, they have nothing to worry about.


These people counterattack quickly, killing those array mages.

Magic Moon Master and others, one after another,

Despair in their eyes ~ ~ their confidence was completely shattered.

Especially when I saw that the Jiuzhi Heavenly Master did not escape, but was defeated by Bailiwentian.

Angels of the moon and others were completely desperate.

Their bodies cracked and turned into a devastating storm, trying to end up with the enemy.

Some array mages were indeed killed by them. However, Lin Xuan and others survived.

They stand between this heaven and earth,

Looking around, there were no enemies except them.

Baili Wentian also came over, Shen Sheng said: Let's do it, we must hurry up.

After they are born again, they will kill back,

Now is our best time.

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