Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7436: The power of Zulong! (three)

After hearing the words of Baili asking the sky, Lin Xuan and others took a deep breath and looked at the core place below.

He said: Senior, how do you crack it?

Baili asked Tianxiao with a smile: In fact, it is very simple for me, because the structure and principle of the matrix method, I have mastered it.

A million years ago, I could break it once, and now I can break it.

However, I need a lot of strength and I need your help.

I need you to use the power of the Great Dragon Sword again.

No problem.

Lin Xuan nodded and took a deep breath, and he sacrificed the dragon sword again.

And Baili asked the sky, with the dragon sword as the source of strength, he arranged a matrix.

This big dragon sword is really sharp. If you want to come to us once, you will be able to cut this formation.

Zhou Tianshi, Xian Yun Tianshi, Longming Tianshi, and other array masters also took a deep breath.

The array they arranged put their power into the sword array.

Murong Allure, Seven-Star True God and others also shot one after another.

A vast and peerless force is rapidly condensing and forming,

The dragon roared and the sword gas swept across all directions.

Has the power to destroy the world.

At this moment, everyone felt that the sharp breath seemed to be able to easily cut everything.

In the distance, those who live in the mountains of God are frightened.

The power of the giant just made them desperate.

And now, the sword qi from a distance frightened them again.

Even so far apart, cracks had appeared on them.

What kind of sword spirit is this? Heavenly Emperor?

Lin Xuan was also shocked.

Feeling this sword qi, his body also trembled. Is this the real power of the big dragon sword?

After all, the array of arrangements made by Bailiwentiantian is more powerful.

Lin Xuan felt that this sword could easily split the Great Master in half.

It is indeed the sword of the five swords in the world that represents the sacred art.

Lin Xuan is very excited, and one day, he will reach this point.

At that time, without the power of the formation method, without the power of Bailiwentian, with his own power, he could wield this epoch-making sword.

At that time, he was the real sword god.

Lin Xuan's face was dignified. He asked, "Senior, can you start?"

Baili asked the sky and said: Just wait, it hasn't reached the strongest point.

We want to cut through the formation with one sword and not give them a chance to fight back.

The power of this sword must reach its peak.

Lin Xuan is not talking about anything, but his physique has begun to bear.

However, he gritted his teeth and continued to endure.

With a bang, a crack appeared on Lin Xuan's arm, and the blood of Chaos fell down.

Brother Xuan.

Murong was full of worries when he saw this scene.

Lin Xuan shook his head, and said: Rest assured, nothing.

While talking, he used the crystal of life to restore the wound.

When Barry asked God to see this scene, he was silent.

He naturally knew that if he wanted to get great power, he would have to bear the tremendous pressure.

If you want to wear a crown, you must take it seriously.

The strength of the Great Dragon Sword is not so good. Lin Xuan is under pressure and is normal.

However, he still didn't do it, he was still waiting because he hadn't reached the top yet.

Those around them were also pale, because they put all their power into the formation.

When everyone couldn't stand it, Baili asked the sky and said: Okay, let's do it.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan's eyes burst into a terrible light. He waved the big dragon sword, headed downward, and severely cut it off.


His voice resounded for nine days and ten places. At this moment, the whole mountain of life shook violently.

A huge sword light shone heaven and earth, covering the whole mountain of life.

The endless void is broken, the boulder of life **** rolls down, and cracks appear on it.

Even the Yuanyuan even shook violently.

Supreme people in Tianyuan, including the masters of literati, felt this power.

They knew the formation was over.

The power of this sword was so terrible, so powerful that they all trembled and terrified.

Bailiwentian did it again.

The people around Shenshan were stumped on the ground. They kept hoeing and seemed to beg for mercy.

On the other side, various resurrection points, such as Magic Moon Master, Liuli Master, etc., have been resurrected.

They regrouped and killed again, but halfway through, they stopped.

Looking at the peerless light ahead, he shivered and looked desperate.

Such a force, even if they were resurrected 100 times, could not resist it.

With a boom, the peerless Jianguang turned into an ancient dragon, just like the ancestor dragon, descended from the sky.

With the power to destroy everything, he was severely chopped on the core land, and the sky was falling apart.

In this core place, a colorful light burst out, sweeping for nine days, and wanted to compete.

However, the power of this sword is really terrible.

The shattered sound in front of me kept ringing, the sword gas swept through the wasteland, the dragon rolled and roared, and the colorful light was rolling in.

The bright light, the breath of destruction, enveloped everything.

Everyone was stabbed with this light and closed their eyes. They could see nothing and could not hear anything.

Between heaven and earth, it seems to have turned into chaos and nothingness, as if everything was unknown before the world was opened.

I don't know how long it took before the bright light in front disappeared slowly.

The colorful light disappeared from the heavens and the earth, and the sword qi gradually weakened.

The phantom of Zulong disappeared from the sky, but a huge roar came from his face.

Everyone was shaking with blood and trembling, and they looked at the distance, and saw that the heaven and earth in the distance were completely split.

The huge fissure seemed to form a second abyss, which would engulf everything.

The Celestial Master Tianyue and others all fell to their knees, their faces full of despair,

They saw the heartland and were split by a sword.

Their millions of years of hard work went to waste.

Hearing people dominate their eyes flushed and growled wildly.

Although he had long known that the formation would be broken, but this powerlessness could only be watched.

It really made him crazy.

Too aggrieved!

He swears that this revenge must be reported,

Baili asked the sky, as well as those outsiders, that he would cut them off with his own hands.

The power of Emperor Zun can protect the other side for a while, but it cannot protect the other person's life.

As long as there is a chance ~ ~ he will kill the killer and make the other person dead.

Did we succeed?

Murong was all over the city, their faces were pale and their bodies were shaking, they had no more power.

They looked down, and a huge crack had appeared in the original mysterious core.

It's like a bottomless pit.

Broken, really broken.

The array of mages around them all exclaimed, Tianyun Master, Longming Master, they are also tears.

They were originally strong in the universe, but they have been caught here for hundreds of thousands of years.

Originally they thought that they would continue in this dark day and night, but unexpectedly, they finally saw hope.

The core is broken, they can leave!

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