Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7438: Chaos Protoss! Do it! (two)

The three people who came out were the three true gods of the Chaos Protoss. They fell to the ground on one knee, and looked extremely respectful.

The chaos ancestor waved a big hand, and Shen Sheng said: The three of you, immediately condensed the human hands, and attacked the realm of me.

Take down Lin Invincible.

Bring him back alive, I want him to be punished.


Three true gods responded respectfully, and then they stood up.

They turned away and left,

Chaos tribe, it is not only this background, but also many backgrounds have not been opened.

In addition to these three true gods, they have some true gods sleeping.

However, this time it did not start.

Because this time, it's not really destroying the realm of God, but just to capture Lin Invincible.

In addition to these three true gods, they sent some half-step war gods and land gods.

Combined the Wushuangxian clan and other powerful men on the other side.

The strength of the other shore is rapidly gathering,

In the end, a terrible team appeared between heaven and earth.

Those on the other side shivered with excitement when they felt this power.

Too strong.

Before that, they fought against Shen Yu on the other side and suffered a lot of losses. If you want to come this time, you can definitely defeat the victory.

Thinking of this, they all raised their fists in excitement.

This time, there are five true gods, except for the three true gods of the Chaos Protoss.

There is also the Wushuang Li God of the Wushuang immortal family, and another true **** on the other side.

Under the five true gods, there are 20 half-step true gods. In addition, there are a group of land gods.

This lineup can be called an upside.

You know, there were only 4 true gods in the previous list of gods.

Among them, there are also many protoss, immortals, and feathered immortals.

But now, on the other side, 5 gods of war were dispatched.

This completely surpassed the previous power, many times before,

No matter how strong the Divine Realm is, it cannot resist it.

Let's go, the target **** realm, Lin Wuji.

The cold voice sounded and the group set off quickly.

When Lu Wushuang saw this scene, his face became extremely pale,

Her true identity is Shen Jingqiu.

When she heard the news, she was stunned immediately: the other party was going to hit Brother Lin Xuan!

No, she has to pass on the message.

However, there are too many true gods this time, and she must be cautious.

Otherwise, she will be found instantly,

In that case, not only would Lin Xuan not be saved, she would be extremely dangerous.

This time, she was also in the team,

She didn't want to go, but she couldn't help listening to her ancestor's orders.

She can only find opportunities to pass on messages.

Near this other shore, there is an ancient city, which is an ancient city built by the Divine Realm.

Before that, they were so powerful that they killed them near the other side, and the other side that beat them couldn't lift their heads.

People on the other side dare to stay in the eternal land and dare not come out.

At that time, they were nearby and built a city.

The purpose is to stare at the people on the other side, and if there is any action, they can immediately know.

People in the ancient city are not very worried.

As a result, their formation defense was very powerful. Moreover, for a long time, the other side did not dare to backhand.

Want to come, the other side would never dare to attack them, however, this day has changed.

There is a vast power ahead, sweeping out, and that power is like a volcanic eruption.

In the ancient city, those warriors in the **** domain changed their faces: not good.

So powerful, beyond imagination,

The other shore is hard to come by. Is there any strong man?

Quickly explore.

Message fast.

Every sound sounded,

However, this time the enemy's power was completely beyond their imagination.

When that power just appeared, it swept in all directions.

Like a cage, the ancient city was shrouded in an instant, and the people inside did not convey any news at all.

The ancient city shook violently, and the formation method above appeared cracks.

The people in the ancient city have changed their faces: not good, the enemy is too strong.

Everyone is ready to attack.

A woman in black came out, her voice was extremely cold.

On her, there is a terrible space storm, which is condensing and forming.

This person is named Gu Youru, from the Void Emperor's family, the ancient family.

Her cultivation is a half-step true god, and the power of space is very scary.

In addition, there is another man standing there, with Fengxue around him. His name is Feng Qingshan.

He is a strong man of the Phoenix family, and also a half-step true god.

There is another person, a very handsome man, with a pale face. He is a northern demon.

At the moment, his cultivation is a land fairy,

The three looked forward together, and frowned.

Gu Youru said: Quickly start the formation and prepare to leave. I feel this force is very strong, we can't resist it.

Feng Qingshan frowned and said: This ancient city was built by us.

At first, in order to build this ancient city, we lost a lot of warriors. Now we just give up?

We might as well stick to it for a while and find a way to deliver the message to let the strong in the realm of God come.

As long as a true **** comes to sit in town, he should be able to defend this ancient city.

He is right, this ancient city is hard-won. If you lose it, it may be difficult to build it again.

However, his voice had just fallen, and the formation in front made a roaring sound, and several large fissures swept the square.

When I saw this scene, Feng Qingshan's pupils shrank: How could this be?

Who is the sacred person here? Did you break the formation so fast?

The next moment, the burst burst.

Go, hurry.

Gu Youru roared, took everyone, and quickly left.

They did not compete at all, because they could not compete.

People in the **** realm, you are dead, go to **** obediently.

A icy voice came from a distance, and immediately, the vast power, like the storm of extinction, killed him instantly.

The ancient city shattered, and countless people turned into blood mist.

far away.

Dark clouds are vast, and on top of this dark cloud, there are one after another,

Just like a demon.

The five figures in the forefront are more like gods.

If 5 true gods join forces, they can sweep everything.

This ancient city is not Yuqing City at all ~ ~ Shangqing City. Such an ancient city has no ground vein support.

Relying solely on matrix formations and many spiritual pulses, nothing can be done.

Under their power, the smoke disappeared in a moment, and the warriors inside fell and fell into the sea of ​​blood.

When seeing this scene, those on the other side laughed proudly.


Divine Realm, just ants, what can we fight with us?

This time, you must step on your feet thoroughly, so that you will never turn over forever.

What is this? A little ancient city, nothing more.

Let's go, we are going to destroy them all.

The three true gods of the Chaos Protoss have a slaughter intention in their eyes.

How dare to hurt our young master, the other party will surely die.

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