Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7439: Sweep 1 slice of power! (three)

In the void, a black light glanced quickly and turned into a space crack.

Occasionally you can see that the space is constantly folding. Obviously, there are masters in the space department who shuttle in the void.

Where they are going now is where the Baishen clan was before.

Because of their Divine Realm, they just attacked the White Gods and occupied that place.

At this moment, many powerful gods are there, and they are going to the same place now.

You must promptly notify the wine master and others, otherwise you will be in trouble.

Gu Youru was pale, and he used the power of the void to move quickly.

Feng Qingshan and Bei Yao both gritted their teeth and their eyes became red.

This revenge must be reported,

This time, their companions have fallen a lot and cannot be forgiven.

The three escaped desperately,

Finally, they came to the place where the white gods were.

There are many fissures in the Baishen clan, and there are many strong guardians here.

When they saw someone coming, they immediately became nervous.


The burst of light flickered, and the dark red Shenlong flew out, humming coldly: Who? Dare to come here to scatter.

Believe it or not, Uncle Long slaps you to death?

The void cracked and three figures came out. They were pale, wounded, and bloodied.

They said weakly: it's us.

When I saw three people who were so embarrassed, the dark red dragon shivered: Who? So ashamed.

When they looked carefully, they froze: Bei Yao, it's your kid,

And you two.

Aren't you the ancients and the strong of the Phoenix family?

Aren't you in the ancient city near the other shore?

Why did you come here? what happened?

When the dark red dragon's face changed, he waved his paw, opened the array, and let three people come in.

After the three men came in, they staggered and fell straight to the ground.

The Dark Red Dragon, playing a recovery formation, shrouded the three, meanwhile, he said: Come and get me some medicine.

There are people injured.

As he shouted, he asked: What happened, is it possible, has anyone hit you?

Although Gu Youruo escaped, they paid a great price.

There is no way, the entire ancient city has been wiped out. They were able to come out. It can be said that most of them were lucky.

Part of it is because of the power of space in Gu Youruo, and something in her hands.

Space jade.

Inside, there is a lot of power of the void, it can be said that it is the treasure of their family.

As the Tiandi family, their ancient family has been slowly recovering.

After the emergence of the Ancient Emperor Tiandi, they are slowly practicing, and they can even make some legendary things.

This jade pendant has a lot of void power and can escape in an instant.

However, this thing is very precious.

Because many elders and strong men in the ancient family need to continuously input the force of space, they can form one.

Moreover, this thing is easily damaged.

After all, there is no true **** in their ancient home, so the failure rate of their production is very high.

This one is very precious at present.

Gu Youru, it was through this void jade that he left with three people,

But even so, they were still injured.

Hearing the words of the dark red Shenlong, Bei Yao's eyes became red immediately. The next moment, he even cried.

The North Demon, who is also a top genius, has now reached the land fairy.

However, the other party was crying,

Obviously, the other party suffered a major blow.

Don't scare me.

Dark Red Dragon's face changed: Tell me, what happened?

In the distance, there were some warriors in the **** domain, rushing over quickly.

When they saw this scene, they also frowned tightly.

Our ancient city is broken.

Bei Yao cried.

Men do not cry easily, but this time, the blow to them is really too great.

An ancient city was gone,

With so many martial arts inside, only three of them came out alive.

Feng Qingshan also had red eyes and gritted teeth. He did not cry.

He said: We are staring at the other bank as usual, they have not done anything.

However, that day, a powerful force suddenly broke out,

It was so sudden that we did not respond at all, and then the ancient city was sealed.

Then, within a few seconds, the ancient city died out.


The dark red dragon exclaimed and jumped up directly: the ancient city on the other side was directly wiped out.

How did this happen? That was the one they built at great cost.

The kings of the gods who rushed over were also startled. They had scalp tingling.

How's the warrior inside? Is the ancient city really broken?

What kind of power can do this?

Feng Qingshan shook her head and closed her eyes: only the three of us escaped, and the others died.

Did everything fall?

After listening to the **** warrior, his face was ugly.

The dark red Shenlong is even more red: abominable, an ancient city was destroyed by the other bank.


Can it be done? Is it true?

In Gu Youruo's eyes, a terror appeared, she said: I don't know.

That power is too strong to transcend everything, and we have no resistance at all.

I think there is more than one true god.

When it comes to this, her body is shaking.

Although this ancient city has no ground vein, they have arranged countless arrays.

Can be described as solid gold soup.

They are confident, even if it is the true God, I am afraid it is impossible to kill them in an instant

It will take some time.

At this time, they can pass messages or leave in a matrix.

Now, they have no chance to escape, and they die in an instant.

This is definitely not a true god, but two true gods.


On the other side, Lord Long will kill you.

The dark red dragon growled wildly, his voice spread all over the world.

In the depths of the Baishen clan, those other people were also very surprised.

What's crazy about the Dark Red Dragon?

I went to see.

The Golden Lion King flickered into a flash of lightning and rushed over.

But when he learned about it, he made an angry voice.

He was shaken by 9 days and 10 places!

He turned into an ontology ~ ~ a huge golden lion with a murderous body.

Those people in the distance were even more shocked: what? Even the Golden Lion King was angry. What happened?

More people rushed over, and when they learned the truth of the matter, they were all stunned.

Have all the warriors in an ancient city died out?

They were all there and couldn't believe it.

To know them, they sang all the way before, the other side of the fight did not dare to come out, and could only stay in the eternal land.

And they built an ancient city directly nearby.

Not long ago, they won the White Protoss in one fell swoop. They were extremely powerful, and the heavens and earth trembled.

But now?

They were so badly hit.

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