Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7440: Wine master! angry! (One)

Wine master, Queen Empress, they also learned the news,

Eyes are red.

Li Xunxian also had a cold look. He was so aggressive that there was a peerless sword in his hands.

Damn the other side, killed them together, this revenge, we must report.

We must not let our companions fall in vain.

Yes, yes, revenge, we must revenge.

The dark red dragon is also a crazy roar.

Those other people were equally dignified, they were murderous and bloody.

We must repay this hatred and build up strength.

Some people stay here to guard, waiting for Lin Xuan to return,

Others went to revenge and destroyed the other shore.

The wine master's voice sounded.

At this moment, he is completely different.

He stood between heaven and earth, as if a black hole was enough to engulf everything.

The wine master is the heir to the Devouring Sword, and his strength is equally terrible.

After the White Gods were laid down, most of the power was swallowed by the wine master,

Therefore, he broke through and became a true god.

Although it is only the beginning of the true god, his strength is far beyond the same level.

After all, devouring the sword is also one of the five swords in the world, devouring everything.

Moreover, the farther behind, the stronger the wine master used the sword to swallow, the more power he swallowed.

The faster he cultivates, this is the terror of devouring the sword.

Speaking of which, the wine master ’s cultivation is now close to Xiao Chengzhen.

It can be said that this practice speed is extremely high.

At this moment, he has strong confidence and can sweep everything.

I go!

Winelord, I will go too!

Kill them!

These people all stood up, and no one flinched.

My **** domain is a good man.

The wine master laughed: Follow me.

The group left, and some others stayed.

The Dark Red Dragon and the Queen Queen remain here. In addition, there are a number of masters who are responsible for guarding the place.

After all, Lin Xuan, they haven't returned yet,

If this place is taken down, Lin Xuan will be in danger.

Two days later, the Dark Red Dragon received a message.

This message, extremely mysterious, was not passed on to them by the people of the Divine Realm.

The Dark Red Dragon is very puzzled, he carefully opened the news,

Then a voice came out.

I am Shen Jingqiu. I am now lurking in the Wushuang fairy clan, and hurried away, they are here to avenge.

Tell Xuan Brother to let him hide and never come out.

The news came from Shen Jingqiu.

She didn't say anything carefully, she just said an approximation.

However, after listening to the Dark Red Dragon, they were shocked.

Because in the news of Shen Jingqiu, there was one thing that was very shocking.

5 true gods come, 20 half-step true gods, and a group of land gods.

When he heard the news, the dark red dragon was blindfolded.

His face changed greatly: bad, hurry to the wine master, the golden lion king, and pass on the message.

We're at it, let them hurry back.

The queen mother and they also heard the news, and suddenly they were there.

5 true gods, what is this concept?

Is this organizing all the strong men on the list?

This power is too strong to sweep everything.

Even if the wine master breaks through and becomes a true god, with the Devouring Sword, I am afraid he cannot resist it.

At this moment, their hearts sink to the bottom,

How could the other side have such a powerful force?

Did they join the Supreme Palace?

But why didn't they get any information?

The bodies of the people shuddered, and the dark red dragon spread the news quickly.

Hope the wine masters haven't met them yet.

At the same time, the Queen Queen also passed on the message toward Yuqing City.

Five true gods, they have never met before. At that time, four true gods joined forces and went to Shangqing City.

However, there is an ancient city with a powerful ground.

What's more, there were fighting gods at the time, so they could resist.

However, this time?

On their side, there are only two true gods.

More importantly, the God of War is not here,

Moreover, they are not in Shangqing City either.

They are in the white gods,

Although this place is also extraordinary, it also has a terrestrial vein, but they have no time to arrange any array.

If the other party is here, they ca n’t resist it,

More importantly, they cannot yet retreat.

Lin Xuan, they haven't returned yet.

If Lin Xuan's way back was guarded by the people on the other side, then Lin Xuan's return would be a self-injection.

When they thought of all kinds of possibilities, they were sweating.

In the vast void,

Winemaker, they are very fast.

With a powerful killing intention on them, they were ready to tear each other up.

It didn't take long for them to see that there was a cloud of power ahead, sweeping in.

The immense breath is enough to destroy the heavens and the world. This power is really too powerful.

The wine master stopped immediately, and raised his brow tightly.

Next to Li Xunxian, his pupils shrank, he said: more than one true god.

Can this breath be the people on the other side? How could they be so powerful?

Just when they were strangling, the dark cloud had already reached the vicinity.

Come out from inside, one powerful figure after another, as if strange.

In the forefront, there are 5 people standing there, just like the five masters,

They looked down at Bafang, and died forever.

They stared at Jiuxianxian, the Golden Lion King, and others, and said in a cold voice: People in the God Realm!

accept punishment.

Kneel down! Hand over Lin Invincible!

Surrender and become a prisoner, spare you not to die.

The icy sounds were like the gods roaring,

5 true gods, the strength of their body, swept across the wasteland.

The wine grandpa's face changed greatly, they could feel that it was 5 true gods.

This amount is completely beyond their expectations. In their opinion, it is possible for the other party to dispatch two true gods.

Up to three.

Even so, they can compete,

However, the five true gods, they really can't compete.

This is not an ordinary true god. There are three of them, with monstrous chaos.

This is the blood of the innate family, and it is extremely powerful.

They are far better than their peers!

The other two are also terrible, from the immortal.

Such a lineup makes them desperate,

Those martial arts behind the God Realm are even more creepy.

They seem to have fallen into the ice cave of ten thousand years. UU reading books www.

Just the eyes of these five people are enough to make them fly.

Their bodies trembled,

How to do?

They have never been so desperate.

The Golden Lion King and the Wine Grandpa are extremely ugly,

However, they cannot panic.

As soon as they panic, these people are headless.

Calm down!

Must be calm,

Find a way to leave!

It is impossible to resist this scene today,

Must find a way to escape and kill a blood path.

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