Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7449: Wushuangding! Sky map! (One)

Damn it, stop it.

When Cang Tianzhen saw this scene, he also roared, and rushed over quickly.

The body turned into a sky, falling quickly.

The people trembled, looked up, and it seemed that in this world, they could only surrender on their knees.

Lin Xuan raised his hand, covering his hands with the sky, and on his palms, a terrible picture of all beings appeared, colliding with this sky.

A roaring sound came, and the void bloomed like a firework.

Then, a few cracks appeared that day,

Cang Tianzhen flew out, his body was covered with cracks, and his face was pale and shocked.

How did this happen?

They are the true Protoss, with the strongest blood power.

Why are they not as good as each other in the competition? Has the chaos power of the other side surpassed them?

When thinking of this possibility, Cang Tianzhen was very mad.

You can't stop me from doing anything, you're really wasteful.

Lin Xuan glanced at each other, sneered, and then he turned around and continued to stare at Feiyu.

The big hand reached out, Wan Lingtu flew over and killed the other side.

At the same time, two black and white rays burst out in him.

On top of his head, he quickly rotated to form the Taiji diagram, which also flew forward.

The two pictures, with mysterious and unpredictable power, completely shrouded the true **** of flying feathers.

Fei Yu sincerely felt tremendous pressure, one was the power of chaos, and the other was the power of yin and yang sword energy.

Under such attacks, he retreated.

Damn, deceiving too much.

With a roar, the blood in the body kept boiling.

In the blood, a dazzling blade of light rushed out, turned into a chaotic sword, suspended above his head.

It was cut with a single knife, and it was chopped on the map, blocking the attack of the opponent.

At the same time, he printed a seal on the palm of his hand to form a chaotic seal.

My Chaos Protoss is the most powerful!

I will let you know what the true power of chaos is.

You are too weak.

Lin Xuan snorted and punched,

The fist of chaos descended from the sky, and flew the chaos sword directly.

The chaotic knife split in the air and turned into pieces.

This scene drives everyone crazy,

Lin Xuan is too strong to be unimaginable.

I'm afraid this guy has real combat power.

Even among Xiaochengzhengjin, they are all very powerful.

Wu Shuangli gods them, their bodies tremble a little.

Let's join hands.

He stepped out and said: Kill him together and not give him a chance.

The 4 true gods rushed over quickly, and at the same time, they took out the strongest peerless.

In the hands of Wushuang Lishen, there is a burial, surrounded by a brilliant immortality.

This is their artifact of Wushuang Xianzu, Wushuang Ding.

The true thunder sword next to him took out a simple sword,

Above the sword, there was an extremely scary thunder, flashing.

It was a purple thunder, even with a hint of red.

There is even a trace of the power of heaven punishment here, and the true origin of the Thunder Sword is extremely extraordinary.

Is the power of the sky penalty sword?

Wine master, when they feel this scene, they also take a breath.

They also rushed forward.

On the other side, the Cangtian true **** also killed him. On the top of his head, he also formed a Cangtian picture.

He cut through his eyebrows, countless blood of chaos flew out, and turned into blood beads one after another.

Fly towards the sky and merge into the sky map.

As for the distance, there are still dozens of half-step true gods, and countless land gods, also shot.

They took an elixir from the storage ring and swallowed it.

The power inside them tumbling, endless divine power, immortality, fast condensing.

Turned into runes one after another, flashing on them.

These people joined together to form a terrible formation that swept down.

No, stop it.

The Dark Red Dragon, as a top-level array mage, also changed his face when he felt the power of this array.

This formation method should also be related to the Puppet Protoss. They felt a huge force on them.

Make them tremble.

For such an instant, 4 true gods had surrounded Lin Xuan.

Boy, how can you die?

Cang Tianzhen is divine, with a stern expression.

The true **** of flying feathers is also flying over, snarling wildly.

I must dismantle all your bones,

Your physique cannot exist between heaven and earth.

Surrounded by such terrible power, Lin Xuan didn't worry at all, instead turned his head and looked at the ancient passageway behind.

He said lightly: Counting the time, those people should be back.

Just at this moment, the channel shakes violently again,

A figure rushed out.

Everyone turned to look at them, and the dark red dragon was nervous: It seemed that the true gods were back.

Those on the other side are equally worried: No wonder this boy is fearless, and he has helpers.

The next moment, they saw a beautiful figure, came out of it,

Surrounded by the breath of the Phoenix.

Is it the strong of the Phoenix?

On the other side, they are all close enemies.

However, when they could feel this man, they were only relieved when they were only half a step away.

Such people are not afraid.

It is Murong Allure.

Yan Ruyu exclaimed.

After Murong fell, Ye Wudao, Gu Santong and others.

When seeing this scene, the flying feather real **** laughed: all the ants under the **** of war.

Lin is invincible. Can you expect these people to save you?

Too naive, too stupid.

It's stupid you.

Lin Xuan sneered: I promise, soon you will kneel on the ground and beg me.

You dream, we shoot with all our strength, you are not the opponent at all.

Fei Yu sneered again and again.

The people in the ancient passage continued to come out, and finally, a terrible breath emerged, and the lotus blooming in the sky.

A figure came out of the lotus,

This is a breath of true God.

When they felt this breath, the dark red Shenlong were all excited.

On the other side, Wushuang Lishen and other people changed their faces: Is there still a true God? It's incredible.

This is Lin Xuan's hole card?

Just a true god.

Fei Yu really snorted: Not to be afraid ~ ~ We will start now.

The strength of them kept erupting, and it was about to kill Lin Xuan.

However, at this time, the rear passage changed again.

The second super power emerged.

The sky was full of stars and turned into the Big Dipper, sweeping in all directions.

At this moment, the world was dim, and only the starlight was flickering.

It is the Seven Star True God.

The Golden Lion King exclaimed again, and they laughed: Great, these people are back.

They are safe.

The people on the opposite side of the Chaos Protoss, however, changed their faces: what happened? And the true god.

If things go on like this, the situation will be bad.

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