Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7450: 4 true gods return! (two)

If the two true gods, plus Lin Wudi, want to compete against them, it is still very likely.

They must hurry.

But at this time, the ancient passageway changed again.

The people of the Chaos Protoss are going crazy: will there be a true God?

They have explored that there are not so many true gods in the **** realm.

Next, the two people who appeared,

Is the goddess of the stars, and the clear spirit,

This relieved the Chaos Protoss.

It seems that the two true gods are already at their limit, and no more true gods can come out.

They laughed,

But just then, in the ancient passage, someone appeared again.

A huge sycamore tree, carrying a terrible power, appeared between heaven and earth.

The other person was surrounded by a shooting star-like sword, as if able to pierce the sky.

These two people are also true gods.

At this moment, the four true gods, those of the Chaos Protoss, were blinded.

Their brains are blank.

Are you kidding me?

Can that channel become magic? How come so many people came out?

What a strong lineup!

The Golden Lion King was so shocking that even the Queen and others laughed.


They see hope, and they can turn defeat into victory.

How many people?

Cangtian true **** gritted his teeth: Will these people help you? I don't think so.

Reveal the identity of our Chaos Protoss, they will definitely be afraid.

When he thought of it, he sneered and said: the people below are listening.

We are people of the Chaos Protoss. We are innate. Now we want to capture Lin Invincible. I hope you don't care about this.

Afterwards, we Chaos Protoss will give you a gift.

Cangtian true gods have absolute self-confidence. They are real protoss, and they are innate.

Who dares not give them face?

When these 4 true gods heard their identities, they would definitely startle and turn away.

When these people came down, they all turned pale when they heard this.

You have to deal with Brother Xuan!

Murong sighed coldly: It was really abominable.

And those true gods were even more angry.

The Indus true **** said: My life was saved by Lin Gongzi.

Your hands on Lin Gongzi is my enemy in life and death.

The Seven-Star True God also came out and was murderous: Prince Lin had kindness to me.

The true **** of lotus said: I always stand on the side of Lin Gongzi.

The Meteor Pavilion owner also snorted: If you want to catch the son of Lin, first ask the sword in my hand, promise or not?

The 4 true gods were angry when they heard each other ’s words.

They were aggressive and rushed straight up.

What's the matter?

Cang Tianzhen is dumbfounded.

Before he didn't speak, nothing was happening. As soon as he spoke, the four true gods looked desperate.

Could it be that this kid in front of you is so important?

Are you kidding me?

Cangtian true God, even if killed, do not believe it,

But then he believed.

Because the four major war gods came over, the power hit him directly, tearing his body apart.

The Cangtian God is madly roaring: you seek death, you are challenging the Chaos Protoss.

Chaos Protoss will not spare you.

No matter how he threatened, it was useless, and several real gods went crazy.

Cang Tianzhen was almost killed.

He flees madly, fleeing into the distance with his broken body.

Feiyu really god, when they saw this scene, their face changed greatly: hurry away.

Today, the number of enemy true gods exceeds them.

Fight again, they will definitely lose.

It may even fall.

Want to escape? Where to go

The true God of Lotus, they refused to spare and quickly killed the past,

Lin Xuan also shot, his goal is the chaos map.

The next instant, several true gods across were attacked and vomited blood.


They furiously counterattacked, and the war broke out instantly.

Below, the wine master turned into a devouring sword, forming a huge vortex, directly tearing the formation and joining the battle.

On the other side, Li Xunxian smashed the formation and killed him.

The battle fell to one side, and the Cangtian true **** was the most unlucky, and was hit in an instant.

Hit by so many true gods, even if he is strong, he cannot escape,

This time, he died.

Those other people were scared from scalp,

Wushuangli God directly broke the body, formed a force of destruction, and quickly escaped.

Thunder sword true **** also fled.

A trace of the power of sky punishment in his hand burst, forming a void, blocking the enemy's attack.

The worst thing is that Fei Yu is true, because Lin Xuan's goal is him.

Lin Xuan hit the opponent with a few swords, and the chaotic soil was cracked.

He had no choice but to give up Chaos Earth in the end.

Only one head fled, and the rest of the body was broken and turned into blood mist.

So powerful.

The warriors below the **** domain, stunned when looking at this scene,

They seem to be dreaming.

You know, the previous 5 true gods, 20 half-step true gods, when they came together, they felt the end of the world.

They must die.

Later, Lin Xuan appeared, trying to turn the tide and let them see hope.

But the next thing was completely beyond their expectations.

4 true gods, willing to go to Tang Xuanhuo for Lin Xuan, coupled with wine master and Li Xunxian, shot together.

Directly crashed the other side.

One true **** fell, and three true gods escaped with serious injuries. This record is truly against the sky.

After Lin Xuan got the Chaos Soil, he waved his hand and sealed it with Tai Chi and Chaos Spirit Map.

He has to absorb this thing slowly,

As for the other chaos blood, he also put it away.

It doesn't take long to think about it, and his Chaos Phantom can still ascend.

Forgive me.

A dozen and a half-step true gods in the distance, as well as a group of land gods, immediately knelt on the ground and scratched their heads for mercy.

Just kidding, five true gods fell to two, three seriously injured and escaped, they were not opponents at all.

They didn't even have a chance to escape. Now they beg for mercy, maybe there is still a chance.

Lin Xuan flicked his fingers, and the terrible sword air flew out, turning into a dragon, killing all those people of the Chaos Protoss.

They swallowed all their chaotic blood, and the remaining ones did not kill them.

However, some people shot and suppressed them.

Although Lin Xuan despise these people, they have a lot of power in them.

There is even a lot of information on, which is valuable to the domain of God.

After suppressing the remaining land gods and half-step true gods, the dark red **** dragons roared excitedly.

Great, we won, we won,

They raised their arms and cheered, wept with joy,

A peerless crisis was so smoothly resolved.

Thank you for your shot.

The Golden Lion King, when looking at the true God of Lotus and others, performed a ritual.

However, the true God of Lotus, they quickly shook their heads: don't thank us, this is what we should do.


The true **** of Indus also said: In the mountain of life, if it was not the son of Lin, we would have fallen.

It is our pleasure to do something for Mr. Lin now.

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