Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7451: Divine Power of Life! Shock everyone! (three)

Lin Xuan saved these people!

The Golden Lion King was shocked after they heard it.

Lin Xuan actually saved so many true gods,

It seems that a lot of things happened in the place of resurrection.

At this time, a distant figure flew over, and when they saw this man, everyone was close to the enemy.

Isn't this Wushuangxian people? Why is anyone still alive?

They want to do it, Lin Xuan said quickly: Don't do it, she is Qiu'er.

Brother Lin Xuan.

The woman in front of her face changed, and her real appearance emerged, which was Shen Jingqiu.

I'm so happy to see you are not in danger.

Thank you Shen Xianzi for your voice.

Lord Queen, Dark Red Dragon, they came out and performed a salute.

It was Shen Jingqiu who spoke to them before and let them flee.

Otherwise, they do not know the situation, I am afraid that this time the damage will be more.

But they were curious: Why do you want to stay in the Wushuangxian Tribe when you are quiet and quiet?

Wushuang immortals have powerful power, and they are still in the eternal land. Entering it can absorb some eternal power.

However, I'm afraid I can't go back this time.

Shen Jingqiu smiled bitterly.

Of the people who came, only three true gods escaped with serious wounds. She is not the true god, and she will definitely be doubted if she returns now.

Since you can't go back, don't go back, just stay in the realm of God.

Divine Realm also has many ground veins, enough for you to cultivate.

Shen Jingqiu nodded smartly, but she knew in her heart that she could only stay here temporarily.

She has many things to do.

The next step is to clean the battlefield.

These strong men fell, and they were robbed of their storage ring.

There are many good things in it,

Moreover, Lin Xuan and Murong allure, they also brought a lot of treasures from the mountain of life.

Among them, the most precious thing is naturally the power of life.

When Lin Xuan took out the power of life, the injuries suffered by everyone before them recovered very quickly.

What is this? that's amazing.

The Dark Red Dragon jumped up, and the Golden Lion King was also very excited.

Is this the power of the resurrected land? It ’s amazing. I was seriously injured before and recovered.

What mysterious power does the Land of Rebirth have?

What is this?

Gu Santong said: People in the land of rebirth will be born again when they die.

Even if you are a small ant, beheaded by the true god, you can be born again.

what? There is such a magical thing!

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

Even the wine grandfather took a breath.

The power of rebirth is the power that everyone wants. This is the real immortality.

Boy, I see that we went directly into the resurrection land, where we established our Divine Land Division.

I'll make it difficult for you to become the owner of the division.

Dark Red Dragon is excited.

Gu Santong smiled and patted the shoulder of the dark red dragon, and said: No one will grab you.

Ye Wudao glanced at him and said: Take care.

I rely, what do you mean? Why does your look make me so uncomfortable?

Is there anything happening to the mountain of life? I don't know.

Murong said with a smile: Of course,

Don't go, we have offended a large number of strong men in the mountain of life.

They are now looking for us all over the world.

How powerful are a large number of strong men?

The Dark Red Dragon said: Is there any previous Chaos Protoss?

It really does.

The seven-star true god, who has been silent, and others also spoke, and they said: Much better than this.

They are not even small come true gods. Before our enemies, more than one small come true god.

There is Supreme,

There is even more powerful existence than the Supreme.

In addition, there are many heavenly masters, there are two of them.

Everyone was shocked when they heard: Is the mountain of life so terrifying? Is that lineup better than the Chaos Protoss?

The dark red Shenlong even listened: what is called a lot of heavenly masters? Is Tianshi the Chinese cabbage?

You know, the Heavenly Master he currently knows is only Zhou Tianshi.

In addition, what is the Great Master?

This, I will tell you slowly later.

Lin Xuan laughed.

I rely on, kid, tell me quickly, my emperor is dying.

Dark red dragon, eyes are red,

So many heavenly masters, are they cultivated in the mountain of life?

Then after he goes in, will he improve his tactics again?

Lin Xuan ignored him, but looked at Murong Qingcheng and others, and asked: What about Zhou Tianshi?

On the other side of the aisle, Zhou Tianshi and they arranged a matrix to seal the aisle.

Prevent the people of Life Shenshan from coming over.

When they heard this, everyone was shocked, and the wine grandfather also said: Can those people come over?

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and he shook his head too: I don't know, but it should.

Zhou Tianshi and others were arrested. Since Zhou Tianshi and others can come over, they can definitely come over.

In addition, the Baishen tribe is not completely destroyed. It is said that there is a master of the Baishen tribe in the mountain of life.

It should be close to Dacheng True God.

Ren Tianyue is a small come true god, and supreme ones such as the holy true **** should also be small come true gods.

However, the practice is more powerful than that of Nintendo, and he can't reach the realm of becoming a true god.

As for the master of the mountain of life, what realm did that person reach when he was not old?

Lin Xuan didn't know.

It must be terrible to want to come,

Such people must not be allowed to rush out.

Lin Xuan couldn't help with the arrangement of the matrix, so he said: let's stay here first and wait for some time.

The wounds on all the people recovered, and then they began to distribute those loot.

Like Ye Wudao, Gu Santong, Murong Qingcheng, they are all ready to retreat.

Even the true God of Lotus and others have to retreat.

No way, this time, they have too many wars, too many perceptions, and they can definitely break through again.

Even Lin Xuan wanted to practice in retreat. He got a lot of chaotic blood before.

More importantly, he got the chaos soil, and the chaos breath on it was strong enough to strengthen his physique.

Seeing so many people, the Golden Lion King was a little worried to practice retreat.

He said: Don't wait any longer? Chaos Protoss ~ ~ will never give up.

They will definitely make a comeback, and the people who come will be more powerful by then.

If these true gods retreat, they may not be able to resist again.

Unless they abandon this place, return directly to Shangqing City.

It would be safe in that way, but this place cannot be given up.

Once, Zhou Tianshi, they haven't come out yet. Moreover, this channel can enter the mountain of life.

Not to mention, just a large amount of life force is enough to make them heart.

You know, the injuries they had suffered before, but under the power of life, they recovered at an extraordinary speed.

If they can hold here, then they will have a chance to get this life force in the future.

If this place is snatched by the other side, or by others, then it will be troublesome.

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