Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7452: God of Chaos, frightened! (One)

Brother Lion, don't worry, we choose to retreat here.

Indus smiled.

That's right.

The Lotus God and others nodded: from now on, we are allies of the Divine Realm.

What difficulties and dangers do you have? Despite the fact that we are boundless, we will never hesitate.

You're welcome, we will be brothers in the future.

The Golden Lion King is also laughing.

There are ground veins here, we can use the ground veins as the foundation, arrange the matrix method, and rebuild an ancient city.

The dark red dragon looked around, his eyes flickered.

Lin Xuan said: You plan first, and wait for Zhou Tianshi to come back, and you will start working together.

This place will definitely become solid.

Lin Xuan knew that after Zhou Tianshi came out, they would definitely guard the place.

Not only Zhou Tianshi returned this time, but also other heavenly masters, as well as numerous array masters.

This is a strong force. This force joins the Divine Realm. If you stay in Shangqing City, it is really a waste.

Stay here, more suitable,

They can open up territory here.

In the first place, they are responsible for guarding, the passage of the mountain of life, and they can also build a world belonging to the heavenly master here.

Boy, except Zhou Tianshi, how about the other Masters?

Is I great?

Dark Red Shenlong asked excitedly.

Lin Xuan laughed: Now you are regarded as the top array master of the **** domain, but in the next few days, I am afraid you are not.

Zhou Tianshi them, the number of heaven masters brought back is beyond your imagination, you have to work hard!

what? Is there more than one heavenly master this time?

The dark red Shenlong jumped up: I don't believe it.

He ran to the entrance and looked at the passage as if to look through everything.

Next, Lin Xuan and Murong fell, and they began to retreat.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and he took out a lot of chaotic blood, surrounding him.

The blood of chaos, blooming light, each is as thick as a mountain, the power above is very terrible.

A drop seemed to be able to sink the earth and destroy the sky.

Lin Xuan pushed her own **** body, blooming the light of chaos, and the Spirit Map also kept spinning, and began to absorb these forces.

When Lin Xuan practiced on their side, the other side, the Chaos God of Chaos Protoss, was leisurely basking in the sun and looking at the sky for thousands of miles.

He is in a good mood.

Counting the time, that Lin Invincible should be brought back, right?

He has now thought of 10,000 ways how to torture each other.

He couldn't wait to see, the other kneeled in front of him, begging for mercy.

There are many babies on Lin Wuji. I don't know if his big dragon sword can reach me?

Even if you ca n’t, get it in the hands of your ancestors.

The old ancestors are already half-immortal. If you have a big dragon sword, maybe you can become a real immortality.

By then, that is the sun and the moon will die, I will not die.

Heaven and earth die, I'm immortal.

Once his ancestors became immortal, then their chaos protoss could improve their status on the other side.

Even being able to become the first protoss,

After that, he also has a great chance to become immortal.

Thinking of this, God of Chaos smiled happily.

At this time, a gray-haired old man in the distance flew over and saluted respectfully.

This is his servant.

God of Chaos turned his head and smiled: It seems that it is the real **** of flying feathers. They are back.

Bring that kid over!

The God of Chaos stood up, a cold light appeared in his eyes,

Next, he's going to do it.

The old servant whispered, "The Son of God is angry, this mission has failed."


After listening to the Chaos Godson, they all froze: The mission failed, what a joke?

This time, they sent five true gods, 20 half-step true gods, plus a group of land gods.

What a powerful lineup is enough to sweep everything.

Unless the forest is invincible and cannot hide in Shangqing City, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to fail.

What is going on? Flying feather **** god them? Let them come and see me.

The old man was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and was afraid to speak.

In the distance, several rays flew over,

Feeling the breath of the true **** of flying feathers, the son of God Chaos looked cold.

He had to ask carefully, how could the plan fail?

However, when these rays of light came to the vicinity, the Son of Chaos froze and couldn't even believe it.

How could the breath of these people be so weak?

The next moment, he saw a head flying over, the head of the true **** of flying feathers.

God of Chaos only feels, his brain is covered, like a lightning strike.

what's the situation? Feiyu true god, why is there only one skull left? What about his body?

Could it be broken?

The other person was seriously injured.

He looked at the other rays and found that those rays were even worse.

Those rays of light, the body is all blood mist, the soul has become dim, but also seriously injured.

what's up? What is going on?

Son of Chaos growled madly: Did the God of War fight? Or did Xuanyuan shoot?

In his opinion, the **** domain, unless it is Xuanyuan, or God of War.

Only when these two people make a shot, it is possible to hurt five array gods.

Otherwise, those other people do not have this qualification or the strength.

But think again, that's not right.

That Xuanyuan is extremely scary. It is said that the person who survived from the previous era is very strong.

If Xuanyuan shoots, his ancestors will do it, even if he doesn't get it.

Because Xuanyuan's power is too strong, too much and their chaos ancestors will be sensed in an instant.

Even if the fighting God of God shot, I am afraid that on the other side of the bank, Xuan Yin, Xuan Ming will instantly shoot.

However, none of these people shot.

This shows that it is not the power of the God of War and Xuanyuan.

Whose power is that?

On the other side of God's Land, what other powerful men are there?

We were wounded by Lin Wudi.

The head of Feiyu Zhenshen said hard.

what? It's Lin Invincible!

Chaos God was blinded after hearing,

To be honest, he didn't believe it.

He thought of many possibilities,

For example, the Jiujianxian who has the Devouring Sword and the Li Xunxian who has the Sword of Flying Swords.

Perhaps these two people have hidden strength,

Another possibility is that the God Realm united with the feathered fairy dynasty to carry out a sneak attack.

But ~ ~ He thought about it, but he didn't expect that it was Lin Wudi's hand.

You know, this time his goal is to catch Lin Wuji.

The Son of God wants to torture each other.

However, now Lin Wuji is hitting his face fiercely, defeating all his men.

Waste, a bunch of waste, how could you not beat that kid?

The Chaos God roared wildly, he looked around, and then frowned, and said: What about the Fire God?

Cang Tianzhen?

Is it because you are afraid to come to see me?

Several other true gods immediately calmed down, the world was terrifyingly quiet, only the wind was howling.

In the end, the true **** of flying feathers once again said: The cloud of fire fell.

Cang Tianzhen, also fell!

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