Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7453: God, angry! (two)

The **** of fire cloud fell.

When he heard this, the Chaos God froze again: Are you kidding me?

These people were seriously injured, which had shocked him, but the injury and fall of the true God are two different things.

Do you know how hard it is to kill a true god?

Do you know how strong the chaotic blood of the true **** of fire is?

How could their strong chaos protoss fall?

Damn, I don't believe it.

Son of Chaos roars wildly: You are lying to me, Huoyun, come out for me.

He shouted from the sky, the shattering void shattered, and Bahuang shivered.

On the other side, those warriors in other spaces felt scared when they felt this power.

In the distance, the void shook, one hand shredded the space, and from inside, a figure came out.

It is the chaos ancestor.

After he came out, his face was cold and gloomy.

A huge pressure swept out of him, as if the gods were angry.

Fei Yuzhen and others, like a boat in the ocean at this moment, will be swallowed up by this anger at any time.

The ancestor was angry, we were incompetent, and asked the ancestor to punish him.

Fei Yuzhen and others said tremblingly.

The God of Chaos also turned his head, his eyes were a little red, and his expression was extremely dull.

He said: Patriarch, they said that Huoyun, Cangtian fell, I don't believe it.

Ask my ancestors to search the heavens and the earth, find out the clouds of fire and the sky, and I will teach this coward well.

The chaos ancestor did not pay attention to the **** of chaos at all, and his face became more dignified.

In the end, he said: The cloud of fire, the sky, really fell.


The son of God was there, his face pale and cold sweat from his forehead.

He felt as if he had fallen into the Wannian Ice Cave.

The true **** fell, this is a big event that shakes the earth, this is going to break the sky.

Who did it?

My ancestor, this revenge must be reported. My Chaos Protoss and he are endless.

The chaotic godson growled wildly.

Don't look at his high status and strong bloodline, but according to the age of true god, he is still very young.

It's the age of qi and blood, and nobody accepts it.

The pride in his heart is now severely broken. How could he not be crazy?

He wants to guard the glory of the Chaos, and he must seize the enemy and let the other party die.

The chaos ancestor was also very angry, and his body seemed to be cracked like a hundred thousand volcanoes.

However, he didn't show it. He just kept his face calm and asked coldly: Who moved his hand?

Lin Invincible.

Fei Yuzhen said with gritted teeth.

It's him again, it's impossible.

God of Chaos is crazy: how can this forest be invincible?

He acknowledged that the other party was a descendant of the Great Dragon Sword and was extremely powerful.

However, their chaotic protoss are also not weak. They are innate and their blood is terrible.

This time, even the chaos ancestors were slightly surprised.

Could it be that the forest is invincible, has the Dragon Sword practiced to such a degree?

My ancestor, that Lin Wudi has shocked us too much. You can read my memory directly.

Feiyu really is really unwilling to say anything more.

For him, the experience of fighting Lin Xuan before was a nightmare.

The Chaos ancestor stretched out a finger and nodded on Feiyu Zhenshen's head, he began to read each other's memory.

It didn't take long for him to suddenly tremble his fingers and shrink his pupils, and he seemed to see the most incredible thing.

The next moment, his expression became haggard, and a terrible power burst out from him.

With him as the center, the void of 4 weeks was instantly broken and turned into nothingness.

The old servant kneeling on the ground before was bombarded directly, just like a disconnected kite, drifting into the distance.

His body is covered with cracks,

The injured true gods in front of him were even more crushed to the ground.

Even the God of Chaos was startled. Under this force, he knelt directly.

He was stunned: What could make the old ancestors so angry?

What exactly is in the memory of this true Feather God? What invincible thing did Lin Wudi do?

He was very curious.

Not only them, but where the Chaos clans are, this breath also spread to the distance.

The eternal land is very vast. In addition to the place where the Chaos Protoss are located, there are many cities and mountains.

There are countless warriors who cultivate here, they all belong to the other side.

At this moment, the warriors on the other shore looked up.

When they felt the power, they shuddered and fell to their knees.

There is a master who is angry, who is it?

This is the breath of chaos, the old ancestor of the chaos family.

Who dares to provoke each other?

A voice of discussion came.

The Wushuang immortals, those in Wushuang City, were also shocked.

They were also scared by this power.

In the other mountains, two figures flew out. They were two stone people, namely Xuan Yin and Xuan Ming.

When they felt this breath, they also took a breath.

The Lord of Chaos is angry.

I am afraid that the heavens and the world are going to turn upside down again. I wonder who it is? So unknowing.

Dare to provoke Chaos Lord.

You know, the two of them stood in front of the Chaos ancestors, so humble.

They can't think of it. Who dares to challenge the Chaos?

This fury stunned countless warriors on the other side, and in the depths of the other side, there was a more supreme figure.

He sat there, surrounded by endless rays of sunlight, unable to see his face clearly.

He is the true master of the other side.

At this moment, even he was alarmed.

He looked up slightly, and in his eyes, an eternal light bloomed and flew into the distance.

Chaos monsters are angry, which is really rare.

For thousands of years, the old monster has been cultivating the cultivated land, silently comprehending the world.

I wanted to complete the last step of immortality, but I never succeeded.

But even so, the other party was not angry, but now the other party is so angry.

What exactly is going on?

He didn't even understand why he was too high, but he didn't ask, he looked back.

He is doing one thing with all his strength, and this thing will soon be completed.

Once this thing is done, it will shock the heavens and the world.

Too strong and strong ~ ~ However, at this moment he is not the pinnacle and he is seriously injured.

In addition, there is a Xuanyuan over the God Realm, and some forces left by the Emperor of Heaven.

Therefore, too many shots are too many, the most important one is to gather the power of the gods in Lin Xuan, then shot.

Other than that, he never shot again,

However, this does not mean that he will give up.

I must control these heavens and the world!

I want to get enough power to reopen the eternal door.

Nine days! I will definitely kill it back.

Nine days and ten places, Taishang has a complete eternal land, which can be described as terrible.

However, he was not reconciled,

His goal is nine days!

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