Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7456: Devour Sword vs Chaos World! (two)

No shadow true god, condensed his own chaotic world, looking down.

He said in a deep voice: "No, don't you?" Then I will hit you until you come out.

With a wave of his hand, the chaotic world on that side fell downward.

Wherever I go, everything is broken, nothing can resist.

Dark red Shenlong them, when they felt this scene, their faces changed greatly.

If they were hit by this world, they would instantly turn into a mist of blood, and they would be wiped out.

This chaotic world has not completely landed.

The entire Baishen family has begun to shake, and the ground has cracked and become fragmented.

Many people vomit blood in their mouths and look pale,

It won't be long before they turn into a mist of blood.

Too strong, so unimaginable that it simply cannot resist.

Despair in the eyes of these people in the realm of God,

Xiaocheng's true **** is definitely a lofty existence.

Although there are many true gods on their side, they are all newly formed true gods.

I'm afraid that even if you join forces, you can't resist it. This time, it's really a crisis.

Maybe they shouldn't stay here, maybe they should go to Shangqing City from the beginning.

If they face such an attack in Shangqing City, they will not be able to fight it, but they will be able to protect themselves.

But now, they have no chance to escape.

Even if Lin Xuan came out now, he couldn't resist it.

Liquor, Li Xunxian shot.

They will never sit idly by, let alone each other destroy the place.

The swallowing vortex appeared as if it had become a huge black hole, which was blocked in front of everyone in an instant.

He blocked the chaotic world,

With a bang, the black vortex tumbled fiercely as if to crack.

The Devouring Sword is equally terrible.

Although the wine master has just become a true god, he can already leapfrog.

He actually blocked this chaotic world!

This scene, let the dark red Shenlong and others breathe a sigh of relief: great, blocked.

It seems that it is not invincible.

Although Xiaocheng Zhenshen is strong, the Devouring Sword is still terrible. Coupled with Lin Xuan's big dragon sword, he can definitely defeat the opponent.

These people are excited, they see hope.

Is this the power to devour the sword?

Wu Ying looked down, and the dark swirl was also very surprised.

Five swords in the world are truly extraordinary.

The other side ’s cultivation has sent him so much that he was able to block the chaotic world he called out.

It really surprised him,

But that's it,

He just didn't do his best at all.

As long as he is serious, the opponent will undoubtedly lose.

It can only be said that these people knew nothing about his power.

Thinking of this, he grunted, waved his sleeve robe, and the endless chaos breath fell into the chaotic world.

The chaotic world on the other side shines brighter.

Continue to descend downward,

The black vortex, shaking violently, seemed irresistible.

Follow them down.

The white gods, the fissures around them, are even more terrible.

Thousands of cracks in the sky, just like the black dragon of extinction, open their teeth and claw, numbing the scalp of the gods.

Those martial arts in the domain of God, kept back: Damn, can't you resist?

At this time, Li Xunxian shot, and he shot the flying sword.

A peerless blade of light cut through the void and killed forward.

He actually bypassed this chaotic world and directly killed Wuying.

This knife is almost to the extreme, it can be described as shocking, crying ghosts.

Between the heavens and the earth, there was a blood rain, and various horrible roars sounded.

There are some phantoms that surround this knife.

These phantoms are the Gai Shiqiang who have been cut and killed by the immortal flying sword.

Wuying stood there, didn't dodge at all, and the next moment, he was cut by this sword.

When I saw this scene, those people around me were all excited: Great, the other side cares.

What if the other person is Xiaocheng's true god?

Beheaded, and still vital, even if not dead, it is seriously injured.

Li Xunxian was also relieved,

Previously, his cutting sword was once blocked by Chaos soil.

Chaos soil is a terrible treasure, and it was blocked by the opponent with his blood.

Now it's no shadow, although it is more powerful, it is really too big.

The other party dare to look down on him, this time, it will definitely hurt the other party.

It may even hurt the origin of the other party,

Because this knife is aimed at the opponent's eyebrows.

This knife can not only hurt the body, but also the soul.

However, the next moment, Li Xunxian froze, and even stayed there.

Those other people are also stupid,

They widened their eyes and couldn't believe it.

The scene that happened above was incredible.

It turned out that although this knife cut Wuying, it flew from Wuying's head.

He flew into the distance, cut through the void, and disappeared into the vast universe.

what's the situation?

Is this a hit?

How do I feel as if I was hit in the air.

He was not injured at all.

Didn't hit?

Li Xunxian's complexion was ugly.

He made this move, and he could naturally feel that this move was short.

The other side avoided it.

How fast is this?

The power of space, this is the power of space.

The Golden Lion King also growled.

It is only the power of the void that can blur your body in an instant.

Unexpectedly, this guy turned out to be a master of space.

Is this your flying sword? It's an exaggerated name, but that's it.

No shadow true god, when looking down, sneer: Next, suppress all of you.

I want to make you worse off in front of Lin Wuji.

He reached out with one hand and dangled on the chaotic world, accelerating it.

Suddenly, the chaotic world fell down at a very fast speed.

Everyone is desperate,

The cut fairy flying sword has no effect at all,

The gap is really too big.

At this time, the wine master roared: You give me strength, and I push the Devouring Sword with all my strength.

The Dark Red Dragon started the power of the ground vein and roared.

Those around me came back, they gritted their teeth ~ ~

And the Devouring Sword, they will not lose.

These people put all their power into the Devouring Sword.

The dark red Shenlong is activated, and the power of the earth veins flows into the black vortex.

The wine grandfather gained powerful power, and Yangtian roared, devouring the sword, as if alive.

The black vortex became bigger again, and it seemed to be able to swallow the heavens and earth.

Instantly rushed to the chaotic world.

This time, not only resisted, but directly enveloped the chaotic world.

The chaotic world was shining like thousands of suns.

But at this moment, it was instantly shrouded in darkness, and it disappeared into the vast void.

Between heaven and earth, there is only one huge vortex, floating up and down.

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