Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7457: The Power of Chaos Beads! (three)

Was swallowed?

People in the domain of God cheered when they saw this scene,

It's not easy, they really scared them just now.

Fortunately, the Devouring Sword is unparalleled in power and has enough power to swallow up the opponent's world.

Chaos Protoss is really amazing,

They have to be careful all the time, I don't know what stronger person will be next time?

The wine master was also relieved, but the next moment, his face changed: bad.

He took three steps back and a spurt of old blood spurted out.

In the sky, the original darkness was torn apart,

Several large cracks broke the darkness, and the endless rays of sunlight fell down.

The huge devouring vortex was even penetrated!

The other people, likewise, kept backing, shocked.

They looked up at the sky, extremely shocked: how is this possible?

The Golden Lion King, the dark red dragon, and Yan Ruyu, their bodies were trembling and their eyes were red.

They kept resisting, but still couldn't stop.

How did this happen? Can't even swallow the sword? What kind of world is this?

Devouring the sword, but one of the five swords in the world, although they cannot exert all their power.

However, the power that can be exerted far exceeds the true God!

How could this be?

Even Li Xunxian, the true god, was equally stunned, and his face became extremely ugly.

The wine grandfather even looked up, his face pale, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The other side exerted a super strong force.

Just now, he felt that in the vortex, there was a power that he could not resist, and it emerged.

The cracks in the sky are still spreading, and the space vortex is constantly broken, as if the whole world is to be torn into pieces.

And in that world, a figure came out, it was no shadow.

There was a bead in his hand, spinning constantly, blooming with a terrible breath.

He looked down and said coldly: You are really naive, thinking that you can defeat me.

Too stupid.

My strength, you can't imagine, see this bead in my hand?

This bead is called the Chaos Bead, and it is a weapon of God.

Do you think it can be resisted by you little ants?

Stop trying, kneeling down on the ground, wait for death!

what? Dacheng weapon?

When I heard this, everyone was stunned. How terrible it was to become the weapon of God.

Beyond their imagination.

This is a legend.

Chaos Protoss, do you even have such a treasure?

The golden lion king, queen lord, they have a hint of despair in their eyes.

Li Xunxian's body trembled, and the wine grandfather laughed bitterly.

No wonder he was able to pierce his vortex of devour, which turned out to be the weapon of Dacheng True God!

Unfortunately, he has just become a true **** now, and his realm is still unstable.

If he is a small Chengzhen god, holding the Devouring Sword can definitely block the opponent's Dacheng Chenjin weapon.

But now, he seems unable to resist,

It seems that only the other true gods can be awakened.

Everyone, urge the Devouring Sword together,

Although they can't beat each other, if they want to escape, they should not be able to stop it.

At present, this situation can only be returned to Shangqing City.

Dark Red Dragon, Bei Yao, they are completely frightened,

The weapon of Dacheng True God makes them extremely shocking!

Between heaven and earth, quiet and terrible.

The gap is too big, it is so desperate that it cannot be resisted.

Many people are about to give up.

At this time, Ye Wudao and Murong fell in love, and they also opened their eyes.

The true **** of lotus, the true **** of the seven stars, and others also came out.

Feeling the power outside, they couldn't cultivate at all.

After they came out, they also exclaimed: Dacheng's weapon!

This power also exceeded their expectations, they said: Hurry to ask Lin Gongzi to shoot.

They couldn't resist, but if Lin Xuan shot it, it would be different.

Forget it, shouting Lin Xuan, the same can't resist.

The Golden Lion King shook his head,

He said: We leave here together and return to Shangqing City.

The wine master was also prepared to urge the sword to devour.

However, Murong Qingcheng said: Wine master, let Xuan Ge try it, Xuan Ge can definitely resist it.

That's right.

The true God of Lotus also said: The strength of the Prince Lin is beyond our imagination.

With his shot, all crises can be settled.

Wine master, the Golden Lion King, they all feel a little bit surprised: Can Lin Xuan really do it?

In the sky, Wu Ying was surprised to see so many true gods coming out.

No wonder they were able to slay their two true gods. It seems that this is the reason why these people work together.

These people attributed the credit to Lin Xuan. It really scared him.

Now it seems that in fact Lin Lin is invincible, but that's it.

It's just relying on many people to attack in groups.

Now he brought chaos beads, everything changed, no matter how many true gods the other side came, it was useless.

Dacheng weapon is enough to sweep everything.

Since they all came out, it was easy to handle, and they all knelt down on the ground waiting to die.

As for that Lin Wuji, I will make him die.

What are you proud of?

Gu Santong snorted, and then they said, "Lin Xuan, we need your shot.

In the palace, Lin Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and the chaos in his body kept blooming.

Behind it is a dark world, which is the **** world.

The **** world at this moment is completely different from before, and has become more hard and powerful.

When he heard someone calling him, he opened his eyes, his eyes penetrated the world, and he looked out.

Feeling the situation outside, his face became ugly: what's going on?

During his retreat, did anyone come here to scatter the wild again?

How do you feel that the ground has some more cracks? How do you feel, wine master, Dark Red Dragon, they are injured again?


This Chaos Protoss is really looking for death.

Lin Xuan stood up and walked out of the palace.

The appearance of Lin Xuan made the people in Shenyu excited: Lin Gongzi came out.

Before Lin Xuan tried to turn the tide and killed the true God with great force, in their hearts, it was a legend.

Not to mention, at least Lin Xuan came out, they settled a lot in their hearts ~ ~ boy, he is a small **** of truth, he has Dacheng weapon in his hand, you are not an opponent, we still have to find a way to leave here!

The Golden Lion King also walked over and said: Yeah, don't be too reluctant.

Although you can fight beyond the ranks, the weapon of Dacheng True God is too terrible.

Even the vortex of devouring the sword was penetrated. I am afraid that Lin Xuan's big dragon sword could not hurt the opponent.

Dacheng's weapon!

Lin Xuan was so surprised that she looked up at the sky, and her reincarnation bloomed.

He saw a blurry figure standing in the bright world.

In the other hand, there is a fist-sized bead with a terrible breath.

The chaos power above is extremely terrible.

Life is rare!

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