Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7458: Dacheng weapon? I have that too! (One)

The power of Dacheng's weapons is terrible. With just one force, it surpasses everything.

No wonder they are also injured.

If it is replaced with other Xiaocheng true gods, I am afraid that they will escape in despair.

However, Lin Xuan does not.

Dacheng weapon, this is not the first time he has seen it, nor the first time he has fought. He is very experienced.

More importantly, Lin Xuan also has Dacheng weapons in his hands.

That is Ziyueding.

Nin Tianyue's weapon was obtained by him.

Later, he was slashed by the Eight Diagrams Furnace and Xuan Tian's spirit sword, and he split the soul mark on it.

Now this weapon is no longer a **** of life.

It belongs to Lin Xuan.

In addition, Lin Xuan also has a treasure, which is a leaf book of the Holy God.

This thing is related to Feixiantai. It is extremely mysterious. There are hundreds of ancient texts on it. Lin Xuan hasn't had time to realize it yet.

The above records are probably extremely ancient supernatural powers,

And this book of Ye Jing is infinitely powerful.

Can be used as a flying sword, enough to destroy everything.

In addition, inside Lin Xuan, there is also a scroll of Sendai and Infinite Heavenly Venerable.

That is something more mysterious than Dacheng weapon.

The other party took a great weapon and dared to show off his power in front of him.

Lin Xuan withdrew his gaze and said coldly: Rest assured, everyone, leave this to me.

After he finished, he walked forward.

Lin Xuan, is it really okay?

Li Xunxian, the Golden Lion King, they were all extremely nervous.

If Lin Xuan is going to lose, this time, the blow to them is really too big.

Are you that Lin Wudi? Sure enough as arrogant as the legend.

In the sky, Wu Ying dropped his gaze, with a killing intention in his eyes.

How dare you take action against our Chaos Protoss, you are so **** it!

It's you who are looking for death. If it weren't for you, who came thousands of miles to spread the wild, do you think it will fall?

The previous true **** is the same, the true **** is the fire cloud, and you came to death by yourself.

You are dead, no wonder others.

Lin Xuan carried his hands on his back and said lightly,

Did not take the other party's eyes at all.

In the sky, the shadowlessness is ignorant,

What did he hear? This guy dare to look down upon him so much.

Dare to hit his face in public, mad?

Don't the other party know that he has a great weapon in his hand?

However, Dacheng's weapon is his card after all, and in his realm, it cannot be used many times.

It was used once before, and now he can still use it once, and he has to use it at critical moments.

In his view, his cultivation behavior is higher than that of the other party.

With its own strength, it can crush the other party, and there is no need to use Dacheng weapons.

Just a little ant, watch me squeeze you with one hand.

With a wave of his robe, the chaotic world he hit in front of him kept rolling.

A big chaotic hand came out, and he turned towards the bottom and grabbed it overwhelmingly.

This palm, with the power to open the earth, is extremely terrible.

As if a sky had fallen, he instantly came to the top of Lin Xuan's head.

Lin Xuan glanced up, then punched out.


Above his fist, a more terrifying power of chaos bloomed, as if turned into the **** of chaos.

Punched out with a punch and destroyed the ancients, instantly hitting this chaotic big hand.

The thunder sounded, and this big chaotic hand was instantly pierced and torn apart.

And this punch, like a broken bamboo, directly killed forward, without pause.

With a bang,

Everyone only saw that the dazzling world in the sky shook violently.

Subsequently, a black channel was shot.

And at the end of the passage, Wuying was blown out with a punch,

The blood of chaos stained the sky.

Shadowless, like a broken kite, landed in the distance.

So strong.

Those of God Realm, when they saw this scene, their eyes were almost staring out.

They know that Lin Xuan is very strong, but no matter how strong it is, there are limits.

Lin Xuan's enemies this time are not the true gods, but the true gods.

The strength is much stronger than the previous five true gods.

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Xuan will definitely come up and use the dragon spirit to defeat the other party with the invincible power.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan didn't display the Dragon Sword Spirit at all, just flicked a fist, and flew Xiaocheng Zhenshen.

What kind of power is this? Isn't it terrible?

Has Lin Xuan's physique already been so strong? Is it better than Xiaocheng's true God?

Those young disciples stood there and felt ill.

Even true gods such as Jiuye and Li Xunxian are also very surprised,

This physique far exceeds them.

They still have some worries. After all, the other party has great weapons.

If the Dacheng weapon cannot be stopped, everything will be in vain.

Damn kid, dare you attack me?

Shadowless roaring crazy, he was really blinded. This punch hurt him, and more importantly, made him lose face.

But he is a true god, high above, how could he be beaten?

More importantly, he, the law of the road he walks, is the way of no shadow,

The so-called shadowless is the shadowless.

He could easily avoid even the slashing flying sword, not to mention the opponent's fist.

As long as he is serious, he can easily escape.

However, he was really careless just now,

In addition, the speed and power of this punch is almost extreme.

He couldn't hide.

At this moment, when he recovered, he was murderous.

Oh, that's how you are.

Hurry up and show your true strength, otherwise, my three punches will kill you.

Lin Xuan said coldly.

At this moment, the chaotic breath of Lin Xuan's body, which kept blooming, did not hide it at all.

The opposite shadowless, calmed down, very surprised.

I have heard the ancestors say that we must break the other person's body.

Because the other party cultivated the power of chaos, he still didn't believe it before.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he was shocked: how do you feel that the chaotic power in the other party is so pure?

How did this guy practice? It is more terrible than the true gods of their Chaos Protoss.

This kid is too bad, absolutely can not, let the other party practice.

It seems to be serious.

At the next moment, his figure flickered, disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had come behind Lin Xuan.

The shadowless and invisible great magical power was displayed by him, and it was really terrible.

In an instant, he launched tens of thousands of attacks against Lin Xuan.

Every one is lore. UU reading books

far away.

Those of God Realm felt scalp numb when they felt this scene.

Even Lotus True God, Qixing True God and others are trembling.

There is no way, even if they have some feelings and their strength has improved, but in the face of Xiaocheng true god, they still can't resist.

Don't talk about them, others can't resist.

What can be resisted on the spot, except Lin Xuan, I am afraid there is only Jiujinxian, right?

However, the master also knows that he can only use the sword to swallow and passively resist.

I don't know how Lin Xuan will resist it? Would you like to show the big dragon sword?

Without a trace?

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, he sneered. He stepped out and sneered: Wu Ying Jian.

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