Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7459: 0 million years of blood! Unbearable 1 blow! (two)

As a swordsman, Lin Xuan once practiced countless swordsmanship in Tianyuan.

One of the swordsmanship is called Shadowless Sword, which needs to be felt with the sword heart.

At the next moment, Lin Xuan closed his eyes.

Hahahaha, kid, have you given up? It's too late.

Even if you kneel on the ground and beg me, I will not let you go.

It seems that Lin Xuan closed his eyes, and the shadowless voice sounded in all directions.

Very proud.

Lin Xuan didn't pay attention to the other party at all, but stepped out in one step and shouted coldly: Wuying Jian.

There was no sword gas around, everyone was stunned.

what happened? What exactly is Lin Xuan doing?

They don't understand.

However, they soon understood,

They found that all the attacks carried out by Wuying were blocked.

There is an invisible sword light that blocks everything,

Not only that, those sword spirits seem to be chasing and killing without shadow.

Shadowless dodge quickly, his body quickly blurred, but it is useless.

This time, he was still hit, he fell back, and another crack appeared on his body.

Damn, what kind of swordsmanship is this? How does it feel more terrible than his shadowless avenue?

It seems that you can't use your own power to contend with it.

The other party possesses the Great Dragon Sword Soul, which is capable of annihilating nothingness, perhaps restraining his way.

However, he could not restrain his condensed world.

The next moment, he roared: Boy, I admit that you are very strong, but, so far.

It took me millions of years to develop this world through the use of blood.

Its power is beyond your imagination, even if you are a dragon successor, you can't help it.

Now feel what is despair.

With a roar, Wuying pushed the chaotic world with all his strength, and rushed toward the bottom.

not good.

When they saw this scene, the people of God Realm exclaimed again.

Even the wine master said: Hurry away.

You know, before they blocked the world, they used the swallowing sword together to block it.

Can Lin Xuan be alone?

A world opened with blood?

Lin Xuan's expression became solemn.

He said coldly: Not long ago, I also opened up a world with the light of chaos.

You also feel its power.

After finishing his speech, Lin Xuan waved his hand, and the endless black clouds behind him rolled into a **** world, rushing towards the front.

The two worlds collided in mid-air, forming a world-destroying storm that swept in all directions.

That force is really terrible. There are endless cracks in the world, and the chaotic world is blocked.

When is Lin Xuan's **** world so powerful?

The Golden Lion King was shocked.

They know that Lin Xuan has six worlds. Although powerful, they are not as good as this chaotic world.

But now, the two are evenly matched.

It's really shocking,

The opposite shadowless, completely stunned, he was dumbfounded.

Was the chaotic world he was proud of being blocked?

Are you kidding me?

This world has been refined by him for millions of years.

A world just condensed by the other party can already be compared. Has he worked hard for millions of years?

This contrast makes him collapse and makes him crazy.

Is it possible to compare with each other, is he an idiot?


Damn kid, I must kill you by hand.

Wuying is really crazy,

To be honest, he did not intend to use Dacheng weapons.

In his view, he was enough to crush everything,

But he found that Lin Xuan's power was beyond his imagination.

He can only use this weapon now.

He took out the Chaos Beads, and his expression became extremely grim.

Boy, how can you be strong? In front of Dacheng weapon, you will be wiped out.

All your pride, all your cards, in front of Chaos Orb, are all in vain.

Widen your eyes and look at it, this is our chaotic **** clan, the real power.

Shadowless crazy urged Chaos Pearl, this time, the wine master they can no longer calm down.

They said: Lin Xuan, hurry away.

They admit that Lin Xuan is very strong and gave them too much shock, even the chaotic world can block it.

It's incredible.

However, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to stop the chaotic beads. Even if Lin Xuan exerts the dragon sword with all his strength, I am afraid it cannot be stopped.

Want to beg for mercy? It's too late, I will not let go of this kid, nor will I let all the people present.

I want to make your **** realm, all fly to smoke.

A cold voice sounded,

Those in the **** realm trembled, and their faces were desperate.

Dacheng weapons, who can contend?

In the face of this chaotic bead, Lin Xuan was calm, he said with a smile: Do you think that only you have a great weapon?

Lin Xuan's voice sounded between heaven and earth, and everyone was blindfolded after hearing it.

Is it possible that Lin Xuan also possesses Dacheng weapons? Is this impossible?

Dark red dragon, eyes are almost staring out.

You know, how precious Dacheng weapons are, he has never seen them.

Is it possible that Lin Xuan has such a retrograde thing in his hands?

The shadowless person on the opposite side was also blinded. He sneered: Boy, have you got water in your head?

Do you know the level of Dacheng weapons?

Have you seen Dacheng weapons?

Can't you have it?

Hahahaha, laugh at me.

Wuying sneered,

In his view, Lin Xuan just didn't know that the sky was thick.

Lin Xuan looked calm, his hand waved, and something appeared in his hand.

He said lightly: open your eyes and see, what is this?

In Lin Xuan's hands, the endless purple light bloomed and turned into a purple moon after another, drifting in all directions.

A mysterious and vast breath swept through, and the whole world shivered.

When they felt this power, the warriors of God Realm almost knelt down.

The Golden Lion King was dumbfounded,

Li Xunxian and the wine master, they are also shocked.

They stared deadly in front of them, their faces full of incredible!

The power on this weapon, like Chaos Beads, is a power beyond everything.

Li Xunxian exclaimed!

The master laughed: I knew that this kid always made people unexpected.

Cangtian, I'm not dazzled, this kid really has great weapons in his hands.

The dark red dragon also jumped up,

He was shaking with excitement.


The dark red dragon resembles an old monster and laughs in the sky.

Great, we won, we won.

The opponent's best is not Dacheng's weapon, which makes them unable to lift their heads and makes them despair.

But unexpectedly, Lin Xuan also has,

In this way, the other party's advantage is gone!

See how arrogant the other party is?

Finally came out.

Murong Qingcheng, Qixing True God and others also smiled.

They had known for a long time that Lin Xuan had this treasure on him, UU reading

They were not worried before.

Lin Xuan stood in the void, above the palm of his hand, a purple tripod, constantly floating, exuding breath.

Swept across the heavens.

He stared straight ahead and said coldly: Do you think you can beat me with a great weapon?

Can you crush God Realm?

you are too naive,

Our heritage is not what you can imagine.

Dacheng weapons, I also have.

Today, I will let you know my strength!

I let you know how big the gap is between us!

What chaotic beads, what chaotic world, your chaotic family, can't bear a blow in front of me.

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