Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7460: Mysterious Tianyin! (three)

Lin Xuan's voice resounded in all directions, and he also took out Dacheng's weapon.

Those around me were stunned: was this Lin Xuan's card? No wonder such self-confidence.

The true God without shadow on the opposite side is completely ignorant.

It turned out that his pride was so vulnerable in front of the other party.

how is this possible? How do you have Mahayana weapons?

The **** of shadowless roars crazy,

His body shivered a little.

Soon he recovered and laughed coldly: Dacheng's weapons were very difficult to control.

I was helped by my ancestors, and I was able to control it with my hard work.

I don't believe it, can you control it?

The same is a great weapon, and the strength is also different when it is displayed.

I haven't lost, I still have the right to crush you.

True God without shadow, seeing hope again, quickly mobilizing the chaotic beads.

The atmosphere of chaos surrounds him, forming a chaotic armor, which envelopes his figure.

Subsequently, he turned into a chaotic light and killed him fiercely towards Lin Xuan.

The chaotic beads in his hands are constantly spinning.

Boy, I will let you know the gap between us.

At this moment, the true God of Wuying is really desperate.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly and waved his hand, Ziyue Dingfei flew past.

Shining light between heaven and earth, blocking the power of Chaos Pearl.

The two great weapons collided between heaven and earth and could not stand still.

Was blocked!

True God without shadow, when he saw this scene, his face changed.

He had a glimmer of hope before, but now his heart sank again.

Lin Xuan, however, raised a sneer.

Seeing this smile, Wuying True God's eyelids jumped: bad.

He quickly blurred his body.


Lin Xuan spit the sky sound, the earth-shattering voice sounded, and the sky collapsed.

With Lin Xuan as the center, the void for 4 weeks is constantly broken.

Those in God's Domain are also trembling: What is this voice?

Just a syllable, so terrible, as if to destroy the world.

What Lin Xuan exhibited is naturally infinite.

This voice is extremely scary,

In an instant, the body of Wuying True God broke apart.

He screamed with horror in his eyes,

Can't he resist just one move?

The other party's voice was terrible.

He knew he was defeated,

If hesitates any longer, he will fall here just like the true **** of fire cloud.

He was very decisive and his broken body instantly integrated into the Chaos Pearl.

Chaos beads fled through the sky.

When he saw this scene, Lin Xuan was also slightly surprised.

This guy, is he too courageous? How has he not shot yet? The other party was scared away.

Shaking his head and sneering, Lin Xuan recovered Ziyue Ding and turned back to the White God family.

Did you win?

The wine master, the golden lion king and others are somewhat confused.

Before they felt a trace of despair, unexpectedly, Lin Xuan came out and solved it so easily.

It's incredible.

Dark Red Divine Dragon rushed over and said: Boy, let me see your Ziyueding.

For the first time, he saw Dacheng weapons.

Lin Xuan took Zi Yueding out and controlled the power above.

Dark Red Dragon, Li Xunxian, Wine Master and others hurried over and watched carefully.

It must be said that Dacheng's weapons are indeed terrible, and the godmarks on them are far beyond imagination.

Boy, did you get it in the land of resurrection? Dark Red Dragon asked: What else do you have? Did not come up.

Wouldn't it still be?

Golden Lion King, they do n’t believe it,

How precious are Dacheng weapons, are there many?

Lin Xuan said: There are indeed some cards that are not displayed. Forget it. Let's show it in the future!


Golden Lion King, they were dumbfounded,

To be honest, they are really envious.

The wine master also said: Boy, can we go there, the mountain of life?

To be honest, these people who went to the mountain of life had a breakthrough in their strength.

This makes the wine master and others very envious, they also want to go.

The master has the power to devour the sword.

If he can devour a large amount of life force, his strength will definitely be able to make rapid progress in a short time.

I want to go too.

The dark red dragon is also shining with both eyes,

He is also going to find a great weapon.

Have a chance.

Lin Xuan still has the power of life, so he can open the channel again.

But well, not in a short time,

To the camp, now they are looking for them frantically.

Even want to come across.

You have to wait for some time to calm down the anger towards the camp, and then go secretly.

Lord, rest assured, as soon as the time comes, I will let you in immediately.

You can be there, devouring a huge amount of life force, when the true **** will not hurt you.

Jiujinxian is also looking forward to,

To tell the truth, his current strength cultivation is caught up by Lin Xuan.

As a master, he is very stressed.

However, he also knows that Lin Xuan has all kinds of adventures. If he wants to advance by leaps and bounds, he also needs a lot of strength.

Devouring the sword is also one of the five swords in the world, and it needs more power to improve.

The wine master devoured the power of the White God family before, and he broke through to become the true God.

If he could devour the power of the Protoss again, his cultivation could break through again.

This point, Lin Xuan also has a deep experience.

If you let him retreat and practice like this, it is too difficult to break through with his hole cards.

It is estimated that there is no one million years, and there is no qualification to break through.

Therefore, after absorbing the Chaos Earth, Lin Xuan is ready to find another place, go to explore, to find baby and fortune.

He placed his goal in the remains of the emperor.

The God of Fighting took Jade Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor and went to some true gods. There is no news yet.

I don't know what happened?

Forget it, absorb Chaos first.

In Lin Xuan's hands, there is still a baby. After absorption, his physique can be enhanced.

Next, Lin Xuan closed again

On the other side, the people of Chaos are completely crazy.

True God Wuying is back, but he escaped and was seriously injured.

They ca n’t believe it,

Does Wuying True God hold Dacheng's weapons, why can't Lin Wudi be?

Even Chaos Ancestor was a little bit confused: what's going on?

Is it impossible for Lin to be invincible? Did he need to shoot it himself?

There was also a great weapon in the boy's hand.

True God without a shadow, said clenched teeth.


As soon as these words came out, the people of UU reading were confused, and the powerful people on the other side were shocked.

Chaos God Son shook his head madly: Impossible, where did their **** realm come from?

Ancestor of Chaos, but thoughtful, he said: It is really possible.

The reason why God Realm can contend with the other shore is because the origin of God Realm is extraordinary.

Their heritage is also very long, dating back to the previous era.

Do n’t look at God Realm, there are few real gods now,

They have a group of people, also in time.

Once back, the strength will change dramatically.

Among those people, there are great gods,

Inevitably, have they found a clue in the long course of time?

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