Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7462: Xueqi, wake up (2)

Wuying True God and others, once again came back in a state of embarrassment, leaving the people on the other side in an uproar.

Ancestor of Chaos, after learning the situation, frowned tightly: Has a group of strong men come?

It seems that it should be related to the place of life?

Forget it, you do n’t want to shoot first, waiting for the advent of the Hundred Clan.

True God Wuying said: Old ancestors, can't we take the shot and grab the passage of the resurrected land?

Chaos Ancestor shook his head: You haven't been there, and you don't know the situation there.

I have been there before, and there was a peerless battle there.

Moreover, there is not easy, with hundreds of ancient people,

When the time comes to recover, they might kill it.

It was not too late to join forces at that time.

Now, you still practice well, waiting for the advent of the desolate.

Next, they did not take action for the time being,

On the other side, Lin Xuan and others were busy quickly.

Lin Xuan cultivation,

This time, he mainly absorbed the power of Chaos Earth.

Before absorbing the power of those chaotic bloodlines, his fairy Dao pattern has been raised to 200,000 Dao.

Strength has been steadily improved.

I do n’t know how much this time, after absorbing Chaos Earth?

In a flash, three months passed,

On this day, Lin Xuan opened his eyes and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The chaotic soil has been absorbed by him and turned into a 300,000 **** pattern.

In addition to those previously practiced, there are a total of 500,000 immortals and Taoism.

Lin Xuan clenched his fists,

I feel that his physique and the power of the fairy have been improved.

He knew it was not enough, and he needed 5 million ways to break through to become the true God.

It seems that it is time to go to the remains of the Emperor,

I don't know what kind of gains this time.

After Lin Xuan came out, he found that Zhou Tianshi and others were still busy in making formations.

But Murong Qingcheng and they were still retreating and practicing, but did not come out.

Lin Xuan can only go alone,

His figure shook, turned into a streamer, and left the White God family.

He hides in the void and starts silently to prevent being attacked by others on the other side.

Through the eyes of reincarnation, he looked through the Quartet and found no one secretly following him.

It seems that this time, the Chaos family is afraid of being beaten, and it should not be shot in a short time.

It just gave him the opportunity to practice and improve.

When Lin Xuan went to the remains of the Emperor of Heaven, on the other side, Dan Zong.

In the huge ice, a beautiful figure, opened his eyes, this figure is Xueqi.

Before Xue Qi, because of the speed of cultivation, the fire broke into magic, and ice appeared on her body and turned into ice.

Later, it was Lin Xuan who brought her here to let Danzong's master, refine the Elixir, to help Xueqi recover.

Now, Xue Qi finally opened her eyes.

What's wrong with me?

Xue Qi was a little dazed: How did she fall asleep?

Are you awake?

Dan Zong, who was wearing a red robe, came over with great joy.

He said the previous thing again, and Xue Qi was also surprised after hearing it.

It turned out to be the husband, who sent me over, did I get into trouble?

Mr. Lin said, if you wake up, you must be persuaded, never practice so quickly.

Not good for you.

I know.

Xueqi nodded.

Next, she left and returned to Shangqing City.

After returning to Shangqing City, the people of God Realm also breathed a sigh of relief: it would be great if you come back.

What about husband?

Xue Qi looked to the Quartet, and did not find Lin Xuan's figure.

Mr. Lin, he is still retreating and practicing at the moment. He wants to come out in a short time, so he will not come out.

You can rest assured that he will definitely return to Shangqing City as soon as he comes out. He will be very happy to see you back.

Lin Xuan didn't know yet that when Xue Qi came back, he had come again, the remains of the emperor.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xuan walked in.

Not long after he entered, he felt that there was a terrible power in it.

This is the power left in the space after the battle of the true gods, which will not disperse for a long time.

Obviously, the strong guys who went in earlier had trouble when they first came in.

Lin Xuan knew that when fighting God of War, in order to reduce the pressure on their side, they deliberately took away a group of strong men.

Among them, the true gods on the **** list.

These real gods, at the time, were the most powerful.

Do not know how far these people can go together?

Lin Xuan continued to fly inside, 4 weeks of incomparable darkness, which seemed to be an abyss.

At this time, in the void, a paw suddenly appeared and slapped fiercely towards Lin Xuan.

Above this paw, there is a **** light, it should be a puppet, responsible for guarding here.

Lin Xuan didn't care, raising his hand was a punch.

The chaotic fist, with its earth-breaking power, instantly shattered this claw.

According to the line in Lin Xuan's memory before, he should be able to meet those strong again.

He knew, however, that the ruins of the emperor, just outside, had many strong men.

Such as Qin Longxiang, Jian Fusheng, Jun Mo Wang, etc.

These people should have been true gods in those days.

They wanted to follow Heavenly Emperor and wanted to gain the power of Heavenly Emperor, so they came here.

However, they were all trapped in bronze coffins.

This time, Lin Xuan discovered the Golden Palace, but was unable to enter.

This change made Lin Xuan slightly surprised. It seems that something happened here that he didn't understand.

Perhaps it was the fighting gods and others who came in to change, or it was possible that the phantom of the emperor changed that day.

Lin Xuan clearly remembered that after they came out, there were many people who wanted to attack here.

As a result, they all failed.

In the end, there was another phantom of the Emperor, who came out and swept all directions,

Since then, no one dared to come here.

Since this golden palace cannot enter, you can only go to other places to see.

In addition to the Golden Palace, there are other main halls.

After Lin Xuan went in, he found that the space inside was equally vast, like a small world.

There are many palaces, pavilions, and pavilions, each of which is extremely simple, with mysterious power.

It was quiet all around, no one could see,

Go ahead and see what's in these palaces?

He found the nearest palace and rushed over,

It was found that he could not enter.

What's happening here?

Lin Xuan slightly surprised: Is there a seal of formation?

Taking a deep breath, he cast a fist of chaos and slayed forward, and the sky was cracking.

However, the palace was unmoved.

It does n’t seem to work, the level of this formation should be very high,

I am afraid that Zhou Tianshi and others will be here before they can crack it.

Lin Xuan did not waste time and continued to look for other palaces,

I found three palaces and couldn't get in.

At this time, Lin Xuan discovered a pagoda, a total of three floors, not too high.

Lin Xuan tried it ~ ~ He found this pagoda and he was able to go in.

Opening the gate of the pagoda, an ancient breath filled out, as if entering the ancient world.

Lin Xuan waited for a while, blooming the light of the **** body, forming a lot of defense, and then went in.

I don't know, is there any danger in it?

Immediately after entering, he found that several figures stood there.

These figures, wearing ancient armor, completely enveloped the whole body and could not see their faces clearly.

Their eyes are closed, like a statue.

However, when Lin Xuan stepped in here, the five figures in front immediately made a clicking sound.

Their eyes opened,

Along with it, gaze like a peerless sword, pierced the void.

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