Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7463: Famine! Ranked 9th! (three)

Lin Xuan looked at the five figures in front and narrowed his eyes.

He can see that these five figures are not human beings, but puppets.

It is made of extremely scary metal, with a peculiar formation engraved in it.

This puppet is very powerful and fearless.

It's really scary to fight back.

Lin Xuan was not too worried, but rather very happy.

There is such a strong puppet guard here. Obviously, there must be something good here.

On these five people, five extremely terrifying blades of light rushed out, flashing the world and slashing towards Lin Xuan.

These five puppets are so unusual that they have the power of a half-step god.

You know, even if the true **** is gradually awakening, it is still a top-notch existence.

The half-step true **** can be regarded as a strong man sweeping one side, in which force family, it is of the ancestor level.

However, now here, it is just a puppet, responsible for guarding the gate.

It can only be said that Tiandi's handwriting is really too big.

Lin Xuan is very curious. Next, will he meet the puppet of the true **** level?

Thinking about it, Lin Xuan urged Hell Realm, boundless breath, flew out and engulfed everything in an instant.

Those knives of light entered the **** world and were crushed instantly.

Five half-step puppets of the true **** level were also suppressed.

Lin Xuan tried it, he could not control the puppet.

Because the power of the formation inside was beyond his imagination, he could only smash it.

After solving these five puppets, Lin Xuan looked for 4 weeks,

It was found that there were only 5 puppets in the first floor hall.

I want to use it for combat,

So, he went to the second floor.

There are no puppets on the second floor, but there are several rows of bookshelves standing there,

There is no dust on it.

Even after endless years, it is spotless.

Each shelf has a total of 9 floors. On each floor, there is a scroll, or an ancient book.

After Lin Xuan opened it, he found that there were some magical methods.

The age of existence is very long and long-term,

Above Archaic, it is ancient, and it may be even longer.

These magical magic methods are very miraculous. Take them out. It is estimated that those half-step true gods will be crazy.

Break the head for it.

There are many magical powers on Lin Xuan, and there are more masters.

He hasn't researched the gossip map he got,

These magical powers, he could not practice.

Even, he is now somewhat dismissive.

Of course, there are many warrior disciples in Divine Realm, and others can practice.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan waved his hand, ready to take away all these supernatural powers.

However, what happened next exceeded Lin Xuan's expectations.

Lin Xuan's figure flickered and disappeared in an instant. When he reappeared, he found that he had come, outside the pagoda.

what's the situation?

Lin Xuan froze a little, did he encounter any organ formation?

It's really magical enough to be a relic of Emperor Tian.

Lin Xuan was surprised, he was ready to enter again.

But found this time, he could no longer enter the pagoda.

This scene, as before,

Lin Xuan could not enter the previous three palaces.

Among them, there must be some kind of rule that I don't know.

Lin Xuan frowned slightly and began to remember carefully.

At the beginning, everything went well until he wanted to take away all the supernatural powers, and then he was sent out.

Of course, he is not without gains. He has an ancient book in his hand, and there is only one.

Can we only get one?

If you take the second one, it will be sent out immediately.

In Lin Xuan ’s mind, there was a guess,

He is not so sure.

When he enters those palaces and pavilions, he can experiment.

Let's take a look at this one in hand.

After Lin Xuan opened it, he froze for a moment, and then smiled bitterly.

Holding this book in his hand is not even supernatural, and what is recorded here is an introduction to the world.

Lin Xuan just glanced briefly, he was not going to pay attention, but soon he was stunned.

Fantastic notes!

What is barren?

Lin Xuan knew that Taikoo, ancient,

He was the first time he heard it.

No, it was not the first time I heard that Lin Xuan had heard the word when he was burying Emperor Star.

Barren ancient family.

At the time, Lin Xuan was still curious. Shouldn't the Swire family be called the Swire family? Why is it called the Famine Family?

However, it was just a name, and he didn't care much.

Today, Lin Xuan is very surprised by a quaint era.

Inevitably, there is an era outside of ancient times, which is called the age of desolation.

And families like Ye Wudao and Gu Santong have been handed down from that era?

Lin Xuan thought more and more likely,

He began to watch this note carefully.

In the ancient times, the strong are like clouds, the genius is like rain, and all kinds of powerful monsters are walking everywhere.

The level of the true **** is very common in the Famine Times.

Not even the best.

Because the real strong man in the age of the Famine is the God King!

God King, that is the realm above the true God.

Lin Xuan has only heard it a few times until now, and has never seen it at all.

However, it is conceivable how powerful the God King's power is.

Lin Xuan wanted to find some information about the ancient family, but he did n’t find it.

Instead, the first to see the information of the ancient gods.

In that wild age, there were many Protoss, more than now.

Among these gods, the most famous are 100 gods,

Their strength is above everything.

Known as the Hundred Ancient Clan.

Next, there are some introductions about this wild ancient hundred people.

Lin Xuan looked a little strange, but he found Chaos Protoss, also in this ranking.

Hundred ancient clan, Chaos Protoss, ranked ninth!

This made Lin Xuan a little surprised. He carefully read the information of Chaos Protoss.

Chaos Protoss, also known as the Innate Family, possesses the power and blood of Chaos, and is extremely terrible.

There are more than one **** in the clan, the strongest one has embarked on the road of immortality.

Lin Xuan was very surprised: the Chaos Protoss was so strong, there were more than one King of Gods, and there was an immortal existence.

He was really scared after a while,

Fortunately, the current Chaos Protoss is not so powerful.

Otherwise, they really can't resist.

In addition to Chaos Protoss, Lin Xuan found another one he was familiar with.

Taixu Dragon Clan ~ ~ All the swords, Xingzi and Bingzijian in Lin Xuan's hands come from the Taixu Shenlong family.

Unexpectedly, the Taixu Shenlong family was also famous.

Ranked tenth in Famine, second only to Chaos Protoss.

There are more than one **** in the clan, and there are also the strongest, who also embarked on the road of immortality.

Lin Xuan was surprised: I didn't expect this family of the imaginary Shenlong to be so powerful!

However, he sighed again.

The Taixu Shenlong family he has seen now is very ruined.

There are few members in the family,

There is a dragon girl.

In addition, there is a strong man who was suppressed in the nearby Golden Palace.

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