Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7464: Gubao! Heart of Xinghai! (One)

I do n’t know if the strong inside can wake up? Are those **** kings still there?

Did the strong men who embarked on the road to immortality succeed?

Lin Xuan didn't know. He collected the ridiculous notes and flew towards the distance.

Lin Xuan now has a new goal, that is to become the King of Gods.

In order to achieve this goal, he has to practice harder,

Finally, he came to a palace again.

There are two puppets at the half-step true **** level.

These two puppets, holding double swords, formed a sword array, which was very powerful.

Lin Xuan three swords, kill it.

Do not know this time, what baby is there?

There are three side halls in front. If you want to come inside, there should be a lot of good things. Lin Xuan is looking forward to it.

Are there any peerless weapons?

Although Zhuxianjian is also powerful, but it seems that it can't play out in the realm of God of War, which is too powerful.

Especially when compared with Dacheng Weapons, it seems to be weak.

Lin Xuan thought of the opportunity in the future, he should re-refine the Zhuxian sword, to enhance its power.

However, this cannot be done overnight.

You know, which of the weapons of the true God have not been built for millions of years?

Lin Xuan temporarily, not so much time,

The easiest way is to find another ancient sword.

There are so many treasures in the ruins of this day, maybe there will be a weapon suitable for him.

With anticipation, Lin Xuan pushed the first partial hall, and sure enough, there was a shelf inside.

It is still on the 9th floor with 9 weapons, three of which are long swords.

Lin Xuan was delighted and took the lead in walking towards these three weapons, watching carefully.

A great sword, a thin sword, and a short sword are very powerful.

However, Lin Xuan was still a little disappointed, worse than Zhuxianjian.

Not what Lin Xuan wanted.

As for the other weapons, Lin Xuan did not look at them.

He took nothing and went to the second side hall.

Choose a suitable thing first, and then try again, can you only get one?

In the second partial hall, there are still some supernatural powers. Lin Xuan looked at it, but did not take it.

He went to the third partial hall.

This time, there was only one thing in it, a blue stone, like a star.

The size of the fist is shining brightly.

metal? No, it doesn't seem to be. It's not gold or stone. Lin Xuan picked it up and found it to be very heavy.

It's incredible.

You know, Lin Xuan is a chaotic body now, and he feels so powerful.

The blue star is so powerful, it will not really be a real star, it is formed after being refined.

Lin Xuan shook, and found the sound of the sea inside.

With careful reincarnation, through the blue light, he saw the scene inside.

It really looks like a starry sky, which is formed after the refining of Xinghai.

There is a very powerful power inside. After absorption, it can increase the power of the chaotic spirits.

The chaotic body can absorb all the power, which is the advantage.

It is no longer like the Jiuyang **** body, only able to absorb the power of flame.

Lin Xuan decided to put away the blue stars, so far, he has not been sent away.

Next is the experiment,

He returned to the previous two partial halls and grabbed a random item.

When he just wanted to put away, his figure disappeared immediately.

When it reappeared, it had already arrived outside the palace.

Sure enough.

Lin Xuan understood that a palace can only take one thing.

Next, he tried it and found that he could no longer enter.

Knowing the rules here, Lin Xuan speeded up.

Next, Lin Xuan went to 5 palaces and got 10 kinds of babies. He was extremely happy.

The sword he needed was still not found.

The reason why I got 10 things is because Lin Xuan pulled Xiaobai out.

This little guy can also take one thing, which adds up to 10 things.

No loss.

Big profit.

In an instant, Lin Xuan stayed here for half a month, and finally he stopped and looked forward.

In front, a crystal palace appeared, very bright and dreamy, with a mysterious atmosphere.

This palace is bigger than all the palaces and more mysterious.

Lin Xuan knew that there must be something more amazing in it.

The highlight is here.

He flew towards the front, and suddenly he stopped.

He found that there was someone in front,

There are several figures around the crystal palace, watching all the time.

Seems to want to go in.

When he saw this scene, Lin Xuan was anxious. You have to know that after someone went in, he would never go in again.

Just like the previous three palaces, he must rush in before these people.

His figure swayed, and he rushed towards the front, turning into a bright sword light, tearing everything apart.

In front, there are indeed a few people who are there to investigate and discuss.

Suddenly, the power from the distance frightened them.

Someone came again,

who is it? Are they those who feathered the fairy dynasty? Or ask the people of the Tian family?

Staying here are the true gods of heaven and heaven in the Supreme Palace, the godless in the Nine Netherlands, the apprentice of the Nine Nether Envoys, and the Fifth Envoy.

Several of them are true gods.

At the beginning, they came in together with the God of Fighting,

When I came here, I discovered the magic here.

During this time, they also collected some baby, but not too much.

After all, each palace can only take one baby, and after going in, it has to fight puppets.

More importantly, there are some palaces. Although they successfully entered the palace, they could not be brought out by a baby.

The contents inside were destroyed by years.

The real **** of heaven was discovered, an extremely incredible shield, but, just picked up, it turned into ashes.

Things like this often happen,

This made Tianmingzheng and others crazy.

With so many babies in front of them, they either couldn't get it, or they just stared at each other in silence.

It's really crazy.

Now they have found a mysterious crystal palace, there must be better baby.

They are discussing how to get in,

The formation method appeared here.

Before the palace pagoda ~ ~ was entered, there would be puppets to stop them.

For the first time, they met the formation outside.

They can be sure that no one has entered this crystal palace,

This formation can be shaken.

They just need to break.

Now they heard the sound of breaking the sky, making them very nervous.

They turned around and looked around,

The next moment, they were stunned.

They found that it was not the person they imagined, but a young man.

This young man, they are extremely familiar, and even they gritted their teeth, they want to exterminate each other.

Lin Wudi, you are here! How did you come

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