Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7465: The old enemy, now the ants! (two)

Several people in the God of Heaven and Earth were stunned, they could not believe their eyes.

What did they see?

Lin Xuan appeared, how did this boy come here?

Is it possible that the strongest of God Realm has come?

Thinking of this, they were taken aback and quickly looked to 4 weeks.

But found that there is no one here except Lin Xuan.

Suddenly, Tianmingzheng and others laughed: Boy, did you come by yourself, don't you kneel in front of us?

With a cold drink, the power of the true God broke out completely, sweeping across the sky for nine days.

Lin Xuan looked calm and even sneered: It's up to you?

To be honest, these people before would give him a fatal threat, but now his strength is completely beyond everything.

These three people are not his opponents at all.

Lin Xuan did not expect that he would be here and meet the people of the Supreme Palace,

That being the case, then solve it.

The **** guy, isn't he afraid at all?

Heaven and God are angry.

As the true God standing high, a small ant should not tremble when he sees him, should he be afraid?

However, the other party did not,

This made him extremely angry, he was ready to start.

At this time, the fifth messenger was blocked, he said: Don't act rashly.

If you move him, maybe the fighting **** will come.

By then, we will not get the baby here.

When I heard this, the true **** of heaven and earth snorted: Boy, you are lucky, I will let you live a little longer.

Instead of paying attention to Lin Xuan, they turned around and looked at the crystal palace. How to crack it?

After discussing for a while, they felt that it was necessary to find Qin Wuyan.

The opponent is the top formation mage, and the opponent is here, maybe he can break the formation outside.

Several people ignored Lin Xuan at all. In their view, the other party was just a little ant.

Even if they don't kill each other now, the next time they see each other, they can still easily kill them.

The most important thing now is to open the Crystal Palace and get the baby inside.

Moreover, it is not possible to disturb the fighting gods and others.

As he was leaving, the true **** of heaven and heaven snorted, and he spit out the flames of his underworld.

This is a terrible flame, extremely dark, like a **** fire.

After coming out, a cage was formed and Lin Xuan was instantly enveloped.

He did not kill the other party, but trapped the other party to prevent the other party from escaping, and then to prevent the other party from contacting the God of War.

First trap the opponent here, and wait for them to crack the Crystal Palace before tidying up the opponent.

Actually left.

Lin Xuan was also slightly surprised,

However, what kidding the other party wants to trap him?

He palmed and grabbed towards the front.

Those black flames, throbbing, want to stop.

However, it could not be stopped.

Just a moment, Lin Xuan tore the cage in half,

Black flames scattered all over the place.

Lin Xuan came out of the cage and looked around. He stared at the crystal palace, slightly surprised.

He discovered that there was indeed a layer of formation outside the Crystal Palace.

It was this formation that stopped the three previous true gods.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, swayed, and rushed towards the front.

An extremely terrifying dragon's breath bloomed on his body, turning into a dragon-sword shadow, rushing straight ahead.

Instantly hit the formation,

The violent shaking of the method, the light above, became indefinite.

Soon after, a crack was torn open,

There is more than one meter, but Lin Xuan is enough.

In the next moment, I entered the formation.

If the **** of heaven is true, if they are here, their jaws will fall.

The three true gods joined together, but there was no alternative but Lin Xuan broke through.

Unfortunately, these three true gods cannot see,

At this moment, the three true gods have moved to rescue soldiers.

After Lin Xuan entered the formation, he looked at the Crystal Palace. He smiled in the corner of his mouth and walked toward the front.

Soon, he pushed open the door of the Crystal Palace. After entering, Lin Xuan found two figures.

These are still two puppets, but this time, they are two puppets of the true **** level.

It seems that there are good things in this crystal palace.

Before, the guardian puppets were only half-step true **** level,

Now, the level of the true **** has finally appeared.

Things here should surpass other places, Lin Xuan is very much looking forward to.

The next moment, he waved his hand, a chaotic light, and flew towards the front.

Feeling this power, the two puppets of the true **** in front are also recovering quickly.

A breath of earth shattered from them, and then towards Lin Xuan, they killed him fiercely.

The power of these two people is extremely terrible, one body is the crystal fire, and the other body is the crystal ice.

The power of ice and fire, in the hands of two people, perfectly merged together.

Just like a peerless formation, the light of chaos was blocked in an instant.

The terrible flames and cold frost turned into two sword qi and flew quickly towards Lin Xuan.

Two sword qi cut across the sky, very smart, like two long dragons, and instantly came to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan laughed loudly: Come on well.

Instead of evading, he reached out with both hands.

The two chaotic hands, overwhelming, grabbed these two sword lights.

With a bang,

The two palms, like the sky and earth, shattered the void with chaotic light.

Instantly, two sword qi were hit,

The two sword qi, like a dragon, flew their tails in the air.

However, it could not escape.

This scene is really shocking enough to scare silly gods.

However, the two figures in front are just puppets, and they will not be shocked or afraid.

They will only attack.

After their sword spirit was caught, the two shot again.

The strength of the two of them was merged together, and the third sword light was killed.

This sword light is several times more powerful than before, and the two are not just a simple fusion.

This is a perfect increase in power.

Interesting, this sword is good.

Lin Xuan shook his hands, shaking the two swords in his hand.

The next moment, he rose from the sky and rushed forward.

Return by the wind.

Lin Xuan at this moment, as if the sword **** had come,

Instantly pierced the void and hit the ice and fire temple.

It made the Excalibur shake violently, deviated from the direction, and flew past Lin Xuan.

And Lin Xuan pulled out another sword, Zhu Tian swordsmanship, Qi Chong Tian.


The dazzling sword light, UU reading cut through the void and instantly engulfed two figures.

The two true gods were crushed to the ground and could not move.


Lin Xuan waved his sleeves and walked towards the front. Although they are the two true gods, in his view, this is not the case.

He is still looking for this crystal palace, what the **** is there?

The two puppets in front are madly resisting.

However, Seventh Heaven is really terrible, pressing on them, making them unable to escape.

In the eyes of the two puppets, mysterious runes appeared,

The next moment, they roared.

The sound is so strange that it seems to be calling something.

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