Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7466: The 7-star Long Yuan is mine! (three)

Hearing this strange sound, Lin Xuan also stopped.

He turned his head and frowned: No, are these two guys still powerful?

He wanted to shoot,

But at this time, there was a clanging sound from a distance.

A bright light flew from the depths of this crystal palace and killed Lin Xuan.

The speed of the light is very fast, with a little starlight on it, just like a galaxy, and instantly came to Lin Xuan and enveloped Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan roared: Get out.

Two palms swept across, shattered the sky, two palms, hit the starlight, as if hitting the ancient mountains.

Making a roaring sound,

The starlight flew out,

Lin Xuan is also numb in his arm.

What is this? It was so powerful.

Lin Xuan was very surprised,

You must know how powerful his physique is. This palm, the general true god, can't bear it.

However, that ray of light did not seem to be broken, just beaten.

This is incredible.

Lin Xuan turned his head and found that light, stopped in the distance, suspended in mid-air.

It is surrounded by stars, and among the stars, this is a long sword.

This is a long black sword, very dark, like an abyss,

Its shape is like a black dragon with open teeth and claws.

The hilt is the dragon head, the sword tip is the dragon tail, and the whole body is the dragon's body.

On top of this sword body, there are seven stars, which are bright and profound.

This sword is a peerless sword.

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

This time, his main purpose is to find a suitable sword.

Unexpectedly, I finally found it.

This sword is absolutely extraordinary, he must get it.

The two puppets that had been suppressed made strange noises again.

The Excalibur in the sky was sensed and transformed into a sword light, which immediately split into the Seventh Heaven.

The two puppets rose into the air and floated in mid-air, and this Excalibur fell in front of them.

The two puppets merged the ice and fire power of their bodies into this sword spirit.

The Excalibur gained tremendous power, and as if it came alive, it was stabbed fiercely towards Lin Xuan.

The space, like a scroll, was torn apart in an instant,

A dark space crack appeared.

On top of that long sword, in addition to having a terrible sharp breath, there is also a brilliant star light, gorgeous.

It was like a universe, cut over.

So strong, this attack is beyond imagination.

Lin Xuan was very surprised,

He was even more excited.

The big hand reached out, grabbed the front again, patted on the sword body, and made a tremendous sound.

The long sword was shot and flew, but soon the dragon flew its tail and killed again.

Between heaven and earth, a terrifying dragon roared, and the starry sky shook like a black dragon, fighting Lin Xuan.

The chaotic light on Lin Xuan's body was cut open, and his palm was shaken out.

Lin Xuan was even more delighted.

Not bad.

He did not delay, then, he exerted the power of the **** world and pressed towards the front.

As if a world, pressed on the black dragon, the black dragon roared up in the sky, very angry.

The huge body actually held up the world as if to overturn the world.

Lin Xuan shot, hit the Tai Chi figure, and turned towards the front, covering the other side.

Tai Chi picture, turned into black and white two dragons,

This is two swordsmanship, extremely terrible Tai Chi power, fell on the black dragon.

The body of the black dragon shook violently, making an angry roar,

He was not reconciled, he turned into a real sword and swept the Quartet.

Are you still not surrendering?

Lin Xuan shouted again, and Zhu Tian's swordsmanship cut through,

The twelve heavy heavens fell on the black dragon,

Black Dragon's body was knocked to the ground.

Turned into a sword, shaking violently, wanting to tear the void and escape.

The two puppets in the rear are madly injecting power.

It's useless.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, the Chaos Shen fist waved out, two fists beat the two puppets.

This time, Lin Xuan did not keep his hand,

The bodies of the two puppets were directly smashed into countless fragments and scattered around.

Lin Xuan dealt with it with all his strength, this peerless sword.

He condensed out the Dragon Sword, and his soul turned forward, slashing hard.

This time, the peerless sword could not be stopped, and the stars above were dimly struck.

Lin Xuan controlled the Dragon Sword Soul and enveloped the entire Divine Realm, allowing the Dragon Sword Soul and the Sword to merge.

There seems to be a force in this peerless sword that wants to resist,

Lin Xuan is to use the Dragon Sword Soul to destroy this power.

This process lasted an hour,

After an hour, Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile.

The peerless sword in front of him no longer resisted, so he floated quietly in the air.

The sharp light above flashes everywhere.

The seven stars above the sword also become deep.

Lin Xuan waved his hand, and the sword fell into his hand.

The next moment, Lin Xuan closed his eyes, he could not feel the force of resistance.

Obviously, the Dragon Sword Soul has wiped out the will in it.


Putting away the Dragon Sword Soul, Lin Xuan broke into his own imprint and power on this Excalibur.

The next moment, he felt that he and the sword seemed to be one,

He can do it with ease, and cast this sword.

The sword body is as dark as Yuan, and it also has seven stars. After that, you will be called Qixing Longyuan.

The Excalibur has a new name,

Qixing Longyuan, also shaking slightly, made a sound of swordsmanship, and seemed very happy.

Lin Xuan sat down cross-legged and tempered this Excalibur again.

This time he used the eyes of reincarnation, making the imprint of the soul on it more and more terrifying, with a breath of six reincarnations.

In this way, even if this sword was taken away, it would not be able to wear away the marks of the six reincarnations.

In addition, Lin Xuan was still on it, making the mark of the Dragon Sword Soul.

Makes this sword sharper,

More importantly, he can integrate the Dragon Sword Spirit at a faster speed.

At the same time, there were a few more people outside, who were the former God of Heaven and God, and they came back.

Come with them, there is a figure.

This is a man wearing an ancient robe, his name is Qin Wuyan.

He is inside Qin Guangcheng, a terrible formation mage. The big formation he is good at is the Nine Palaces formation.

I once played against Lin Xuan, which was very powerful.

Now, when he came to this crystal palace ~ ~ was also very surprised.

This crystal palace is not ordinary, there are absolutely mysterious treasures inside.

No wonder Tianmingzheng and others cannot be broken,

Need him to arrange the formation,

He is ready to use the Nine Palace Array.

At this time, Tian Ming Zhen God exclaimed: The boy fled!

He found that the former flame cage had disappeared.

Damn, this guy was able to break through, his true fire.

What a horrible thing.

The godless man next to him said: That kid has a big dragon sword soul, desperately hit, maybe, it can really break the flame of the true god.

However, ignore it.

We first enter the Crystal Palace.

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