Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7467: Black veins! (One)

I will first arrange the Nine Palace Array, and then, you will push the power into it. I believe it will not be long before it should be able to break through.

Qin Wuyan came out and said confidently.

Please Daoyou quickly.

The several true gods around were also very excited.

Lin Xuan did not know anything outside. At this moment, he had stood up and walked towards the inside of the Crystal Palace.

Although he got Qixing Longyuan, Xiaobai still has a chance to choose a baby.

He will not miss this opportunity.

Lin Xuan also found some weapons here, and their grades are higher than other places.

In addition, there are some bottles and jars, which are filled with some medicine.

There are also some, extremely ancient medicinal materials, which are sealed by some ice.

In addition, there are some scrolls and the like, it can be said that there are countless treasures.

Unfortunately, he can only get one more.

He wants to take away, the most valuable one.

He did not worry about other people, because after he went out, no one would be able to come in here.

Little guy, which baby do you think is better?

Lin Xun asked Xiaobai,

Xiaobai is a treasure hunter.

Xiaobai pressed the cornucopia and blinked, and he stared at the ancient medicines and immortals.

Lin Xuan said: Don't think about eating first, to see if there are more important things?


Xiaobai swallowed, and looked away.

Soon, the cornucopia above him quickly spun, drifting towards a place.

Fell on it.

Lin Xuan found that it was a table, I do n’t know what materials were used to make it?

The cornucopia fell on the table.

On this table, there was a weapon, which was a long knife, with flames on it.

Just like the previous puppet flame, it was extremely terrible, with a crystal-like light.

Lin Xuan frowned slightly,

He already has the weapon, he doesn't need it.

It seems that I can only choose other things.

However, at this time, Xiaobai jumped onto the table, raised his small claws, and slapped the long knife on the ground with a slap.

Then, pointing to the table and saying: This is the best thing.

Lin Xuan's incomparable accident: This long knife is not a baby, but this table. What is going on here?

Lin Xuan came over and studied it carefully. He found that there was something unusual in this table.

Xiaobai's induction should not be wrong.

He cast his eyes in reincarnation and enveloped the entire table. At the next moment, he took a breath.

He found that this table was indeed extraordinary, which contained an extremely powerful and mysterious power.

He hadn't even noticed before, it seemed that there was a baby on the table.

Lin Xuan waved, the seven-star Long Yuan just got, slashed towards the front.

It turned into a peerless sword light and fell on this black table.

A roaring sound sounded, and the black table was cut in half by a sword.

At the moment of opening, countless black breaths flew out.

These breaths are extremely terrible. Xiaobai was startled and quickly dodge.

Lin Xuan was also slightly surprised. He even felt a trace of fatal crisis.

He sneered, and the power of the chaos on his body unfolded into a huge chaotic tripod, which blocked those breaths.

Lin Xuan surprised: what is it?

The next moment, he found that inside the cracked table, there was a one-meter-long black stone.

The appearance above is irregular, there are many potholes, and even some cracks.

What is this?

Lin Xuan was curious and walked over.

This thing, from a distance, looks like a dark tree, broken into pieces.

The breath above is very sharp,

Lin Xuan's palm shot on it, even making a metallic sound.

Dalong Jianhun rarely spoke, he said: Boy, you have good luck, this is a section of the earth, and it is the mysterious gold.

The ground!

Lin Xuan was shocked when he heard it, but he knew how precious land selling was,

This thing exists only in nine days and ten earths.

Moreover, it is not common,

Those who have the ground are the top forces.

It's just such a short stretch of land that is enough to make those true gods crazy.

However, he sold it for the first time.

The ground has different powers, some are fire, some are water, and some are gold.

Da Long explained: The ground in front of him is the mysterious ground.

With it, you can not only absorb the power in the earth's veins, but also strengthen your cultivation.

It can also enhance the aura of gold inside to enhance your attack power,

Let your attack become sharper.

It's so good, it really is a good thing.

Lin Xuan was very happy, he let Xiaobai choose this place.

I want to eat 100 Taikoo Lingguo.

Xiaobai was there and said with a small paw.

Lin Xuan couldn't help crying, this little family, he started to tell him the conditions,

He said: No problem.

Xiao Bai's eyebrows smiled and her small paws waved away, grabbing the mysterious golden veins.

In the next moment, Lin Xuan's figures disappeared and were sent away.


The Nine Palace Array shines, and nine mysterious palaces appear between heaven and earth.

A great breath fell from the inside, hitting the formation, and the formation shook violently.

Qin Wuyan and others were so excited that they would be able to rip apart this method again when there was still a joss stick.

But at this moment, the formation suddenly changed, the light above disappeared, and an invisible force directly blasted everything.

what's the situation?

Qin Wuyan was ignorant,

It was almost successful before, how can it not be shaken now?

There was no exclamation: someone went in.

Impossible, who is it?

Not just go in.

Qin Wuyan's complexion was unsightly to the extreme: it was this person who came out from the inside, so we couldn't get in.

His eyes are red: Damn, who is it? Was the short foot first?

They never thought it was Lin Xuan,

In their view, Lin Xuan's ability to break through the flames of the True God is already very against the sky,

No matter how strong the Dragon Sword Spirit is, with Lin Xuan's current cultivation and strength, he cannot enter the Crystal Palace at all.

That person should be teleported to nearby, and quickly find it.

Qin Wuyan roared wildly.

The people around turned around and looked around,

At the next moment, they saw the void flash, and two figures emerged.

A young and handsome figure, and a little monkey.

In the hands of the little monkey, it seems to be holding something.

But at the next moment, the little monkey and the baby in his hand disappeared,

There was only a young figure standing there.

They quickly looked up, and when they saw the face, they were stunned.

It's you? Lin invincible!

It's really the other party who went in ~ ~ This is impossible, how did you do it?

Several true gods were ignorant.

These people have joined together and haven't entered yet. The other party can go in alone.

The Dragon Dragon Soul can't do it anymore.

Is the fighting **** coming?

They looked around nervously.

However, when they found only Lin Xuan, they were completely dumbfounded.

Tian Ming Zhen God bite and said with his teeth: No matter how he got in, grab him, seize the baby on him.

That's right, it belongs to our baby.

Qin Wuyan is also murderous.

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