Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7468: Supreme Scripture! (two)

Lin Xuan is powerful, and with his dragon spirit, he can contend with the true god.

That combat power is called adversity, but it is enviable, but what about it?

This time, they have 4 true gods, far more powerful than each other,

They will definitely not give each other a chance to single out.

In an instant, they will join forces to suppress each other and **** the baby on the other side.

Heaven and God, rushed over first,

The black flames condensed to form a whole set of Heavenly Emperor's palms, which fell overwhelmingly.

Stupid boy, you are too ignorant of life and death, I will tell you how powerful your true God is.

The flame-roasted void is broken, and, with a cold breath.

The diametrically opposite forces multiplied and merged perfectly, and instantly came to Lin Xuan.

At the same time, Qin Wuyan raised his hand, and hit the Nine Palaces.

Nine palaces surround it, preventing Lin Xuan from escaping.

No God and the fifth messenger also sneered.

There was also a terrible fire on them, flying out.

Dare to follow me.

Lin Xuan also smiled.

These people are really stupid enough.

Three days after Shibei, when he looked at each other, now he is very different from the original.

Didn't these people feel it?

Sure enough, it is a group of arrogant guys, but these people will pay the price.

Chaos punch.

Lin Xuan waved his fist, and moved forward, toward the big palm of the flame in front, and slammed past.

The earth-shattering voice came, and the **** flame palm, like a lightning strike, shuddered instantly.

The flames above kept extinguishing.

Then it crashed.

what's the situation?

Heavenly God is like a lightning strike, and his arm instantly becomes a blood mist.

He was hit by this force and flew out,


He was hit by a punch!

Several true gods around were also stunned.

If it were said that Lin Xuan cast a big dragon sword soul, desperately hit, and blocked this palm, they believed.

Because Lin Xuan has such a skill.

However, Lin Xuan just flicked his fist casually and flew a true god, which was too shocking.

Is this guy really invincible?

He wo n’t be robbed?

How long has it been since he disappeared, his strength has been so terrible.

Qin Wuyan's face also changed, he drank coldly: Tian Ming, are you careless?

As he said, he was also pushing the Nine Palace Array. Nine powerful forces were ready to explode at any time.

Heavenly God rushed from a distance, he roared: Do not shoot, I will solve him by hand.

By that time, his baby, we will share equally.

Hearing this, a few people around stopped and didn't need to make any effort to split the baby equally.

This is a good thing.

It should have been just a day ago.

This kid, the strength of this period of time has increased, plus the carelessness of the sky, so it will cause such a shocking scene.

Look at it. Next, Tian Ming shot with all his strength, and the other party could not resist.

The God of Heaven and Mind flew back, and the broken palm had recovered.

In his hands, there is an extra page of black scripture, which is a book of life and death.

This is an extremely terrible weapon with mysterious power.

Heavenly God, the other hand, took out the judge pen and waved the life and death book.

An extremely scary ancient rune emerged.

This is a sign of life and death, once hit on the body, it will be better than death.

Life and death book.

This was not the first time Lin Xuan saw him. When he saw him, he was shocked by heaven and earth. Now bye bye, he has a different feeling.

He found this thing very similar to the one-page scripture book he got in the hands of the Holy God.

They are all mysterious, with ancient runes on them.

I do n’t know, can I just grab it and study it?

Facing the sign of life and death, Lin Xuan was still not afraid. He took out Qixing Longyuan and cut it out with a sword.

Qixing Longyuan, shining bright light, instantly split on the life and death symbol.

The life and death symbol was split in half, and the life and death light above disappeared instantly.

how is this possible?

Heavenly God really stayed again.

This time, he tried his best. He even took out his life and death book, but he couldn't help him.

There is a problem with this sword.

Qin Wuyan snorted coldly, his eyes red.

He stared at the sword, and he said: I feel an old breath.

This is the baby from the crystal palace.

what? This is the baby in the Crystal Palace!

The other true gods, with red eyes, stared closely at Qixing Longyuan, and they wanted to **** it.

Lin Xuan sneered: Wuying Sword.

Everyone was startled, thinking what trick Lin Xuan would launch,

The next moment, they froze.

They found that Lin Xuan stood there unmoved.

This guy is fooling around and is lying to us,

Everyone shot together.

No God and the fifth messenger rushed over, and Qin Wuyan was a cohesive formation method.

But at this moment, God of Heaven screamed, his body shattered instantly, cut off by Jian Qi.

Several true gods took a breath, and panic appeared in their eyes.

It's not that it's a mystery, the other party really used the swordsmanship, without the shadows.

Quick defense.

These people's faces changed greatly, supporting the **** armor for defense,

It was still a step late.

Lin Xuan's eyes, when they looked at them, they felt Ling Xian's sword spirit, flying out of them.

They were cut on them instantly.


The earth-shattering voice came, and the three true gods were cut by the shadowless sword, and their bodies split and shattered.

how is this possible? Why is this guy so terrible?

No **** screams frantically

Qin Wuyan was also frightened, because his body was also cut off.

This is a super strength, so strong that he can hardly resist.

Have you become the true God?

Qin Wuyan growled in horror.

That's right, I am the first true god.

Lin Xuan laughed coldly.

Damn it, run away.

Qin Wuyan turned around and fled.

Lin Xuan is capable of leapfrogging, plus the Dragon Sword Soul, which is unparalleled in battle.

To be honest, it seems to them that it takes at least 1 million years for Lin Xuan to break through to become a true god.

But now, in about ten years, has the other party become the true God?

What did the other party experience?

These people are not clear,

They turned and fled.

Lin Xuan sneered: Can you escape?

Whale swordsmanship.

Qixing Longyuan waved, a terrible sword fluttered, and the surroundings seemed to turn into a vast ocean.

One blue figure after another, flying out, these blue figures are whales of beasts.

Their body ~ ~ is incomparably huge, just like a sky falling, the road of the true God is blocked.

Lin Xuan turned to stare at the True God of the Heavens, and with his big hand protruded, caught the life and death book.

The **** of heaven was so scared that his scalp was numb. He integrated his blood of the true **** into the book of life and death.

Horrible power blooms.

The Life and Death Book floats in the air, with hundreds of ancient runes emerging.

There are only a few runes, which are very real, and others are very unreal, like phantoms.

This shows that with the strength of the true God of Heaven and Earth, the book of life and death cannot be fully utilized.

In the view of the true God of heaven and earth, this is enough.

The birth and death book is extraordinary, this is not his weapon, just that he can use it now.

Under this powerful artifact, the other party could not help him.

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