Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7471: Tianyang Protoss! (two)

You know the Hundred Clan!

Everyone was stunned after hearing it, and even the wine master was very surprised.

To be honest, the wine master is not an old man. He existed in the Taikoo period.

Li Xunxian was older than him and was a man from ancient times.

Even so, Li Xunxian didn't know much about the Hundred Clan.

After all, it was the existence of the previous era.

If the God of Fighting understands, everyone can still believe,

However, Lin Xuan understands, what does it mean?

Lin Xuan, however, waved his old book.

He said: A lot of desolate information was recorded from the remains of the emperor.

really? It turned out like this.

Everyone suddenly,

It is no wonder that the treasures of the relics of the emperor can record the ancient things.

Next, they explored together.

The Hundred Clan, Chaos Protoss, even ranked ninth, this ranking is already very high, no wonder so powerful.

Except for the Chaos Protoss, they had heard of it, and the other names above, they had never heard of.

Like their familiar Wushuang Clan, the White God Clan, they are not on it.

It should be too weak to qualify for the leaderboard.

When they learned that these ancient **** races all had god-king powers, they were stunned.

This strength far exceeds them.

If this deserted hundred people come, I am afraid that their **** realm is really dangerous.

They seemed to be unable to beat any one.

Not like this.

The God of Fighting shook his head and said: If we compete for top-level combat power, this wild ancient family can't compare with us.

Lord Xuanyuan's strength is top-notch, and he can only compete with him.

It turns out so.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Lord Xuanyuan was there, they would be safe.

The God of Fighting went on to say: However, apart from the top fighting power, we can't compare to the Hundred Ancient Clan.

Especially in the realm of the true god, the number of wild ancient hundreds of people far exceeds us.

I am afraid that even if we add Zhou Tianshi and so on, those powerful formation mage can not match them.

They have become a true God, and even a complete true God.

Everyone's brows wrinkled tightly again, and they felt great pressure.

Lin Xuan is also a clenched fist.

It seems that his cultivation is not enough,

To continue to improve,

Try to reach the realm of God King one day earlier.

The master also sighed, if I can, then provide me with a lot of power, I can also raise a realm.

To be honest, he wanted to go out and practice.

Staying in Shangqingcheng all the year round, although there are earth veins to absorb, but there is no chance and nature.

The wine master felt too slow.

But the God of Fighting said: Don't go out first, stay in Shangqing City first, and first look at the ancient gods, what kind of gods come out?

After he confirms, we will act again.

Next, the people stayed in Shangqingcheng and did not go out

Everyone started to practice hard.

It is not just the Divine Realm, the same is true of the other family schools.

All the heavens and the earth, it is rare to become quiet.

The Supreme Palace, Life and Death Book flew back, and it also brought news that the God of Heaven and Earth fell.

The people in the Supreme Palace are shocked,

Did a true **** fall like this?

They are angry: who is it?

The life and death book floats in the air, and the life and death runes on it bloom, forming a huge skull.

There was an old voice from inside: all the disciples and warriors, all came back, waiting for the ancients to come.

The Nine Nether Land, the Nine Nine Angels, did not take revenge on the apprentice, he was also waiting.

Those people in Qin Guangcheng are also waiting, even before the immortality of Qin is also awakened again.

In this way, three years have passed,

Between the world and the earth, that strange atmosphere became more and more terrifying.

Everyone originally thought that there would be some new changes in the heavens and the world.

But, no,

This time, the ancient times came to appear in the land of the sky and the land of the Nine Serenities.

These two places are one of nine heavens and ten earths, and they are also called blessed land.

Famine Ancient Protoss, that is a stronger existence than the White Protoss.

There must be a lot of land within their clan, so they will only appear in nine days and ten places.

The land of the heavens and the land of the Nine Nethers are too mysterious and too vast.

Even now, some ancient cities have appeared in two places, and many warriors have appeared.

However, it is only the tip of the iceberg.

More places, covered by mysterious clouds

Faced with such a mysterious area, the True God might not dare to enter easily.

But now, these clouds are slowly dissipating,

This mysterious area began to appear in front of everyone.

The fragile atmosphere from there is even more terrifying.

In the land of the heavens, the people in the city of Qingcheng exclaimed: There has been a change.

The God of Fighting said: It should be that the ancient gods appeared.

According to the records in the Famine Ancients, the Protoss will appear in these places. It seems that it should be true.


On this day, a terrifying voice sounded, terrifying breath, sweeping the heavens and earth.

The warriors in the land of heaven were also stunned.

They felt a powerful force, vast expanse of waste, they could not help but want to bow down.

Those star worlds in the heavens and the world are shaking violently.

They knew that a real Huanggu tribe had arrived.

This breath became more and more terrible. In the end, it turned into a boundless flame, sweeping in all directions.

As if a peerless sun appeared between heaven and earth, it lighted the heavenly land and illuminated the cosmic wasteland.

What a terrible flame.

People in all heavens and earth were shocked, and those in the Divine Realm were also shocked.

Lin Xuan took a breath, this flame was much more terrifying than his nine-sun **** fire before.

He quickly looked through the ancient notes and found that the sun-like flame is a **** clan called Tianyang.

Tianyang Protoss, Huanggu ranked 55th.

Knowing the name, you know that the other party is also practicing the fire of the sun, and it is also the fire of the sun in ancient times.

Even more terrible.

Everyone was upset and wondered what would happen next?

Will Tianyang Protoss come out? Sweep across the heavens and the world?

At this time, a powerful force also appeared in the Nine Nethers.

Ripped the black mist ~ ~ spread all over the world.

This time, it was not the power of the sun, but the power of ice, which was extremely terrible.

The whole universe seems to be frozen, and there is a layer of frost on those star worlds.

The black frost seems to freeze their world into ice.

The heavens and the world, the warriors in the star world, the body trembles,

They knelt to the ground and knocked on their heads.

Fortunately, they are far away from the Nine Netherlands, only covered with a layer of frost.

Nine Netherlands, I am afraid it has turned into a world of ice and snow.

Indeed, the Nine Nethers have been covered with endless frost.

Between the heavens and the earth, black snowflakes flew out, as if to become a world of ice.

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