Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7472: Protoss! Everything! All Realms are shocked! (three)

The land of God, Lin Xuan and others naturally felt the power of this ice.

However, this ice did not freeze them.

Because there is a lot of sun fire in the land of the sky, those ice forces melted just as they approached.

Take a quick look, which protoss is it?

Golden Lion King, Toad, they are extremely excited.

Lin Xuan looked through the ancient notes, and then Shen Sheng said: Xuanbing Protoss, ranked 56th.

It's almost the same as Tianyang Protoss.

Murong Qingcheng they exclaimed.

It was at this time that the Nine Nethers had changed again.

All the black air flew, with mysterious magic, sweeping all directions.

This force seems to be more terrible than the previous ice, the heavens and the world must be engulfed by this terrible grind.

This time, even in the land of the sky, there was a terrible demon qi, and those sun fires were all penetrated by the devil qi.

What a terrible magic energy, this is the power of the magic road.

Everyone exclaimed.

Lin Xuan said: Demon God Clan ranks 25th.

This ranking is very high, far surpassing the Xuanbing tribe and the Tianyang tribe.

At this time, those magical energy disappeared.

In the sky, a huge black hole appeared and swallowed everything.

People in the Divine Realm cheered: it was the power to devour the sword.

The wine master was able to swallow the magic energy, which is too powerful.

Jiu Jianxian's face changed, he said: I did not shoot.

what? Who is shooting?

In addition to swallowing the sword, who else has such terrible swallowing power?

It's a wild ancient protoss.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, his face became very dignified.

He said with a deep voice: Swallowing the gods, Huanggu ranked 15th.

Is it possible to swallow the gods?

Everyone took a breath, and the wine master was just like the enemy.

The God of Fighting next to him, with the same dignified expression, said: I am afraid that next, I will avoid the edge.

They are likely to stare at you.

Lin Xuan flipped through the ancient notes, and said: Legend has it that the swallow gods seem to have been swallowing the sword.

After everyone listened, the body shivered. Wasn't the wine master in danger?

At this moment, there was another mysterious force between heaven and earth that emerged.

This is a powerful soul force, and everyone felt that their souls were suppressed.

It seems to be extinguished.

Countless people exclaimed again: This **** race must be related to the soul.

Lin Xuan said: It is the ancient soul **** clan, and the deserted ancient ranks forty-ninth.

The goal of this Protoss is the samsara.

As soon as these words came out, they were all tense in Murong Qingcheng: Doesn't this mean that Brother Xuan is also dangerous?

Husband, stay in Shangqingcheng, practice silently, and wait for the strength to improve, then go out.

Xueqi next to him was also extremely worried.

There are already five wild ancient protoss, I do n’t know if there are any?

In the next few days, no new breath appeared.

However, 10 days later, in the void of the universe, a mysterious force came.

This time, it was surprising: it didn't seem to be the land of the sky, nor the land of the Nine Nethers.

What kind of **** is this? Does n’t it mean that the Protoss all appeared in nine days and ten places?

Everyone was very surprised.

At this moment, the countless stars of the heavens and the world all shook up, and then, an extremely terrible light burst out.

These stars, flying towards the distance, seemed to converge in one place.

The true gods in heaven and earth were stunned, and they all looked into the distance.

At this time, someone exclaimed: That place seems to be a sea of ​​broken hearts.

Broken Star Sea, an extremely mysterious place.

The True God of Lotus, the True God of Seven Stars, also exclaimed when he saw this scene.

Because they come from the sea of ​​broken hearts.

It is said that the Broken Heart Sea was terrible, and it was not broken. It was a real sea of ​​stars.

This sea of ​​stars is extremely mysterious, and once had a powerful force, said to have the power to sweep the world.

But later, this force disappeared, and this piece of Xinghai was also broken.

Since then, it was called the broken star sea.

Now broken star sea, there is a strange atmosphere.

Is it possible that the forces of Xinghai reappeared again?

Lin Xuan said: It should be the Star God Clan, Ranked No. 82.

Broken Xinghai, really come from an extraordinary history, there were wild ancient gods.

In the Nine Netherlands, Wanlong roared, and the vast dragon power swept the world.

Everyone trembled when they felt this power.

Lin Xuan is a bright eye, a land of nine secludes, with a family of Taixu Shenlong.

Now that the power of Wanlong appears, is it possible that the Taixu Shenlong family will appear?

Those other people are also very excited. The Taixu Shenlong family ranks tenth in Famine, second only to Chaos Protoss.

Their appearance may contain the Chaos Protoss.

The people in the Dragon Realm are also extremely excited: Has the Shenlong family appeared? Great.

Their dragon race is about to rise again.

Although they are not members of the Shenlong clan, the strength of the dragon clan is good for them.

In the land of God, Taishang withdrew his palms, Shen Sheng said: This time, only 7 Protoss can be let out of the river of time.

However, it should be enough.

Old monsters, your Chaos Protoss, can also appear.

Ancestor Chaos, nodded when he heard Tai Shang's words, and came out.

At the next moment, he roared upward and shocked the world.

The sky and earth shook violently, and a breath of chaos swept the eternal land.

Those warriors in the Eternal Land were stunned: Great, this is the power of Chaos Protoss.

It seems that Chaos Protoss is about to fully recover.

In the heavens and the world, everyone also felt the power of chaos, as if to open the earth.

They tremble again, the chaos is already terrible, plus the blood of the ancient gods.

I am afraid that this protoss will be extremely powerful.

Between heaven and earth, an extremely loud voice sounded: My Chaos Protoss, ranked ninth in the barren period.

In the voice, with infinite pride.

Countless warriors, scalp numbness in all worlds: Ranked ninth, it was also a real giant in the age of famine.

Those in the God Territory looked so ugly that this extreme ancient clan gave too much pressure to them.

All of a sudden ~ ~ was a bit desperate.

At this time, the fighting **** said: Our **** domain, there is a **** race ranked seventh.

After listening, everyone was shocked: Really? This is higher than the ranking of Chaos Protoss.

So, you do n’t have to worry.

The fighting **** laughed: As long as they came back from the river of time, it was enough to sweep everything.

The reason why the fighting gods say this is to relieve the pressure of these people.

After all, Huanggu ranks ninth, which is really shocking.

What about the ninth place? That's the ranking of the ancient times.

In this era, how much power do you still have? How much can you come up with?

At this time, between heaven and earth, an unkind voice sounded, seeming to refute the Chaos Protoss.

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