Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7513: I have 1 sword that can cut off all demons (2)

True God Mo Lei came over in a stride, and the thunder in his body kept getting lost.

It turned into a ray of thunder and surrounded his head, forming an absolute defense.

He said in a cold voice: My Demon Road Thunder, will never be broken by you, you never want to affect me.

After doing all of this, the real God of Mo Lei roared again: Mo Lei battle body, the world of demon war.

The thunder on his body kept filling, and he seemed to turn into a peerless Thor.

An ancient rune swept through and turned into a monstrous thunder ball, sweeping in all directions.

The power of destruction continues to permeate.

Not only that, this time on the opponent, there was a picture of the magic thunder,

The magic figure floated out, and everything it passed would be demonized.

True God Mo Lei laughed coldly: Demonize it, become my puppet.

What a terrible breath.

Everyone around exclaimed, they kept backing away.

Once enveloped by these demonic qi, it will be completely crazy.

Lin Xuan also narrowed his eyes, the power of demonization, he had long known.

The demonized monsters before were affected by this power.

This power is terrible, but for him, it is useless.

Lin Xuan ’s Dragon Sword Spirit is enough to destroy everything,

The boundless sword qi flew out and turned into a sword sea beside him.

Lin Xuan stood above the sword sea, blocking these magic powers.

At the next moment, his hand waved, Qixing Longyuan appeared in his hand.

I have a sword that can cut off all demons.

As Lin Xuan's voice fell, the sword in his hand exploded into a terrible light.

It seemed to have turned into a giant dragon, spreading its teeth and claws, and slashed towards the front.

In an instant, he hit the sky with thunder.

Lei Hai rolled over and swept through nine days.

The endless thunder, under this sword, quickly burst.

Between heaven and earth, a big crack appeared, and the whole piece of void seemed to be completely cracked.

Those around me felt the scalp numb when they felt the sword: Is this Lin Wudi's sword?

Too strong and so desperate.

The true **** of Demon Ray also changed greatly. He even felt a fatal crisis on this sword.

He roared loudly, and the magical energy on his body skyrocketed, exerting his demon war body to the extreme.

He did not run away, but took the initiative to attack.

World of Magic Warfare.

Magic figure.

I am a demon, dyed blue sky.

What he displayed was an extremely terrible magic trick.

At this moment, his figure kept growing bigger, as if penetrating the world, and turned into a supreme demon.

His figure, like the mountains of the ages, monstrous demonic energy, swept across the whole world.

The entire land of God seems to be dimmed, and all the black clouds crush the city, and everyone is like an enemy.

Under this force, I am afraid that countless worlds will be wiped out.

How strong is your sword? Why can't I, our blood, is beyond your imagination.

The real **** of magic thunder, carrying the strongest one and killing the past.

In an instant, they collided with Qixing Longyuan, and the bright light and the extinct storm engulfed everything.

Everyone was so blinded that they couldn't open their eyes.

The true gods of the Devil God Clan are extremely nervous.

Can you resist it?

It should be possible.

At this moment, there was a screaming sound between heaven and earth. This was the voice of the real God of Demon Thunder.

The elder saved me.

As soon as the sound came out, everyone exclaimed: It seems that Mo Lei is really defeated, should he face a fall?

Otherwise, why is it so frightening?

Those strong men of Demon God Clan are also crazy: you dare to kill!

They darted out, grabbed the void, and tore apart the storm.

They found that the real God of Demon Thunder had split in half and was fleeing.

Lin Xuan had already collected the sword,

Lin Xuan said lightly: Kill him? Is he worthy?

As always arrogant.

The audience is quiet,

Everyone was shocked by Lin invincible.

In the end, the laughter of toad broke the peace.

Hahahaha, who can block a sword?

I asked who else?

I knew that Brother Xuan must be invincible.

They also smiled at Murong Qingcheng,

Ye Wudao and others were also shocked.

How do you feel that Lin Xuan's strength has become stronger again?

This guy's training speed is too fast, right?

Demon God Race, but so.

Lin Xuan sneered,

He turned his head again and looked at the Taixu Dragon Palace.

He stared at Xingtian Ce.

Did you say that it was 100 times stronger than me? Well, let me take a look.

Let's go!

When Lin Xuan's gaze fell near the Taixu Dragon Palace, the strong men of the Dragon Palace took a step back.

Later, their faces became ugly,

They were terrified by the other party, and it was really shameful.

When they heard that Lin Xuan wanted to challenge Xingtiance, many people were relieved quietly.

There seemed to be a trace of happiness.

Fortunately, not them.

Damn, what am I thinking? How could I be afraid of him?


Brother Tiance, come on,

Brother Tian Ce, destroy him.

That kid, what he should have done was the strongest blow, there was not much power in his body.

Brother Tiance, step on him!

Brother Tian Ce, let him see the style of our Taixu Dragon Palace.

Xingtiance was expressionless, but his heart was mad. These guys pushed him into the fire pit.

The sword just now was so horrible, but he realized it.

Even for him, I am afraid that he is only half sure that he can take over, and the other half will have a terrible ending.

He didn't dare to shoot easily.

He froze there, hesitating.

Those around me talked about it when they saw this scene.

Are you scared?

I also said before that Lin Wudi is a ants.

He also said that easy crushing made it invincible.

It is too ironic that he dare not take action now.

Don't be stunned, God! Go up!

Elder Hai came over and came to Xing Tiance, patting him on the shoulder.

Xingtiance recovered, and his face was a little ugly. He just wanted to say something, but at the next moment, he was slightly stunned.

He found that the old man in the sea put a storage ring.

At the same time, a sound rang in his ears: there is an artifact, the sea dragon battle sword, you can use it with confidence.

Hearing this, Xingtiance froze for a moment, then ecstatically said: Sea Dragon Battle Sword, that is close to Dacheng weapon, an artifact.

If he can use it, his strength will change dramatically.

It's even more powerful.

That ’s great ~ ~ He is so excited,

The next moment, he came over and said: Do you want to fight? Then I'm done.

Today, I stepped on you in front of everyone.

I want you to know that you are in front of our dragon palace, but that's it.

Really have to shoot!

Those around me were also very surprised,

Both Tianyang Protoss and Demon Protoss were slightly stunned.

To be honest, this time, although they sent people, but the real top geniuses did not come, they all came out of the true gods.

Such a person cannot beat Lin invincible at all.

Why is Xingtiance so confident? Does the opponent have any cards?

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