Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7514: kendo! You are defeated! (three)

Xingtiance should have some powerful cards, damn, I didn't expect that the preparation of Taixu Dragon Palace was so sufficient.

Wouldn't it be a powerful artifact?

To be honest, the Devil God Clan and Tianyang Clan also have such a heritage.

It's just that they were careless before.

In their view, dealing with Lin invincible is not something that can be done by waving a hand,

There is no need to use powerful artifacts.

The invincible strength of Lin was beyond their expectation, and now they are completely ashamed.

People on the other side of God Realm are all nervous: looking at each other, they must be fully prepared.

They said: Master Lin, you must be careful.

Yeah, Brother Lin, if you also use that great weapon.

Lin Xuan shook his head and said: No, no matter what his card? I can't stop my sword.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, with an invincible light.

Boy, you are too ignorant and thick. To be precise, you are a frog at the bottom of a well.

You don't know anything about the heritage of our Tai Chi Dragon Palace.

Today, I will let you know what real power is.

Xingtiance came over in a stride, roared upward, and exerted the power of the bloodline to the extreme.

Behind it, the terrifying starry sky dragon, the starry sky swaying, gorgeous gorgeous.

In his hands, a weapon, a long sword, and a blue long sword appeared.

Just like a sea dragon,

After it appeared, it brought phantoms like the ocean and swept across the sky.

It seems that the whole heaven has transformed into a world of sea.

The sword body swayed gently, with endless blue dragon shadows, flying between the world.

The dragon returns to the sea.

When seeing this scene, the demon **** clan exclaimed: This is the sea dragon battle sword.

You even brought this thing with you.

The people on the other side of the Tianyang Divine Clan were also surprised: the war sword close to the Dacheng weapon.

what? Close to Dacheng weapons!

Those around me heard this, and they all turned their faces: How terrible was that terrible?

Even those of God Realm were also stunned. They were all worried about Lin Xuan.

Murong Qingcheng even said: Brother Xuan, use Ziyue Ding.

It's useless, I won't give you any chance, kid, kneel on the ground and kowtow for mercy.

With a laugh, Xingtiance waved the sea dragon sword with all his strength, carrying the power of the ocean and the sea, and severely cut it down.

Haha, we won.

People in Taixu Dragon Palace laughed when they saw this scene.

How terrible this force is, the true God of Xiaocheng can't resist it, let alone the other party.

Is the myth of Lin invincible broken?

Some of those who watched the battle were desperate.

Because Lin is invincible, it is the only one of the younger generation who can resist the ancient gods.

This is their last hope.

If Lin is invincible and defeated, that is to say, no one can resist the genius of this era, the blood of the ancient gods.

Many warriors expect in their hearts: Lin invincible, we must win, don't let us down.

Give us a little hope.

Faced with such a terrible attack, Lin Xuan was calm.

It's really stupid enough, thinking that with a powerful magic soldier, can you compete with him?

I think you are the frog at the bottom of the well. You have wasted this Excalibur.

You don't understand kendo at all.

Let me tell you what a real sword is.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, an extremely gleaming light bloomed. As a swordsman, his swordsmanship was so terrible.

Faced with such a terrible attack, he did not use any monstrous swordsmanship, but just pointed a sword forward.

This sword is simple and unpretentious, there is no light, no speed.

Just such a soft sword, slowly flew across the void.

This is also called sword technique?

When everyone saw this scene, they were all stunned, and their hearts were full of doubts.

People from Taixu Dragon Palace laughed: Ouch, laugh to me, this is your sword way.

It's really rubbish.

Do you call such swordsmanship supernatural powers? It's stupid enough.

Lin Wudi, haven't you learned magical powers? Should we send you two books at the Dragon Palace?

The sound of sarcasm sounded, but Elder Hailong's face changed greatly.

On the other side, the elders of Demon God Clan and Tianyang God Clan shivered as well.

Their faces became ugly, and sweat appeared on their foreheads.

How can it be?

Their strength is very strong, far from what these disciples can compare.

Their vision and experience are far beyond each other, they can clearly sense the horror of this sword.

This sword seems ordinary,

However, this is not the case.

This sword is simple.

Has Lin Wudi's sword arrived in the realm?

This plain sword pierced into the ocean.

At the next moment, the endless sea rolled up violently, as if to open the earth.

Those sea dragon phantoms in the sea, at this moment, the body was shaking, they even gave a frightened roar.

Some of them are extinguished, some are prostrate to the ground, and some escape from the sky.

This scene shocked everyone: what's going on? How do I feel that those sea dragons are shaking?

Impossible, those sea dragons are afraid of this sword?

People in the Dragon Palace were also blinded.

Xingtiance was also shocked: how could this look?

He found that the sea dragon sword in his hand was shaking violently.

Damn it, stop me.

Xingtiance roared wildly.

The blood on his own flew out and enveloped the sea dragon sword, which only suppressed the excalibur.

His crazy roar: I will not lose.

He held this peerless artifact, he was about to lose, he had no face, and appeared in this world again.

He desperately wants to defeat the other party.


The next moment, the swords of the two collided in the air, making a tremendous sound.

Xingtiance felt his body tremble, and a crack appeared on many people, almost splitting them in half.

Even the true gods were trembling and bones appeared.

Is it so scary? Just the sound of the sword, so powerful.

If this is cut, they dare not imagine the end.


The Hailong sword shook violently, and then was flicked out,

Even Xing Tiance's arm turned into a blood mist in an instant.

With a trace of despair in Xingtiance's eyes, how is it possible? Can't he resist?


This sword ~ ​​ ~ penetrated his body, and at this moment, he had a deadly feeling.

However, Lin Xuan did not kill him, but abolished the other's cultivation practice,

Let the other person feel what it means to fall into the dust.

You are defeated.

The loud sound resounded through the sky, the starry sky disappeared, and the boundless sea also dissipated.

Between heaven and earth, there is only one figure standing there, he is like an ancient sword god.

Let countless people look up.

The other figure fell from above nine days.

Dragon blood stained the world.

Everyone knows that in this battle, Xingtian was defeated and ruined.

Elder Hailong waved his hand and caught Xingtian Ce. At the next moment, his complexion changed: Did you even abolish him?


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