Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7532: Roar of the Dragon! (three)

In the clouds, Feng Qianling's figure emerged,

Her eyes are extremely mysterious.

She looked at Lin Xuan and said: You are too careless, you have entered my magic world.

Here, I dominate,

You are not an opponent at all.

is it? I do n’t think so. Illusion, the power of the soul, is not of much use to me.

Lin Xuan does not need to use the reincarnation eye attack, but only needs to resist the opponent's illusion.

Feng Qianling also sank his face, snorted coldly, and suddenly a lot of dragon claws appeared around him.

This is the dragon claw of the wind.

Even, she lifted her palm and shot towards the front, instantly covering Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan found that he was unable to act and could only watch, these attacks fell on him.

The next moment, his body seemed to be hit, a crack appeared, and it began to break,

Begin to disappear.

If you change to someone else, you will definitely go crazy to fight back,

However, Lin Xuan did not.

Because he knew that all this was false,

It's all illusion.

Once counterattacked, it will instantly fall into the trap of illusory speed and will never come out again.

Lin Xuan did not move, allowing all the attacks to fall on him.

Instead, his gaze turned to 4 weeks and began to look for the other party ’s real problems.

He knew that the wind and spirit in front of him was not an ontology, it was an illusion.

Only by finding the other party's body can we break through this magical attack.

Lin Xuan's figure, completely broken, drifted towards 4 weeks.

However, in the next moment, the figure of Lin Xuan appeared again between heaven and earth.

He said faintly: Useless, your illusion will not affect me.

What a strong will.

The opposite Feng Qianling was also very surprised.

500 years ago, Xingtianhe entered her world of illusion, and she persevered for 5 seconds before losing.

In her view, nowadays, Xingtianhe will persist for about 10 seconds,

The mad **** in front of him is stronger than Xingtianhe, but he can never hold on for 20 seconds.

This is her previous thought,

It now appears that this is not the case at all, and the other party does not seem to be afraid of illusion.

No wonder so arrogant, really strong enough.

I have to see, to what extent can your will be strong?

Devour me.

The surrounding clouds rolled and the gusts flew into a wind dragon head, which fell towards Lin Xuan, and fell down fiercely.

Want to swallow Lin Xuan.

At the same time, a lot of wind appeared around him and fell on Lin Xuan, wanting to tear the other person's body.

In Feng Qianling's eyes, there are two mysterious runes.

This is not illusion, but soul attack.

Feng Qianling was angry,

She is about to hurt the other's soul.

When the two runes fell, the whole world was shaking violently.

Like the dragon head and dragon claw before, Lin Xuan can be ignored, but these two runes, Lin Xuan can not be ignored.

This is not an illusion, but a more terrible soul attack, which he must block.

He snorted coldly and made a terrible sound of dragon roar.

This is no ordinary dragon roar, with a powerful dragon soul power, shattering the world.

Tianlong's roar, this roaring sound is extremely terrifying.

Lin Xuan roared, and there was a crack in this illusion world.

All the surrounding clouds are broken.

Even Feng Qianling's body shook violently, and cracks appeared on it, which seemed to turn into a blast, and it was about to disappear.

How can it be?

Feng Qianling was so shocked, how could the other party's roar be so terrible?

She quickly pushed two runes and collided with each other's voice.

A roaring sound came,

At this moment, the void collapsed and annihilated at an extremely fast speed, as if everything had to be transformed into nothingness.

Feng Qianling's body was broken.

Lin Xuan's body opposite was also broken, and the whole world seemed to be gone.

But at this time, there was a pair of eyes in the depths of the void,

A pair of eyes with dark blue light.

In the eyes, there are endless mysterious lines that are emerging and turned into a mysterious pattern.

This is the essence of Feng Qianling,

Feng Qianling exhaled.

So terrible, the other party's will is so strong,

Nearly, the other party broke the soul world.

If this magic speed is broken directly, Feng Qianling will also be injured.

Fortunately, it seems that she is more powerful,

The mad **** was defeated and she was ready to leave.

But at this moment, behind her, there was a faint voice.

It turns out that your ontology is here.

When I heard this sound, my dark blue eyes shook suddenly, with shock and incredible in his eyes.

She suddenly turned her head and found that Lin Xuan's figure appeared behind her.

This is impossible!

She exclaimed: How could you still exist?

Isn't the other party in the soul storm just now?

This shows that the other party's body should have been hit hard.

However, looking at the current state, the other party seems unharmed.

I said that your illusion is of no use to me.

Speaking of which, Lin Xuan reached out his big hand, and grabbed the eyes towards the eyes in front.

On the palm of the hand, with a terrible flame power, like the claw of the fire dragon.

The clouds and fog around them kept breaking, and nothing could resist this flame.

In Feng Qianling's eyes, with infinite shock, those eyes quickly retreated and wanted to leave this world.

At the last moment, it was still hit. At the next moment, the whole illusion world collapsed.

Above the ring,

The two figures stood there quietly, and no one moved.

The people around were really nervous.

They knew that the illusion performed by Feng Qianling must have brought the mad **** into an illusion world.

They ca n’t see this world,

However, after a few tens of seconds, they can win or lose.

At this moment, everyone saw Feng Qianling's body and moved a bit,

They knew that the outcome was divided.

Feng Qianling won.

But the next moment, they were stunned.

I saw Feng Qianling's body shaking, and a spit of blood spurted out directly. The other party knelt on the ground, shaking his body.

what's the situation? Feng Qianling was actually injured.

Those around me were stunned when they saw this scene,

They can't believe it.

Could it be that ~ ~ Even if the Mad God loses, at the last minute, can he hurt the opponent?

They looked at Lin Xuan again,

It doesn't matter at this point, they are frightened directly.

Because Lin Xuan was unharmed.

What is the situation?

Who can tell me?

Everyone is crazy,

Even the elders in the Black Dragon Hall were stunned: Did the Mad God win?

Feng Qianling knelt on the ground and looked up ahead. Her eyes were already bleeding, and her face was extremely pale.

She was injured.

She is really unwilling.

She gritted her teeth and asked: How did you do it? How did you break my illusion?


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