Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7533: Longbang No. 1! reward! (One)

How did you resist my illusion attack?

How did you find out that my body exists?

Feng Qianling asked unwillingly,

She has never been defeated like this.

If she loses, she must lose.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: I said, your illusion is useless to me, as for why I found your body?

Is also very simple,

Because you are so proud, after you defeat the enemy, the body appears.

This was originally an expression of inner pride,

With this, I can find your body lightly and easily.

It turned out that I was defeated by my pride?

Feng Qianling smiled bitterly.


Of course, even if your body does not appear, I can still beat you.

Lin Xuan has infinite confidence in his eyes.

My hole card is not what you can imagine.

For the latter words, Feng Qianling did not believe it. She felt that this was the performance of the other party's madness.

She did not know that the mad **** was Lin Wudi, otherwise, she would definitely change her mind.

I admit that you are very strong. This time I was defeated. I will work harder to practice my pupil technique. Then, I will challenge you.

After talking, Feng Qianling stepped down from the ring.

The whole scene was extremely quiet and everyone was stunned. They looked at Lin Xuan with a trace of awe in their eyes.

Has the other party now ranked first? I do n’t know, will anyone challenge?

Want to challenge, despite the shot.

Lin Xuan looked around and said lightly,

All around was silent, no one seemed to want to challenge.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan stepped down from the ring and came to Feng Qingxue.

Feng Qingxue is also like a dream at this moment, he is really hard to believe, has Lin Xuan done it?

It turned out that the other party was not bragging or joking,

The opponent really has strength and won the first place.

Mad God, how strong is your strength?

Where is your limit?

Feng Qingxue was extremely curious,

Lin Xuan laughed and said nothing,

Those other people also felt that their brains were not enough. In this scene, they wouldn't think of killing them.

Next, the game continues,

However, everyone is already in no mood,

The fighting of these people is not as shocking as before.

After all the battles ended, Lin Xuan ranked first and Feng Qianling ranked second.

The other rankings have not changed much,

Xing Tianhe was seriously injured and was unable to participate in the next game.

Therefore, his ranking plummeted.

Feng Qingxue ranked 90th, which made him very satisfied.

Lin Xuan is also very satisfied, ranking first.

A drop of Tianlong blood was in hand, so that Dragon Dance would no longer need to stare at him.

Next, his goal is to impact the Three Dragon Gates.

Lin Xuan ’s name appeared on the Black Dragon list, and it surpassed everyone.

The light of black gold shone in all directions, shining through the ages.

Countless people looked up.

Looking at the name, they knew that a peerless powerhouse would rise like a superstar.

The elders in the Black Dragon Palace were extremely happy.

A peerless strongman was born, and they were the warriors of the Dragon Palace. How could they be unhappy?

The stronger the opponent, the stronger their Dragon Palace.

The next step is rewards.

Lin Xuan got a drop of Tianlong true blood,

In addition, there are artifacts and magic tactics, Lin Xuan can be the first to choose.

Lin Xuan took Tianlong true blood, he did not immediately choose the artifact.

Instead, I asked: Can I use these two things in exchange for access to the Three Dragon Gates?

Lin Xuan's main goal is the ancient breathing method.

After listening to the elders of the Dragon clan, they were stunned.

Next to Feng Qianling said: It seems that Sister Long Wu did not tell you too much news about the Three Dragon Gates.

Let me tell you.

With the strength of you and me, you are already qualified to enter the Three Dragon Gates, but why you ca n’t enter is because our contribution is not enough.


Lin Xuan froze for a moment after listening.

Feng Qianling nodded: yes, contribute.

If you want to enter the Three Dragon Gates, you must not only have strength talent, but also make a great contribution to the Dragon Palace.

You must accumulate enough contribution points to enter the Three Dragon Gates.

To be honest, I have been looking for this opportunity all these years.

If you want to enter the Three Dragon Gates, you have to wait for an opportunity.

An Elder Fire Dragon also laughed: I know that you want to enter the Three Dragon Gates and learn the ancient breathing method.

However, God is determined that you can not give up.

The ancient way of breathing is not a supernatural power, but a method of breathing.

It can absorb the ancient world power more quickly and more effectively.

It is complementary to the magic formula.

After practicing the ancient breathing method, you can use your magic skills again, and the power will change dramatically.

If you only have the ancient way of breathing, no magic formula is not enough.

At that time, you are just training fast and powerful, but magical powers are not good,

It is very likely that it will not beat the strong man of the same rank.

I understand.

Lin Xuan nodded, and then he began to choose artifacts and magic tactics.

He took the lead to look at the magic formula, and he found that there were a total of nine magic formulas.

There is no magic rain dragon trick.

The starry sky never dies.

Flying dragon is in heaven.

Lin Xuan can only see the name, and there is no specific cultivation method.

After confirmation, he needs to go to the inner hall of Taixu Dragon Palace, where there is a real magic formula.

Nine magic formulas, each of which is extremely terrible, is a peerless magic formula passed down from the ancients.

To be honest, Lin Xuan really hesitated.

Feng Qianling beside him also said: Don't worry, you can choose slowly.

I can remind you that Sister Dragon Dance practice is that flying dragon is in the sky.

What Brother Long Yaotian practiced is that the Qinglong fights against the sky.

At this time, the elders in front also said: These nine magic formulas are ever-changing and powerful.

There is no distinction between merits and demerits, it's just that the people who practice are strong?

Of course, they represent different avenues,

You can choose one that suits your avenue to practice.

Lin Xuan thought for a while, and then asked: Brother Longtatian, what kind of magic tactics are you practicing?

When hearing this, Feng Qianling took a breath, she said: You guys, want to challenge Brother Longtatian?

why not?

Lin Xuan asked back.

Feng Qianling rolled his eyes: You are kidding, no one can challenge Brother Longtatian in Taixu Dragon Palace.

You just need to tell me ~ ~ Which magic formula is he practicing? That's it.


Feng Qianling sighed.

She pointed to a name in front of her and said: Brother Tiantian, what he practiced was Dragon Dao Wushen Jue.

Okay, then I will practice this one.

Lin Xuan said.

As soon as these words came out, those around him were stunned: he actually chose Dragon Dao Wushen tactics, are you kidding?

Who does he think he is?

Is it possible that he wants to take the path of Brother Longtatian?

The path taken by Brother Longtatian is the only one that he can't walk at all.

The elders also frowned slightly,

They looked at Lin Xuan and said: Advise you, or change a magic formula.


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