Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7536: Status promotion! Practice dragon tactics! (One)

Lin Xuan entered the new mansion and felt the power of heaven and earth here was much stronger than before.

Under the earth, there is the breath of the earth veins, and there are many breaths of the dragon veins.

This time, Lin Xuan had a different perception of the Dragon Vessel.

Because he now has the Dragon Vein recipe, all he has to do is to open up the Dragon Vein in his body.

Opening the dragon vein in the body is actually similar to the dragon vein outside.

But it ’s harder,

After all, the dragon veins outside are formed by heaven.

The dragon vein in the body is to condense itself.

Even if it can absorb a lot of dragon power, it can't be developed in a short time.

After arranging the formation for his mansion, Lin Xuan left.

He went to the Three Dragon Gates, and he wanted to give the dragon blood to Dragon Dance.

However, after he came to Sanlongmen, he learned from Longma that Dragon Dance had left.

It turned out that Dragon Dance went out to practice, it seems that some ancient medicine is needed to assist in cultivation.

I have been away for a long time, and I haven't returned for the time being.

This turned out to be the case.

Xiaoqing walked over and performed a salute to Lin Xuan: Brother Mad God, congratulations.

Xiao Qing's attitude was high above him, and Lin Xuan was not taken into consideration.

Because in her view, Lin Xuan is just a little ant from outside.

But it ’s different now,

Lin Xuan is the No. 1 on the Black Dragon List and a strong possibility to enter the Three Dragon Gates in the future.

Once you enter the Three Dragon Gates, it is an existence that transcends everything and can be compared with the Dragon Dance.

As a servant, how dare you dare to be extravagant?

In the face of Lin Xuan, she was extremely respectful.

She said: Senior Brother Madness, although the owner is not present, Brother Senior can put the real blood of the Dragon into the master's palace.

After the owner of Dragon Dance returns, he will surely find out the first time.

Okay, so be it.

Lin Xuan nodded, no one wanted to come, dare to come here and **** Tianlong true blood.

Next, with the help of Xiaoqing, Lin Xuan put that drop of real blood into the dragon dragon's flying dragon palace.

Then he left.

He returned to his mansion, struck a line, and sat cross-legged.

He sat in formation.

Under the earth, there are many dragon veins of black dragons, and some branches of the earth veins.

Those powers are extremely terrible,

Next, Lin Xuan is ready to practice, the Dragon Vessel chapter in Dragon Dao Martial Art.

Lin Xuan began to absorb the power of the dragon veins in the earth.

At the same time, he also began to absorb the power of the Blue Dragon's Fire.

Lin Xuan's body was surrounded by a terrible dragon shadow, and there was a blue dragon flame flying.

While practicing on Lin Xuan's side, outside the Taixu Dragon Palace, a deserted area.

There is a man in a golden battle armor, he is invincible, he is Long Yaotian.

At the moment Long Yaotian came to a huge canyon, his brow furrowed tightly.

There were black storms all around.

These black storms are extremely terrible, with some black shadows and some claws protruding.

He caught him and wanted to shatter him.

Get out of here.

Long Yaotian waved his fists, golden fists, shining in all directions, sweeping the world, and struck all those black storms.

The figure inside was also shattered.

However, Long Yaotian was not too happy,

In the distance, those black storms are more.

In this place, he dare not carelessly,

This is called Dragon Butterfly Blood.

Legend has it that countless dragon clan strongmen fell.

Although this place is terrible, but it is said that here, with the treasure of the dragon clan, it has extremely terrifying dragon power.

What Long Yaotian cultivates is that Qinglong fights against heaven.

Now that his cultivation has reached the bottleneck, it is very difficult to go further.

However, he was not reconciled,

He is going to enter the realm of Dachengzheng God, and he is going to step before Dragon Dance.

Only in this way can the dragon dance be completely suppressed.

Looking at the big crack, Long Yaotian was ready to go in and see.

But at this moment, he froze a little, stopped his body, his face became ugly.

what's up? Why did I lose contact with Qinglong Ancient Lamp?

This is incredible!

Qinglong Gudeng is the treasure in his hand. He once lent Xingtianhe to let the other party participate in the ranking competition.

Now, how can you lose your sense?

Is it possible that Tianhe would become a star and want to swallow the baby in his hand?

Long Yaotian shook his head,

The other party did n’t dare,

Even if the other party became the first in the Black Dragon List, they dare not.

The opponent is not his opponent at all,

He is the existence of Three Dragon Gates, above the Black Dragon List.

What is going on?

Inevitably, Xingtianhe was defeated, and the Qinglong ancient lamp was taken away by others.

Thinking of this possibility, his face was gloomy, and some people really did not know life and death and dared to grab his artifact.

When he returns, he will definitely make the other person die better.

Long Yaotian did not go back, but continued to explore this mysterious place.

In this Nine Netherlands, another place is equally terrifying.

The earth is quiet, and the surrounding mountains, like the wild beasts, are entrenched there.

Occasionally the wind blew past, bringing a cold breath.

Standing in this mountain range is a figure of dragon dance.

Long Wu looked forward, her brow furrowed tightly, she practiced Flying Dragon in Tianjue, and also reached the bottleneck.

She also came out to experience,

She is looking for some ancient antiquity medicine as an aid.

Now, she has found a clue,

However, this place is very mysterious.

The Nine Netherlands, as one of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, is no ordinary place.

Even if the dragon dances them, they have the ancient bloodlines, but they dare not carelessly here.

Dragon dance is behind him, forming a flying dragon phantom,

In his eyes, an extremely terrible light radiated.

She condenses the eyes of the flying dragon and wants to see through everything.

Suddenly, he froze for a moment: Someone? Get me out.

He shot it out with a palm, a flying dragon phantom, like a flying dragon's sword, flew to the distant mountains.

Cut off a lot of mountains.

And in the cracked ground, there was a figure flying quickly.

This is a figure in black armor floating in mid-air.

There are terrible flames around,

The black flame radiates a mysterious atmosphere.

When Long Wu saw this scene, she frowned slightly, and she said in a cold voice: Jiu You Mo Huo.

Are you from the Devil God Clan?

That's right ~ ~ The figure in black armor is called Mo Yuanzi.

He stared straight ahead and said coldly: Well, the Taixu Dragon Clan really has a narrow path.

Obediently surrender your dragon blood, I can spare you a life.

Mo Yuanzi sneered.

Something stupid.

Long Wu looked indifferent, she stared at the front, and at the next moment, she shot.

The flying dragon battle sky tactics, show it out,

The power of the Dragon Dance, how terrible, the whole world was shattered with one shot.

Mo Yuanzi was startled: Are you from Sanlongmen? You are that dragon dance.

He finally recognized each other.


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