Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7537: Increased strength! Dragon Dance shot! (two)

Mo Yuanzi, who had cooperated with Long Yaotian before, wanted to set up a trap to secretly calculate Dragon Dance.

However, the plan failed that time.

Unexpectedly, now he even met Dragon Dance in the Nine Netherlands,

However, in the face of a battle, he could not beat it.

Only able to retreat quickly.

When Long Wu saw this scene, he sneered: I thought how powerful you were. How dare you be so arrogant before me?

Now it seems, but so,

Weak and pathetic,

See me suppressing you with one hand.

After that, she reached out a palm and fell like a sky.

The void around Mo Yuanzi immediately froze, and numerous cracks appeared, and a great pressure came toward him.

Damn it, get me off.

Mo Yuanzi roared, and he took out a black pagoda.

This is an extremely amazing artifact, the Great Devil Tower.

At this moment, after being taken out by him, countless nine ghost fires flew out from inside.

It turned into another demon head and flew to the four sides.

Finally, tearing a crack in the void,

Mo Yuanzi took this opportunity to escape.

Damn it, after my Wufang Tianmo boxing is completed, you are dead.

Mo Yuanzi quickly escaped.

Where to go?

Long Wu roared and chased.

Lin Xuan didn't know about all this,

He has been practicing silently,

In a flash, half a year passed.

In the past six months, the people of Erlongmen have completely accepted it, and Lin Xuan became the first fact.

The people of the Dragon Clan in the starry sky, although they gritted their teeth,

However, there is no alternative.

They are not opponents now, they can only wait for Long Yaotian to come back and suppress each other.

On this day, Lin Xuan opened his eyes, he was already in the body and opened up a dragon vein.

This is already very fast,

This is because Lin Xuan's physique is strong.

Coupled with possessing the power of immortals and possessing the Dragon Sword Soul, it is possible to develop the first dragon vein so quickly.

You should know that if other top geniuses practice this dragon vein recipe.

I am afraid it will take a hundred years to develop the first dragon vein.

All beginnings are hard.

Even if it was Long Tatian, it took 10 years to develop the first dragon vein.

The opponent's later speed is indeed very fast, and now has completed 9,000 dragon veins.

It is said that only the last 1,000 dragon veins are left. Once all are completed, the other party can successfully step into the realm of God King.

However, the last 1,000 dragon veins are more difficult,

Even if Long Tatian is extremely powerful, the talent and bloodline are unparalleled. I am afraid that it will be difficult to complete in a short time.

However, the other party is the most promising one.

The people at the Second Dragon Gate shook their heads and sighed when they learned that Lin Xuan was practicing Cultivation and Dragon Martial Art.

They think Lin Xuan is crazy.

Some people even think that Lin Xuan may not be able to condense even the first dragon vein.

If they know that Lin Xuan has condensed the first dragon vein for half a year, I am afraid it will be scared.

This speed is too much.

Next, Lin Xuan began to fully absorb the power of the Blue Dragon ’s fire,

He is going to engrave the fairy Taoism in his body.

After spending another half a year, he carved 500,000 immortals in his body.

Now, he already has two million fairy and Taoist in his body.

This blue dragon fire was absorbed by 1/3 of him, and the remaining ones still have strong power.

Lin Xuan was delighted that if he absorbed the rest completely, his fairy dagger could still be greatly improved.

Not far from the realm of Xiaochengzheng God.

Put away the Qinglong ancient lamp, Lin Xuan walked out of the villa, he was ready to go to the barren ancient area and experience it.

This year is not long, but Lin Xuan has achieved two small goals.

For him, his strength has also changed dramatically.

It must be consolidated.

And fighting is the best way.

Lin Xuan left Erlongmen and went to the Nine Nether

He went to the barren area.

Among the vast mountains,

There is a figure as high as thousands of meters.

This is a giant. He stood there like a mountain.

He had black scales on his body, that was dragon scales, he was a dragon ape.

He sat there, his breath like the sea, sometimes flying, sometimes quiet.

He is absorbing the power of heaven and earth, he is practicing.

In the distance in the distance, a figure flew by quickly, it was a flying python.

Its wings, like dark blue metal, radiate a mysterious light, engraved with countless patterns on it, like a natural avenue.

His body is only 20 meters,

However, his strength is very strong, reaching the real **** realm.

He flew fast in the air and seemed to be fleeing.

He came to the dragon ape, he did not feel any danger.

During this time, there was no breath in the dragon ape.

The other party closed his eyes, really like a dark mountain.

True Python flying pythons did not find danger when flying nearby.

But at the next moment, the dragon ape suddenly opened his eyes, reached out a large black palm, and instantly smashed the void.

Catch the flying **** of this true **** level.

Flying Python was startled, he shattered the void and wanted to escape,

However, it is still useless.

He was caught by this palm and his body began to break.

He made a miserable roar, seeming to beg for mercy, however, it was still useless.

In the end, his body split open, turned into a blood mist, and an inner pill appeared in the hands of the dragon ape.

The dragon ape snorted and swallowed it when raising his hand, but at this moment, in the distance, another figure flew.

This is a human figure, his figure is not big, in front of this dragon ape, small like an ant.

This figure, after stopping, sneered: My dare, do you dare to grab?

This figure is none other than Lin Xuan,

Just after Lin Xuan came to the barren area, he discovered the flying **** of the true **** level.

He is ready to start,

But I did not expect that the speed of the other party was surprisingly fast.

The rune on the other side's wings had a terrible speed, which surprised Lin Xuan.

He must get this mysterious rune, so that his speed can be improved.

After searching all the way, he was about to catch the opponent, but unexpectedly, a behemoth suddenly came and killed the flying python.

Lin Xuan was very angry,

He stared at the front, the figure of thousands of kilometers, murderous.

The dragon ape is also angry, UU reading books www.uukanshu. This ant in front of com is weaker than the previous flying python, and dare to spread wild in front of him?

He exhaled a breath and turned into a supreme thunder, trying to tear the ant in front of him into pieces.

Fortunately, just take a look at you, my strength now.

Lin Xuan sipped coldly, and the dragon vein in his body exploded completely.

Lin Xuan punched, punched like a dragon,

Between heaven and earth, the dragon roared and shattered the sky, colliding with the group of breath.

With a roaring voice coming, Lin Xuan was as strong as a bamboo shooter, punching the sky, and instantly crushing the opponent's strength.

The fist killed the dragon ape.


The dragon's enormous body fell towards the rear.

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