Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7538: You can't bear this 1 punch! (three)

The dragon apes are terrified, how terrible his power is, he can easily kill the first true god.

At the moment, he was knocked over by the opponent,

What kind of power is this?

Exceeded his expectations.

He was extremely angry.

As the lord of this area, he absolutely does not allow a small ant to spread wild in front of him.

The next moment, he stood up again, the flames on his body blooming ceaselessly, and the injured rift was quickly recovered.

He roared up in the sky, his hands danced, the void above nine days, broken constantly, and the earth even cracked.

The surrounding mountains were instantly torn apart by this force.

Countless boulders rolled down, a scene of extinction.

The wild monsters nearby fled wildly,

In front of this force, they simply cannot resist.

They knew that the human being was dead.

What a strong force.

Lin Xuan was also slightly surprised,

Soon he smiled: using you as a whetstone would be perfect.

He, the dragon veins in the body, keep blooming,

A tyrannical dragon's breath swept all directions.

On Lin Xuan, there was even a chaotic breath.

Here, no one knows him, he can shoot without scruples.

The chaotic body, plus Dragon Vessel tactics, made his power extremely strong,

Punched with a punch, like a chaotic dragon, open to the earth.

The dragon ape opposite was completely stunned, with a trace of terror in his eyes.

Can a little ant actually hit such a powerful fist? It's incredible.

With a bang, he was flicked out, the seven tricks were bleeding, and his body was covered with cracks. He fell to the ground and shattered the mountains.

Next, he even knelt down to the ground, and gave Neidan out of his hands with both hands.

Please spare me.

The dragon ape uttered words and began to beg for mercy.

It ’s not easy to miss your practice, and spare you once.

Lin Xuan snorted and took Neidan,

He turned into a lightning and disappeared.

After he left, the dragon ape stood up, his face scared.

The other party should be the peerless genius of the Taixu Dragon Palace.

He looked away.

In this way, Lin Xuan is fighting in the barren area.

Some monsters and beasts were defeated by him for begging for mercy, and some monsters and beasts were directly killed by him.

In a blink of an eye, two months have passed. On this day, Lin Xuan felt that someone was fighting in front of him, and that force was extremely terrible.

Lin Xuan felt that he had a super dragon-like breath and danced over 9 days.

On the other side, there is a monstrous demon qi, as if turned into a demon.

Who is fighting?

Lin Xuan was curious, and he flew over quickly.

Soon, he saw the scene ahead,

The flying dragon circling in the sky.

On the other side, there is a figure burning a black flame, just like the flame demon.

The two are at war, and they are earth-shattering.

Suddenly at this time, the flying dragons roared in the sky, and they turned into a sword of flying dragons.

Shaking the heavens and the earth, penetrated the flame gods opposite.

Flame's body split open, turned into countless flames, scattered all over the place.

In the void, a figure flew out, he vomited blood.

He is the demon child.

His face was ugly to the extreme: did you even practice flying dragons in Tianjue to such an extent?


With a roar, he turned and fled.

Where to go?

In the rear, Dragon Dance chased past,

The dragon shadows around him kept dancing, blocking the Quartet.

Mo Yuanzi escaped into the Big Devil Tower.

At the same time, the Great Demon Tower released a terrible breath of flame that directly melted the void.

A terrible black hole formed, and he fled into the distance.

Actually escaped!

Long Wu snorted.

She wants to chase,

But at this time, she stopped and turned to look back.

There, she felt a breath.

who is it?

She asked coldly.

The next moment, she saw a figure and came out.

It's you!

When Long Wu saw the other party, she was slightly surprised, she recognized the other party,

This is her, brought into the Dragon Palace by hand.

It's mad god.

Why are you here? Is it practiced?

It's dangerous here, not for you to come, go to the edge.

Long Wu frowned.

Sister Dragon Dance.

Lin Xuan came over with a smile.

What do you call me? Sister?

Long Wu froze, the other party was not qualified, so call her.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: Naturally it is called your sister, I am now the first in the Black Dragon List.

It won't take long for me to enter Sanlongmen.

By the way, the real blood of the Dragon you want, I have put it in your Feilong Hall. After you go back, you can see it.


When Long Wu heard this, he was ignorant,

She couldn't believe her ears.

The other party became the first in the Black Dragon List! I got the real blood of Tianlong, what kidding?

It was only three years since she left the Dragon Palace, and the other party was so powerful.

She knew that more than a year ago, there was a ranking match,

She did not expect that Lin Xuan could achieve such a result.

She said coldly: Do you know what is the end of cheating me?

I allow you to fight after 500 years, but I do n’t allow you to lie to me.

How can I tell lies? ?

Lin Xuan shook his head.

Long Wu still didn't believe it, and even she was a little angry, because she knew how difficult it was to be the top of the Black Dragon List.

She knew the strength of Feng Qianling, and even she knew that the top 10 people in the Black Dragon List were all related to the Three Dragon Gates.

Some people can borrow powerful artifacts.

And Lin Xuan, although she brought in, but she did not reward the other artifact.

No matter how strong the opponent is, they ca n’t beat those people,

Not to mention Lin Xuan's cultivation behavior, not how strong.

I don't have time to deal with you right now. I'm going to chase that enemy. As for you, you still go back to Taixu Dragon Palace obediently and practice well.

You dare to lie in front of me again, I let you face 1000 years,

Leave quickly.

After talking, before Lin Xuan answered, Longwu turned and flew away, she was going to chase down Mo Yuanzi.

From beginning to end, she did not believe that Lin Xuan could become the first in the Black Dragon List.

Lin Xuan sighed. He also knew why the other party didn't believe it.

If it wasn't for my own eyes, no one could believe it.

When he became the first ~ ~ What expression did the entire Taixu Dragon Palace have? He is clear.

Those people are stupid.

Even after a year, it is still unacceptable.

Now that Dragon Dance has just heard this news, it is not normal to see it with your own eyes and do not believe it.

Lin Xuan also didn't care, as long as the other party returned to the Dragon Palace, they would immediately know that everything he said was true.

By then, he really wanted to see the shocking expression of Dragon Dance, what was it like?

Will it be scary?

Lin Xuan really looked forward to it,

He is ready to leave. .

But at this time, a bell floated on his body, and the voice of Murong Qingcheng came.

Famine Ancient Protoss, someone came again and said to challenge you Xuan brother!


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