Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7546: war! Push 1 cut horizontally!

The terrifying figure of Tianyang God appeared again between heaven and earth. It was a hundred times more powerful than the one Yang Xuanwu had shown before.

This is the true power of the Protoss, and it is extremely powerful.

It makes people tremble and makes people desperate.

Those of God Realm, even across the formation, felt a fatal crisis.

Li Xunxian, the Queen and others, and their expressions are very dignified,

The background of the old is terrible.

Lin Zhan didn't seem to care, he still cast that fistful fist and pushed forward in the past.

The next moment, the two collided together.



The sky cracked instantly, and there were endless black cracks.

In the crack, there was a terrible flame, flying, and some thunder, which appeared.

It's like thunder.

Tianyang Protoss, Yang Xuanwu and others were all blasted out, their bodies split open and vomit blood.

Only the aftermath of this energy, they could not resist, Lin Xuan also turned into a sword light, and retreated to a distance.

He returned to the ancient city of Shangqing.

To be honest, he can't resist this level of power.

Is it too strong?

He clenched his fists, and one day he will enter this state.

Do n’t know what happened to my father?

Lin Xuan cast his reincarnation eyes and looked forward, and at the next moment, he found a change in front.

The rift between heaven and earth is even more terrible. The sky in the distance is broken instantly, and the big rift spreads.

And a figure flew back, and along with this figure, there was a **** Tianhe flying.

In the Tianhe, with extremely terrible flame power, it seems like a thousand fire gods Tianhe.

The one who flew backwards turned out to be the old flame.

This made everyone stunned: Even the Tianyang Protoss could not resist it?

Tianyang Protoss, Yang Xuanwu and others all knelt down.

How could this look, their ancestors were completely suppressed?

Dreaming, we must be dreaming.

They roared like crazy, but they couldn't change the facts before them.

The old flame flame vomited blood, his body split open, with infinite shock in his eyes.

He is not an opponent,

In a flash, his Tianyang God figure was shattered by the other party.

Is the gap between the two sides so large? Is it really as the other side said, is he too weak?

This is impossible, I don't believe it.

The old flame roared like crazy, and the power of the blood in his body exploded again.

A series of blood-colored runes appeared on his body, repairing his injury, and he recovered again as before.

He stopped the step backwards, he stood between the sky and the earth, his white hair began to change and became black.

The dry wrinkles on his face also disappeared slowly. He seemed to grow young from aging,

The time was on him, it was like going back in time.

In the next moment, he became a handsome young man,

In his eyebrows, there is an extremely mysterious and complex flame rune.

The icy voice sounded between heaven and earth.

Nine turn magic fire tactics, seventh turn.

Bloodline, open.

Just like Yang Xuanwu before, desperately general, this flame old man is also really angry at this moment.

He did not hesitate to consume the power of his blood to improve his strength.

His nine-turn magic tactics are more terrible than Yang Xuanwu's.

Yang Xuanwu can only perform the fifth turn, but this old man can perform the seventh turn.

The blood power he gained far exceeded Yang Xuanwu.

There was a terrible line of fire in the void around him, flying between heaven and earth, and the void was broken again, the end of everything in the world.

At the same time, beside him, a terrible phantom appeared, gradually condensing, and turned into a world of flames.

That's the world of Vulcan, it keeps growing bigger, covering countless voids, as if to swallow the whole sky.

In this flame world, flame palaces, flame pagodas, and palace pavilions appeared.

There are even flame forests, mountains, and flame monsters,

Among them, there is only one figure standing there.

It is this flame old man.

He stood in his own world of Vulcan, like the supreme ruler, his cold eyes looked down.

At the next moment, he waved his hand, and the world of Vulcan fell and killed Lin Zhan, which immediately enveloped Lin Zhan.

not good.

Seeing this scene, the Queen's face changed. She said: This world is made up of the other party's Law Avenue.

In the opponent's world, the strength of the forest war will be greatly suppressed.

The Li Xianxian next to him was also blinking,

Perhaps he also has his own world of avenues.


Lin Zhan was shrouded in an instant, and the terrible flames around him kept attacking him.

Hitting him, making a tremendous sound, some flames were blasted.

However, more flames flew over.

Those flames turned into one beast after another, spreading their teeth and claws, and rushed towards him.

The old man of flame is even more condescending and said coldly: You are too arrogant.

How dare you go alone into my world of Vulcan, I will make you pay.

With a wave of his hand, the endless flames behind him condensed into a big flame, and they fell all over the place.

There were countless flame runes above that palm, flashing and extremely complicated.

It carries the power of the ancients, the terrible law of fire, and the blood power of the Tianyang Divine Race.

The multiple forces merge together as if to destroy everything,

This palm fell, I am afraid that one side of the starry sky, will be wiped out.

In the face of such an attack, Lin Zhan looked up at the sky, with a bit of stern fighting intention in his eyes.

The next moment, he raised his palm and blasted forward again.

When Li Xunxian saw this scene, his complexion changed: No, did he not show his way to the world?

As a result, his power will be greatly suppressed.

It ’s useless. Your strength is strong, but your bloodline is too bad. You do n’t even know how powerful the bloodline is.

In my world, you can only exert half of your strength.

Now I am going to kill you, so easy.

The old man of flame, the expression is extremely cold,

You know, he only consumes the power of the blood, so he has the state he is today.

This state can last for a while, UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Next, he will enter a period of weakness of tens of thousands of years.

This price, the power gained, is extremely powerful, simply not imaginable by the other party.

The flame old man waved his big sleeves, more blood power, flew over,

The flame palm fell into the air.

The fire above was shining brightly, shining for nine days, and everything it passed burned.

At this moment, he seemed to become the eternal light, and everything in the world appeared dim in front of him.

Lin Zhan still looked cold. His fists cut through the sky, and the flames around him went out in an instant.

The next moment, he landed on the big palm, and the whole flame big hand shook at a very fast speed.

A crack appeared on it.

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