Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7547: 9 days of **** fire, turned into a sword

The big palm of the flame, with the power of Shinto, the power of the ancient, and the power of blood.

Terrible to the extreme.

However, under this punch, it collapsed quickly, and the smoke disappeared, just like fireworks.

After blooming the brightest light, it disappeared.

The old man of flame, completely stunned,

His brain was blank and his eyes were hollow: what happened?

His peerless blow, so disappeared?

What kind of power is this?

Where is the other party's limit? Is the other party really unfathomable?

At this moment, the heart of the flame old man is extremely collapsed.

People such as Yang Xuanwu and the Tianyang Protoss were also frightened when they saw this scene.

Originally they were so successful that they wanted to watch the other party die out.

But now, the smile on their faces is rigid, replaced by a shock, a panic.

It is a deep fear.

How could Lin Wudi's father be so strong?

Isn't this too ridiculous?

Lin Zhan punched and smashed the peerless strength of the opponent, he sneered: your attack, but so.

Also, do you think your Vulcan world can suppress me?

So stupid.

See me breaking your Vulcan world.

He waved his fist again, striking in all directions, his fist was not fast.

Every punch fell as if to destroy the world.

The whole Vulcan world shook violently, with cracks on it.

The forest of endless flames shattered, the mountains split apart, and the palaces of Vulcan in the distance were all wiped out.

This world-destroying scene shocked everyone.

Damn, you dare.

The old flames roared like crazy.

The other party attacked not only his Vulcan world, but also his avenue and his bloodline.

He couldn't stand it, he roared like crazy.

Nine Heavens Divine Fire, turned into Excalibur!

With a roar, the fire behind the old man flew continuously.

The rapid interweaving in front of him turned into a handle, blazing with the dazzling flame of the Excalibur.

The old man held the sword in both hands and slashed down.

Lin Zhan was not afraid, but he fought up and punched the sky.

Be heard!

The thunder flew, the flames bloom, and the sound of Jin Ge's iron horse shattered the world.

The nine-day Excalibur broke in two halves.

The old man of flame was even withdrawn with a punch, his hands split and turned into blood mist.

Damn, I don't believe it.

He absorbed the power of the flame world and restored his hands.

Vulcan Palace, suppress me.

Behind him, a palace of flames appeared, with endless patterns of gods, and a mysterious atmosphere bloomed.

The power of this Vulcan Palace is even more terrifying than the previous nine-day Excalibur.

He fell strongly, releasing a breath of destruction.

At this moment, the endless void is shaking,

In the land of the sky, the wind is surging, and it seems that they can't bear this force.

Lin Zhan laughed in the sky, his palm was no longer a fist, but his fingers spread out and he caught the sky.

His palms are still the size of ordinary people, but strange things happen.

That huge Huihong, like the Temple of Fire like the Tiangong Temple, is getting faster and smaller.

Fall in the palm of Lin Zhan.

In the palm of Lin Zhan, there is a more mysterious change,

The above appeared, the sun, the moon and the stars.

What magical power is this? Isn't it terrible?

When everyone looked at this scene, they were shocked.

Even Lin Xuan was also extremely shocked: a mysterious power.

Lin Zhan's palm is like a world in which the sun, moon and stars are constantly attacking.

The Fire God Palace, the gray smoke disappeared, turned into a flame, extinguished in his palm.

The flame old man vomited blood, and his face was horrified: how is it possible?

His peerless magical power, in front of each other, does nothing at all?

He is really crazy: I don't believe it.

The power of ten thousand fires belongs to my heart, and nine fires turn around, and I am a god.

With his order, the entire flame world shook violently,

There were countless flame **** rays.

The world of flames began to collapse and decompose, and all the divine light that had formed had flown into the old man.

This scene is extremely terrible, as if a thousand fire gods, all flew to the flame old man.

When they flew into the old man, they became one after another, mysterious flame runes.

Imprinted on the body of the other party.

The old flame roared upward.


He is like a peerless **** of fire, killing him quickly,

A palm fell, and all the fire came out.

The void around Lin Zhan shattered instantly, turned into chaos, and endless flames engulfed him.

I come from the Famine Ancient God Clan, I am high above, and I am undefeated forever.

The old man of flames roared wildly, his palms kept shooting, and he seemed to want to blow the other party away.

In the endless flame, the palm of Lin Zhan, but again protruded.

The world in that palm burst into a mysterious light, and all the flames flew into the palm of the other party.

And in this process, all flames are becoming very fast.

In the end, even the old man of flames was enveloped by this force.

He was pulled by a force and flew into the palm of Lin Zhan.

Above him, the sun, the moon, and the stars are spinning around like a world after another.

Want to wipe him out.

The flame old man roars crazy: you can break my world, and I can break the world in your palm.

Break me.

He roared like crazy,

At this moment, he even burned the blood of God.

Under this crazy attack, the sun, moon, and stars were really shaking, and the light above them became dim.


Yang Xuanwu and others, when they saw this scene, laughed in the sky: The elders were about to rush out.

Holy area,

Lin Xuan and others were extremely nervous.

Lin Zhan shouted: Still want to come up with a dream, this will let you die.

The blood of war in his body erupted ceaselessly, and a loud voice cut through the void.

Take control of the sun, moon, heaven, and earth!

As his voice fell, the endless blood of war all poured into his palm.

The world in his palm, the sun, the moon, and the stars erupted in an extremely terrible light instantly.

The palms of Lin Zhan are quickly closed.

Everyone heard the voice of world destruction,

They heard the sound of broken bones, and the old man of flames, miserable voice.

Damn it, stop me.

Kaka Kaka!

The **** bone is breaking ~ ~ The blood is flying, it is broken in nine days, and there are endless cracks all over.

The blood and rain all fell down,

This is the world's strongest man, the vision of heaven and earth that is falling, is this great true **** going to fall?

The old man of flame finally had horror in his eyes, he could no longer care about anything, and burned his bloodline with all his strength.

He seemed to turn into a **** of fire, he wanted to rush out,

However, it is still useless.

This is a peerless force that tears his body apart.

Destroy his bloodline, even let him die.

When everyone looked at this scene, they were dumbfounded.

It is a never-before-seen event that a great true **** will fall.

Lin Zhan, is this going against the sky?


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