Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7556: Pedal! Qiankun! (One)

Originally, everyone thought that Lin Zhan was going to lose, and it was even possible to be beheaded by the two men.

However, what happened next was completely beyond their expectations.

Lin Zhan exerted his powerful blood and directly flew away, attacking the true **** of the magic sword.

Even the second move took Zhen Fei out of his body.

The ancient demon sword turned into a meteor and flew away.

The body of the true demon of the sword demon split again, but soon he stopped his injuries and waved his hand: the sword came.

Heavenly Demon Ancient Sword flew back again.

He held the magic sword and looked coldly forward. He said: You are also injured. How much power do you see?

He walked toward the front, his figure erratic, and at the same time he shouted coldly: Chiyang, don't you do it together?

The true God of Chiyang was hesitant, to be honest, with his pride, he really did not want to join forces with others.

Even if he is now suppressed, there is a possibility of defeat, he is not willing to start with the sword demon.

However, at this moment, it is not up to him to choose, because Lin Zhan shot.

Lin Zhan still waved the Skyfire Warhammer and killed the True God of Chiyang, which made the True God of Chiyang ignorant.

This guy really intends to fight both of them with one person.

He felt extremely angry, he was underestimated.

What kind of existence is he? Become a true God, and stand above him.

When he was born, he had a vision of heaven and earth, and was born with a divine seal.

Since his cultivation, he has been singing all the way, and he cannot say that he has not failed. However, he has never failed in the same stage.

No one dared to despise him.

But now, this guy in front of him doesn't even put him in his eyes,

This drives him crazy.

He felt that his pride was crushed by the other party, and he could not bear it.

In the next moment, he could no longer care about anything. He shot like crazy and waved the Red Sun Seal, killing the past again.

Everyone, when they look at this scene, they are crazy: What is this Lin Zhan doing? Is he crazy?

In the eyes of everyone, at this time, the best choice for Lin Zhan is to attack the true **** of the sword and decisively, defeat or kill the opponent.

However, it was Chiyang who was the first to attack.

Is it possible that the other party does not intend to ignore the true **** of sword and demon?

Or is it that the opponent really intends to take 1 enemy 2?


The crowd shook their heads one after another.

The people of the Famine Ancients are also angry: what a joke? Who does he think he is? I want one enemy and two.

Believe it or not? In an instant, he would be blown away by two powerful men.

Sword Demon God is also stunned, did the other party give up attacking him?

The next moment, his face changed.

The other party did not give up, because the other party came towards him.

At this moment, Lin Zhan changed his figure again. His figure was several times higher than before.

Turned into a giant, a few hundred meters, the palm of his hand was like a warhammer, killing the true **** of Chiyang.

And his feet stepped towards the true **** of sword and demon.

One foot falls, the world is broken, the endless black holes sink and float,

The sword demon swayed his body, avoiding the blow.

He held the ancient demon sword and killed the past. He did not believe that the other party could block the attack of the two.

Watch it, the next moment, he will destroy each other.

The people of God Realm are extremely nervous,

To be honest, even they did not believe that Lin Zhan could be one enemy and two enemies.

Lin Zhan's black hair fluttered, his eyes squinted, and he roared upward,

The blood in his body boiled up like a flame mountain.

Hold it! Sun, moon and stars!

Pedal! Yin Yang Yang Kun!

Lin Zhanyang roared, and he exhibited two peerless supernatural powers.

Between raising his hands, the sun, moon, and stars rotate as if he can control everything.

And one foot fell, and the world was broken, seeming to destroy the world.

Lin Zhan used two kinds of peerless masters, with his peerless body, to kill the true **** of Chiyang, and the true **** of sword demon.


Chiyang Shenyin was blocked.

On the other side, the ancient demon sword was kicked away.

The body of the real **** of the magic sword, split again,

Those who watched the battle were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

What did they see?

Lin Zhan really used his strength to contend with the two powerful men.

It seems that it can also suppress the two strong,

Is this incredible?

What is the limit of this guy?

Is he really just a great god?

Didn't he suppress the cultivation?

How do I feel that he looks like the true God of the Peak?

You know, whether it is the true **** of Chiyang or the true **** of sword and demon, they are not ordinary true gods.

They are very powerful,

Even dare to challenge the true God of the Peak,

Today, the two joined forces and were suppressed.

This is incredible!

Those in the God Realm were also blinded: Lin Zhan was too strong, to an unimaginable level.

Even Lin Xuan was curious: What kind of creation did his father get in the God of War?

The most angry are the true **** of Chiyang and the true **** of magic sword.

The two of them have lost face and joined forces to attack. Both of them have suffered and won the victory.

However, they found that they were too naive, and the two of them couldn't even beat each other.

It may even be defeated.

If this spreads, their faces will be lost.

It is estimated that the heart of their road must be broken.

Their martial arts road may end there.

No, it must not be defeated.

The two roared like crazy.

At this moment, they teamed up completely, without any scruples.

The two began to cooperate.

In the sky, boundless flames flew, and the seal of God fell and swept across.

Underneath, there were magic swords that rushed to the sky.

Every sword can destroy the world.

Lin Zhan, relying on two great peerless magical powers, with one-on-two, never fell into the disadvantages,

Even these two people can be suppressed.

The people around me were so shocked to see this scene,

This is like looking at myths and legends.

In the wild times, there were no such terrible people?

Is this guy creating myth?

Sword Demon God, his face is so ugly,

Cracks had appeared on his body, and now, he dare not fight against the opponent's foot.

Before, he also tried to cut off the opponent's foot with the ancient sword of Demon,

After several encounters, the opponent was not injured.

His arm was shattered.

Above the opponent's feet, there are mysterious runes with the power of Yin and Yang.

Connected together, UU reading www. is like a piece of **** land, like a world.

With mysterious power.

The strong men of the Fade Ancient Protoss complexion are also ugly to the extreme.

An old man gritted his teeth and said: Did you find it? This guy is acting like the power of the God of War.

He definitely got it, the inheritance of the God of War.

This time, the God of War did not come out, how did he get it?

He may have a great fortune,

After all, the God of War tribe was also well-known at the time, with amazing strength.

Some heritage has been left, and now it is normal.

It's just this guy's talent, is it too terrible? Seems to be born for war.

You say, is he an old monster of the God of War, reincarnation?


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