Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7557: Thunder Dragon God! Shot! (two)

These people can't be sure.

Because the God of War tribe, although it is a wild ancient **** tribe, but it is special with other **** tribes.

God of War, will not cultivate specific magical powers, but will cultivate the intent of war!

The method of battle is ever-changing, and the war gods major in warfare.

That kind of warfare can turn decay into magic, ordinary power, in their hands, will become extremely powerful.

Now that they see the mighty Lin Zhan, they can only guess that the other party is related to the God of War.

But what exactly is it like? They are also unclear.

I don't know if this guy has got the breathing method of God of War?

The God of War breathing method is powerful, but our Gods breathing method is not weak.

What I fear most is that he gets that kind of power.

Are you saying, Samurai?

Several strong people of the Protoss have already started talking, and their brows are furrowed tightly.

They remembered some things that were in the time of the ancient times.

The God of War is very terrible, especially the top power of the God of War is very terrible.

At that time, there was an ancestor of the God of War tribe, that is, the cultivation of the war of rebirth, it was terrible.

It can be said that there is no death.

As long as there is no point of warfare, even the rebirth of the World can still reappear.

Those who fought him were killed.

This ancestor is extremely terrible,

In the realm of the **** king, sweeping the invincible hand, it is about to impact the immortal state.

However, in the end it failed.

The other Protoss people are afraid and do not want to make the other party immortal.

At that time, the people of the Aboriginal Protoss teamed up,

That battle was shocking.

Everyone didn't even know, which several Protoss teamed up?

Only know that there are 9 strong shots.

Everyone's cultivation practices are not weaker than the ancestors of the God of War.

In that battle, the sky was broken,

The ancestor of the God of War, I do n’t know how many times it was broken.

Even the soul almost went out.

However, by virtue of the war of reincarnation, every time I survived at the most crisis time,

Even more powerful.

Nine Supreme Gods worked hard to kill the ancestors of the God of War.

The price paid is also very heavy.

There are two powerful gods of the world, falling,

The remaining seven people were also injured.

In the end, no one can become immortal.

Since then, the God of War has gradually fallen.

It is very difficult to practice the rebirth of World War I. It is said that after that old ancestor, few people practiced it.

Even some people have been secretly killed when they started to practice.

They thought they could sit back and relax,

Now seeing Lin Zhan, they get nervous again.

Did this Lin Zhan get the inheritance of the God of War?

Did you get the Samsara Reincarnation?

If you only get the inheritance of the God of War, such as magical powers, magic tactics, breathing methods and the like, that's fine.

However, if they really practiced the war of rebirth, it will be a peerless enemy for them.

Get rid of it as soon as possible!

Between the talks, the war ahead is even more terrifying.

Lin Zhanyue became more and more courageous, and began to suppress, two powerful great gods,

Even Lin Zhan exhibited a stronger ability to learn.



The endless sky shattered, the earth cracked, turned into black holes and abyss, and the true **** of Chiyang flew out.

He used the God Seal to protect his origin, but he couldn't help but vomit blood.

On the other side, the body of the demon sword demon turned into blood mist.

He was hit hard,

He growled wildly: How could it be so strong?

He looked into the distance and said: Thunder Dragon God, haven't you shot yet?

When they heard this, everyone's scalp was numb: It's impossible, the third true God, do you want to shoot?

Are you bullying too much?

Over there, Toad, Dark Red Dragon and others roared.


You also have faces that are called strong in the world.

There is a kind of heads-up.

I look down on you.

What ancient gods are nothing but garbage.

You attacked in groups and attacked in a sneak attack. You really lost your face at home. Hurry back to Famine.

Those who watched in the distance, although silent, did not sigh.

Originally, they were very much looking forward to the Famine Ancients,

But now it seems to be the case.

For the admiration of the other party, today, it may be completely broken.

Those strong men of the Famine Ancient Protoss complexion are also ugly to the extreme.

Although their faces are dull, they have a terrible killing intention in their hearts.

They also want to let the Thunder Dragon God shot, it is best to join forces to destroy the other side.

Thunder Dragon God took a deep breath, he came out and watched the battle for so long, he already recognized the strength of Lin Zhan.

Even the other party made him like an enemy.

He also has supreme self-confidence in himself, and he believes that he is not weaker than anyone.

Now let him join forces, he is a little unwilling.

He came out and said: Do n’t do it for the two of you, I want to single out.

What time? You still singled out and quickly joined forces to destroy him, which is the main thing.

Can't let him grow up any longer.

Sword Demon True God, with a terrible killing intention in his eyes,

He was really scared.

The other party is now a great god, and they can already crush them.

If the other party grows up and becomes the God King, who can suppress the other party in the future?

Is it impossible to let them go to the ancient **** clan and send several **** kings to join forces to siege each other?

As a result, it is even more embarrassing.

It is better now, before the opponent has not become the **** king, first destroy the opponent.

Are you questioning me?

Thunder Dragon God sneered,

Above nine days, thunders spread all over, shattering the universe.

Sword Demon True God, was shocked by this force and kept retreating.

He looked ugly and said: Follow you, but you are going to lose, promise me to join forces.

I will not lose.

In the eyes of Thunder Dragon God, with great confidence.

I was born with the thunder, my thunder swept everything.

Lin Zhan, you are one of the greatest true gods that I met, a person who can threaten me.

I would like to fight you head-on.

Let's go, I will show the Heavenly Dao God Thunder as soon as I come up.

In the eyes of Thunder Dragon God, an extremely terrible light erupted.

As he exhaled and breathed, the boundless thunder flew in all directions.

The whole world seemed to become Lei Hai.

Feeling this power, everyone's scalp numb, it is terrible, the strength of the Thunder Dragon God, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com seems to be more powerful.

The other party seems to destroy the gods.

Between raising your hands and feet, that thunder can destroy everything.

Lin Xuan was even more shocked, he was like an enemy,

The other party's breath just breathed out and used the supreme power directly.

This is inevitable, is the ridiculous breathing method?

Sure enough.

Lin Xuan has seen Dragon Dance, and Long Yaotian and others, these people are the people of Three Dragon Gates, and their strength is very strong.

However, compared with the Thunder Dragon God, it is still worse.

This Thunder Dragon God is practicing breathing.

Lin Xuan clenched his fists, he must get, this ridiculous breathing method!

At the same time, he is also looking forward to the next battle.


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