Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7558: Heavenly God Thunder! (three)

The Thunder Dragon God is very powerful, and the Thunder on his body continues to bloom.

The tremendous lightning swept through, turning into a dragon shadow, covering the world.

The thunder dragons roared upwards, spit out terrible lightning, formed a sea of ​​thunder, and flew towards the front.

The power of thunder, with a breath of destruction, this thunder sea is enough to destroy everything.

Everyone's body shivered,

No one dares to contend with this kind of Leihai.

In addition to the top few people, the other Dacheng true gods, after entering, I am afraid that they will die out!

I have to say that the Thunder Dragon God is really too strong, and it is worthy of being born with the Thunder God Thunder.

The other party's every move has a ruinous atmosphere.

Lin Zhan sighed coldly, still waving his warhammer, and slammed toward the front.

The warhammer fell, hitting Leihai, as if the waves beat the shore.

The endless thunder flashed and flew in all directions. In the sea of ​​thunder, a phantom of a dragon rushed out and roared upward.

The dragon scale is completely condensed by lightning, and when it is formed, it will swallow the forest war.

The thunder in Thunder Dragon's body kept cracking and turned into flowers of destruction.

Between the sky and the light flashing, the shining pole, that is the power of destruction boiling.

Was it completely hit?

I'm afraid he can't resist it!

Watchers, exclaimed when they saw this scene.

That terrible thunder force, I am afraid that even if it does not die, it is also a serious injury.


Those of the Taixu Dragon clan all laughed: What if you are even stronger?

In front of our Shenlong family, you are not an opponent at all.

Do you see it? As soon as the Thunder Dragon God shot, you were defeated,

Who can compete with our Taixu Dragon Palace?

The warriors of these dragon races laughed in heaven and were extremely proud.

The people of God Realm are extremely nervous, won't they be really dangerous?

Lin Xuan also had a dignified expression. He cast his reincarnation eyes and looked towards the front. He could see some sights clearly.

He was relieved,

He knew that Lin Zhan's strength was much stronger than these people imagined.

Lin Zhan, though shrouded in endless flowers of destruction, the force of destruction has torn apart his qi sea.

It fell on him and made a tremendous sound.

One after another, very mysterious runes appeared one after another, and turned into a peerless armor.

He fisted around with fists and shouted coldly: Domineering! Jedi.

The roaring sound came like a heaven and earth, with huge cracks around.

The terrifying and thundering dragon, under this power, quickly shattered its body and scattered all over the place.

Lin Zhan was vigorously killed. He stepped on heaven and earth, roared in heaven, and resembled the ancient **** of war.

He looked down and swept across the barren land.

Is this the God of Heaven? But so.

Did you rush out?

Countless people exclaimed as they watched the scene.

Those of the Shenlong family also became ugly.

They were beaten hard.

What are you proud of? Thunder Dragon God, has not exerted real power yet.

That is, you wait, wait for the real **** of heaven and **** thunder to come out, you will definitely lose.

The Thunder Dragon God's expression was cold, and he seemed to be sad and unhappy. He said coldly: It was just ordinary Thunder, not Heavenly God Thunder.

Your strength is indeed beyond my expectation. You are qualified to let me use the Heavenly Dao God Thunder.

what? Just ordinary Thunder!

Those around me were stunned when they heard this: ordinary Thunder, so powerful?

How strong is this Thunder Dragon God?

To what extent is the real God of Heaven and Thunder powerful?

They dare not imagine.

I am afraid that as soon as the God of Heaven and God Thunder comes out, no one present can stop it.

Even the true God of Chiyang may not be able to resist it? Can this forest war be stopped?

They are all worried about Lin Zhan,

Even Lin Xuan was shocked.

Ordinary Thunder? It seems that this Thunder Dragon God is more terrible than expected.

Lin Zhan laughed: Really? Then you show it, the real God of Heaven and Thunder.

Let me see, how strong can it be?

In his eyes, with a powerful fighting intent, he was extremely excited.

He felt that his blood was boiling.

You will see that under this kind of sky, **** and thunder, you will despair, kneel on the ground and wait for punishment.

A cold voice rang out,

Thunder Dragon God palm seals, dragon blood roared inside.

One thunder rune after another appeared on his body, as if turned into a thunder dragon after another, roaring upward.

The roar shattered the world.

These thunder dragon phantoms stood between the sky and the earth, and the dragon head was facing the sky, sending out the light of thunder.

Fly up to nine days.

With a loud bang, the void changes, the endless power of the world, the law of the road, above the Thunder Dragon God, condenses.

Subsequently, the rapid rotation turned into a huge cloud vortex.

From that whirlpool, there was an earth-shaking voice.

A thunderlight cut through Jiuxiao, as if it had become the only one in the world.

The bright light that shines on everyone can't open their eyes.

The power of destruction made everyone feel hopeless.

God, there!

Heavenly God Thunder.

Countless people exclaimed.

Some true god-level strongmen, using all their power, can barely raise their heads and look into the sky.

They looked at this scene, shocked,

In the thunder cloud, what is condensed out is the heaven and earth **** thunder?

At an endless distance, just a ray of thunder makes them feel deadly.

If this falls, who can resist it?

Lin Zhan looked up at the sky and looked at the terrible thunder cloud. He looked up and yelled: Come, let me feel how strong you are.

He waved his fist and killed him in the sky.

Those around me were stunned when they saw this scene: Is this a lunatic? It's incredible.

Others will run away when they encounter such a thunder.

Didn't see that, the true God of Sword Demon and the True God of Chiyang, both of them retreated like crazy, dare not to approach?

Not only did Lin Zhan not run away, but he faced up. Is this bold? Or is it an idiot?

The people of the Taixu Dragon Palace cried when they saw this scene.

Watch it, he can't stop it.

A few other ancient gods also shook their heads and sneered.

This battle is over.

The sword demon sneered.

Although it wasn't the opponent he defeated, but he could see the defeat of the opponent and relieve his hatred.

The true **** of Chiyang was silent, he stared at the thunder light. UU reading

I do n’t know. He tried his best to use the Red Sun Divine Seal. Can he stop the Heavenly God Divine Thunder?

Thunder Dragon God eyes Ling Xian, seeing Lin Zhan rushed over, he sneered.

Heavenly God Thunder.

Breach of the Eight Wastelands.

Lei Lai.

As his voice fell, in the thunder cloud above nine days, a thunder suddenly fell.

It turned out to be a golden thunder, extremely terrible.

Surrounded by countless runes, that is the runes of heaven.

It is an endless time, a rune formed by the universe of the world, with mysterious power.

This golden heavenly **** thunder rushed to Lin Zhan instantly.

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