Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7559: Born to be king! (One)

Faced with such a terrible attack, Lin Zhan also felt a trace of fatal crisis.

It has to be said that the God of Thunder is really strong. He screamed in the sky and the blood in his body was boiling.

His qi sea even burst out with a terrible flame.

He seemed to set foot on fire and killed nine days.

His fists are even covered with mysterious runes.

Punch the sky.

In an instant, he collided with the golden thunder, like a duel between heaven and earth.

The whole world is crumbling, and the endless air and sea sweeps across the Eight Wastelands.

Those around them, scalp numbness, receding like crazy, and even they hit their strength and joined forces to resist.

However, they couldn't stop it and were shocked to withdraw.

This breath is so strong that it is so desperate for anyone.

It was really stupid that he wanted to fight against the God of Heaven and God with his bare hands. He would definitely lose.

People in Taixu Dragon Palace sneered, they have seen victory.

The people of God Realm are extremely nervous: Can Lin Zhan stop it?

This time, Lin Xuan's reincarnation found that he could not see clearly.

No way, the realm of the two is too high, Lin Xuan is now, a lot of realms of each other.

Even if the reincarnation eyes are so mysterious, at this moment, they cannot be seen through.

The world is full of wilderness, the golden light is flying continuously, with the power of destruction, the figure of Lin Zhan has long disappeared.

Unstoppable, he lost.

The spectators around them kept shaking their heads and sighed: Was the so powerful Lin Zhan, in the end, defeated by the God of Heaven and God?

It seems that Heavenly Thunder is invincible, and Thunder Dragon God is too strong.

I am afraid that it will become a true god. No one is his opponent. Only the peak true **** can suppress him.

Looking at him like this, he should be able to fight against the true God of the Peak with the help of the Heavenly God Thunder.

To be honest, in their realm, wanting to leapfrog to fight can be described as difficult.

A gap in the realm is a gap in cultivation over millions of years or even tens of millions of years.

How much you have to go against the sky to be able to make up the gap of tens of millions of years of practice.

Therefore, it is difficult for most of the true gods to leapfrog.

Unless it is, have something very out of place.

Such as the Great Dragon Sword, devouring the sword, and so on.

That's why these wild ancient protoss are playing the big dragon sword and devouring the sword.

If they want to leapfrog, they have to resort to such power.


The Thunder Dragon God snorted coldly. His Heavenly God Thunder was extremely powerful. Once it came out, no one could resist it.

No matter how strong this soul is, it is not an opponent.

Between heaven and earth, the golden light slowly disappeared.

The big rift between heaven and earth, under the rule of supreme heaven and earth, began to recover on its own.

Look, there's blood dripping.

Someone exclaimed, and everyone opened their eyes and looked carefully towards the front.

They found that in the void in front, there was indeed some blood of the gods falling, and every drop was crystal clear, with extremely terrible power.

When it fell down, it was like a huge mountain, and it instantly broke through the void.

On this, with extremely terrible combat power, this should be fighting blood.

Lin Zhan was injured.

I said long ago that he could n’t resist,

Hahahaha, I guess he has been beaten to death.

Those of the Protoss sneered.

The warriors of God Realm are extremely worried,

Their faces became pale and their eyes were desperate.

Even Lin Xuan was extremely nervous. He quickly cast his reincarnation eyes and looked towards the front.

The next moment, he was a little surprised, he saw the figure of Lin Zhan.

Not just him, but those other people also found out.

At the moment Lin Zhan floated in the void, his face pale, and there was a crack on his body.

It was formed by the lightning strike of the God of Heaven.

His blood of war fell from the crack.

Didn't the dust disappear?

The people of the Taixu Shenlong family were stunned when they saw this scene.

This person's physique, too terrible?

It can be contended, Heaven and God Thunder.

Damn, am I dreaming?

Those of the ancient gods are crazy.

Thunder Dragon God, also slightly stunned, his face gloomy.

Is the opponent just injured? This physique is really unexpected!

You are the strongest one of the great gods I have ever seen, even those of the ancient gods are not as good as you.

You can indeed be proud of you,

However, it is a pity that your heritage is still a little bit worse.

Some people's powers are doomed to be born, like me, born with the God of Heaven and God Thunder.

This gap cannot be bridged by hard work.

Although you are very strong, there is no such thing as smoke, but you can't stop the heaven and earth **** thunder.

You have been injured and you will not be able to support it for long.

As long as I launch again, Heaven and God Thunder, you will definitely lose.

Now, kneel down and admit defeat, maybe I can spare you.

Thunder Dragon God is high above, just like a god.

The people around were silent, and there was a trace of despair in their hearts.

Indeed, the bloodlines of the ancients are so strong that they cannot resist them.

Even if they work hard for 10,000 years, 100,000 years, and 10 million years, how?

The gap always exists.

They are never opponents.

Forever, they must be trampled by the ancient gods.

It's really desperate to think about it!

Lin Zhan looked up at the sky. Although he was injured, his fighting intentions did not diminish.

He snorted aloud: God of Heaven and God Thunder, I have been taught.

But so.

These four words, like a shocking warhammer, shattered the world directly,

Everyone's heart shivered fiercely.

They suddenly looked up and looked forward,

They have blank brains and ca n’t believe their ears.

What did Lin Zhan say? But so!

Is this guy crazy?

I think he really doesn't know what to do.

Those of the ancient ancient gods sneered.

You have been seriously injured and can't stop the Heavenly Dao God Thunder. What are your qualifications to say such a thing?

Thunder Dragon God also sank his face, he snorted: stupid things, since you are looking for death, then I will complete you.

The next moment, he roared upwards, and the Dragon Rune on his body exploded again.

Those Thunder Dragons condensed again, spit out a terrible thunder, and flew towards the nine days.

The huge thundercloud vortex, UU reading www.uukansan. Com once again condensed, and the kind of destructive power that just disappeared emerged.

Even this time, it was even more terrible.

Thunder Dragon God is really angry, he no longer keeps his hand, he must let this arrogant guy completely disappear.

The golden thunder flickered between heaven and earth, and then suddenly rushed down.

Along with it, there is a breath of extinction, and a roar of roar.

This golden thunder seemed to turn into a golden thunder dragon, spreading its teeth and dancing claws, and instantly killed Lin Zhan.

Can Lin Zhan stop it?

Before the heyday, there was no injury and it could not be stopped.

Not to mention now, he was seriously injured.

This shot will definitely die out!

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